Occupy vs. Tea Party


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The survey also revealed that respondents have a better impression of the left-leaning protest movement known as Occupy Wall Street than they do of the Tea Party movement. Fifty-four percent of respondents harbor a positive view of the burgeoning protest movement, well above the 23% with a negative opinion. By contrast, just 27% of those surveyed have favorable views of the Tea Party. . .

Read more: http://swampland.time.com/2011/10/1...tch-ups-with-republican-rivals/#ixzz1alsvf6YR
You do realize that the occupy movement represents the interests of citizens, while the TP represents the interests of coprorations?
Oh, so it's the media's fault? Gotcha. Can't make too many trips to that particular well.

Don't need to. The media was hysterical over calling the TEA Party names and dismissing them as ridiculous on the one hand and violent racists on the other. That the left picked up their ques from media bias and parroted their mantra is not difficult to show. In fact I believe even you were a "teabagger" parrot.
Don't need to. The media was hysterical over calling the TEA Party names and dismissing them as ridiculous on the one hand and violent racists on the other. That the left picked up their ques from media bias and parroted their mantra is not difficult to show. In fact I believe even you were a "teabagger" parrot.

Don't need to what? You already did it. It's a time-honored tradition among Republicans of which you are just a mere bit player. The nice thing about it is that you never need to take the time for introspection. Blaming the media is a whole lot easier than coming to the realization that most of American thinks the Tea Party people are fucking morons.
Don't need to what? You already did it. It's a time-honored tradition among Republicans of which you are just a mere bit player. The nice thing about it is that you never need to take the time for introspection. Blaming the media is a whole lot easier than coming to the realization that most of American thinks the Tea Party people are fucking morons.

You'd have a better chance of dismissing the claim, if this were not the internet age, and bringing up reams of video proof was not easy to do.
You'd have a better chance of dismissing the claim, if this were not the internet age, and bringing up reams of video proof was not easy to do.

Reams of video proof (by the by, a "ream" is a unit of paper quantity. "Spools" of video proof would work better but since you mentioned the internet, it too would be inapplicable. Maybe you should have used the generic "scads") do not establish a causal relationship.
Reams of video proof (by the by, a "ream" is a unit of paper quantity. "Spools" of video proof would work better but since you mentioned the internet, it too would be inapplicable. Maybe you should have used the generic "scads") do not establish a causal relationship.

Oh my, I have another personal editor online... Yes, it, the medias' barrage of attacks and demeaning reportage, of the TEA Party, does show a "causal relationship" to the charge of media driven bias against the TEA Party. It further supports the notion that leftist parrots such as yourself, began pounding the same drum.
Um, the causal relationship you need to establish is the purported negative coverage of the Tea Party leading to the decline in its popularity over time.
Don't need to what? You already did it. It's a time-honored tradition among Republicans of which you are just a mere bit player. The nice thing about it is that you never need to take the time for introspection. Blaming the media is a whole lot easier than coming to the realization that most of American thinks the Tea Party people are fucking morons.

Blaming the media in not only easy, its also the undeniable truth......its easier than the time honored traditional method of you blaming Bush for everything because you were telling a lie that needed the repeated over and over (the Nazi method) by the media to convince others........
Truth is always easier....
Blaming the media in not only easy, its also the undeniable truth......its easier than the time honored traditional method of you blaming Bush for everything because you were telling a lie that needed the repeated over and over (the Nazi method) by the media to convince others........
Truth is always easier....

Cool story, bro.
Blaming the media in not only easy, its also the undeniable truth......its easier than the time honored traditional method of you blaming Bush for everything because you were telling a lie that needed the repeated over and over (the Nazi method) by the media to convince others........
Truth is always easier....

I have always thought that propoganda by repetition was more on the right - like "Al Qaeda/Saddam," or "WMD's/Saddam."

But, I just learned this week that you don't know the difference between op-ed & a news piece, so I'm not sure which "media' you're talking about.
You do realize that the occupy movement represents the interests of citizens, while the TP represents the interests of coprorations?

I realize that you can't back that up and it's nothing but hog shit. I don't listen to idiots like you. I go to the Tea Party meetings and find out for myself. You've never been to one and all you do is repeat what you hear from some idiot like Rachel Maddow who tells you how to think.
I realize that you can't back that up and it's nothing but hog shit. I don't listen to idiots like you. I go to the Tea Party meetings and find out for myself. You've never been to one and all you do is repeat what you hear from some idiot like Rachel Maddow who tells you how to think.

To give you half a clue how wrong you are, I will tell you that I have no idea who Rachel Maddow is.