Oh, What's This?


Republican smear jobs? You're kidding me! Who would have ever guessed? All we have talked about is Hillary and OBama, Obama and Hillary...after all Hillary mentioned LBJ, what a brutal fight.

Now, take a good look at some real dirty shit and remember, this is coming to the Democratic candidate, and nothing, including race, gender, crying, drug use, fake stories about being a secret Muslim agent groomed for the Presidency by Osama Bin Laden, will be off limits, ever.

And then cry to me about the vicious Clinton machine Republicans. Cry to me. Start the water works now Chap...Damo and SF will be along to back-up wail any moment.

"On Tuesday, within hours of the first reports of the veterans’ flier, Mr. McCain’s campaign held a conference call with reporters to denounce the mailing, which showed a cartoon of Mr. McCain in a prison cell. Writing on the wall behind him said “Elect Me, Elect Me, P.O.W. for President” and “An Enormous Crime, The P.O.W.’s I Helped Leave Behind.”

COLUMBIA, S.C. — Volunteers making telephone calls for Senator John McCain in South Carolina last weekend noticed something odd: Four people contacted said in remarkably similar language that they opposed Mr. McCain for president because of his 1980 divorce from his first wife, Carol, who raised the couple’s three children while Mr. McCain was a prisoner of war in Vietnam.

By Tuesday afternoon, a group calling itself Vietnam Veterans Against McCain had sent out a crude flier accusing the candidate of selling out fellow P.O.W.’s to save himself.

By Tuesday evening, a group called Common Sense Issues, which supports Mike Huckabee, had begun making what it said were a million automated calls to households in South Carolina telling voters, according to one of the calls, that Mr. McCain “has voted to use unborn babies in medical research.” (The campaign of Mr. Huckabee, a former governor of Arkansas, said it had no connection to the group and had asked it to stop the calls.)

Mr. McCain quickly fired back, but he has seen this movie before. In the 2000 South Carolina primary, one of the most notorious smear campaigns in recent American politics peddled distortions and lies about him, among them that Mr. McCain’s current wife, Cindy, was a drug addict and that the couple’s daughter Bridget, adopted from Mother Teresa’s orphanage in Bangladesh, was a black child Mr. McCain had fathered out of wedlock.

Although Mr. McCain, of Arizona, roared into the state as the upset winner in New Hampshire that year — a feat he repeated last week — eight years ago he had neither the organization nor the money to respond. He lost the state to George W. Bush, and his campaign soon derailed.

Hard lessons learned: This time Mr. McCain is deploying a South Carolina Truth Squad and much of the state’s Republican political establishment, which backed Mr. Bush in 2000. Mr. McCain, who over the last seven years methodically courted important South Carolina Republicans and showered them with money from his political action committee, now has them on board to try to intercept the attacks before there is major damage.

In 2000, said Trey Walker, Mr. McCain’s South Carolina political consultant, “it was a lot like sitting in the Norad command center looking up at that big board and seeing all these thousands of missiles coming in on you and being able to get off one little puff of smoke back.”

Now, Mr. Walker said, “If we get an indication there’s an early launch, we have certain detection devices out there, we’ll respond.”

Mr. McCain, who has acknowledged that the attacks in 2000 and his subsequent loss in South Carolina left him feeling angry and sorry for himself, now seems more determined to fight back aggressively in a state that once again could play a big part in determining the fate of his candidacy.

“We hear that phone calls are being made,” he told reporters on his campaign bus, the Straight Talk Express, on Wednesday afternoon. “We will not let it go this time.”

full story - http://www.nytimes.com/2008/01/17/us/politics/17carolina.html?pagewanted=print
sounds like the swiftboat engine is reving up.

Most of us knew this would happen.

Does anyone else smell Rove in this ?
One flaw with your complaint Dara (a guy with a girls name). McCane is the republicn in liberial clothing that the liberials and Democrats want in office when Hitlerly and Hussane can't sell us their welfare policies.

You go ahead and say McCane and Huckabee are republicans---I know better. They are liberial.
One flaw with your complaint Dara (a guy with a girls name). McCane is the republicn in liberial clothing that the liberials and Democrats wanty in office when Hitlerly and Obamma can't sell us their welfare policies.

You go ahead and say McCane and Huckabee are republicans---I know better. They are liberial.

If they are so is Romney.
The ruse of our two party systems is becoming apparent to me. Status quo, military industril complexers are now crossing party lines to support all the Illuminati candidates in the opposing party. Now darla's a John McCain fan. Interesting ain't it?

Ron Paul '08!
If they are so is Romney.

I don't entirely trust Romney. I think he is a bit slick also (as are all the Dem candidates, McCane and Huckabee). But, he did balance the budget in Utah 4 years in a row by cutting liberial government (when liberials like McCane and Huckabee would tend to raise taxes instead). He also supports a free market, probably more than Fred Thompson, and may be as much as Ron Paul.

Bottom line, Romney will put money back into your pocket (getting back your American dream), where it belongs. McCane and Huckabee are nothing more than liberials who will not lower taxes, but probably increase them.

Paul, Thompson and Romney are the most conservative on the ballot. Your statement is not true.
sure thing MM, and the easter bunny will arrive in a few months too.

seems like I remember similiar talk about Bush from his supporters.
same game different name.
sure thing MM, and the easter bunny will arrive in a few months too.

seems like I remember similiar talk about Bush from his supporters.
same game different name.

What are you talking about?

Clinton has more offshore tax free accounts than a average American citizen can dream about. I hear he started politics poor--like us. How did he get so much money?

Citizen---your stuck in the fight between the left and the right. It is not reality. The rich fucking the lower classes is the reality.
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bush was a conservative too according to his supporters.
before the election anyway....

I never thought Bush was a consertative. He spends our money like no other.

Bush was nothing but a puppet---but it is a hell of a lot better than the insane Gore. I really wish we could vote, and not say "I picked the best of two evils". But, only the evil have the big bucks to have a shot of winning.

Your logic runs in circles, like a record player, playing the dem/rep song and dance. Step back--and take a better look.
One flaw with your complaint Dara (a guy with a girls name). McCane is the republicn in liberial clothing that the liberials and Democrats want in office when Hitlerly and Hussane can't sell us their welfare policies.

You go ahead and say McCane and Huckabee are republicans---I know better. They are liberial.

Yeah that’s right, I’m the guy with the girl’s name, you wanna make something of it? A lot of fools ha ve wanted to make something of it…but never twice.

But I really can't remember when
He kicked like a mule, and he bit like a crocodile
I heard him laugh, and I then heard him cuss
He went for his gun, but I pulled mine first
He stood there lookin' at me, and I saw him smile

And he said, "Son, this world is rough,
And if a man's gonna make it he's gotta be tough
And I knew I wouldn't be there to help you along
So I give you that name, and I said good-bye
I knew you'd have to get tough or die
And it's that name that helped to make you strong"

Yeah! He said "Now you just fought one hell of a fight
And I know you hate me, and you got the right
To kill me now, and I wouldn't blame you if you do
But you aughta thank me before I die
For the gravel in your guts and the spit in your eye
'Cause I'm the son of a bitch that named you Sue"
I never thought Bush was a consertative. He spends our money like no other.

Bush was nothing but a puppet---but it is a hell of a lot better than the insane Gore. I really wish we could vote, and not say "I picked the best of two evils". But, only the evil have the big bucks to have a shot of winning.

Your logic runs in circles, like a record player, playing the dem/rep song and dance. Step back--and take a better look.

I never thought Bush was a consertative. He spends our money like no other.

Bush was nothing but a puppet---but it is a hell of a lot better than the insane Gore...

Superfreak? Is this your troll? It sounds just like you.
I never thought Bush was a consertative. He spends our money like no other.

Bush was nothing but a puppet---but it is a hell of a lot better than the insane Gore. I really wish we could vote, and not say "I picked the best of two evils". But, only the evil have the big bucks to have a shot of winning.

Your logic runs in circles, like a record player, playing the dem/rep song and dance. Step back--and take a better look.

you screwed the pooch on your choice there dude.
We know bush sucks we do not know what kind of president Gore would have been, but I find it hard to imagine he could have been worse.
Yeah that’s right, I’m the guy with the girl’s name, you wanna make something of it? A lot of fools ha ve wanted to make something of it…but never twice.

Your just another sick liberial. You using a girls name just shows me you like the SanFransicko type liberials. Do you solicite men in bathrooms also--like your fag ligberial friends?

I don't care what kind of femmist names you choose to call yourself girlie. I just hate that your a dumb fucking hippy liberial. I will make something of that any time you want. You are responsible for stealing my American dream, my money and my property. I have the right to defend my money and property, and I have motivation beyond your hippy green comprehension. If you wanna dance with me missy---you better bring your A game---cause I will beat the hell out of a liberial, and not think anything of it. I would be simply protecting my property, and I have the right to do so under our constitution. Bring it on---liberial!
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Yeah that’s right, I’m the guy with the girl’s name, you wanna make something of it? A lot of fools ha ve wanted to make something of it…but never twice.

Your just another sick liberial. You using a girls name just shows me you like the SanFransicko type liberials. Do you solicite men in bathrooms also--like your fag ligberial friends?

I don't care what kind of femmist names you choose to call yourself girlie. I just hate that your a dumb fucking hippy liberial. I will make something of that any time you want. You are responsible for stealing my American dream, my money and my property. I have the right to defend my money and property, and I have motivation beyond your hippy green comprehension. If you wanna dance with me missy---you better bring your A game---cause I will beat the hell out of a liberial, and not think anything of it. I would be simply protecting my property, and I have the right to do so under our constitution. Bring it on---liberial!


Republicans – reliably bug fuck nuts since the 19th century! Don’t settle for imitations…the name still means something!
What was it I was supposed to cry about? Oh, yes... something about Clinton owning a machine...


Feel better, Darla?
