Oh, What's This?

There is a solution to not paying the taxes that every other tax payer here pays. Leave.

You can do all those things you sugest and you will die in just a couple of years. Somehow I think you are just full of shit and will live your life just the same no matter who wins. The country will just be better off.

How about if I ask the gays to leave. What they do is try to change the country so they are accepted--and they have the right to do that. But, I see your double standard--your a liberial.

You think people can't take care of themselfs with our dying in a couple of years? that is the dumbist thing I have ever seen. You don't have any confidence in yourself, or people that have honor. Don't worry--some liberial will take my money and give it to you. Ya bum! (fitting for both meanings of the word)

You think somehow that I am full of shit? Your not sure?
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There is a solution to not paying the taxes that every other tax payer here pays. Leave.

You can do all those things you sugest and you will die in just a couple of years. Somehow I think you are just full of shit and will live your life just the same no matter who wins. The country will just be better off.

Desh, you don't pay taxes, so stfu (even though I have the feeling Desh has also ignored me now...I guess the truth hurts).
How about if I ask the gays to leave. What they do is try to change the country so they are accepted--and they have the right to do that. But, I see your double standard--your a liberial.

Ask all you want.

What are they asking you to change?

Will gays getting married end your marriage?

Man gay haters sure must have shitty marriages if thers would crumble because other people they dont even know got married.

BTW I did not ask you to leave I just gave you an option how not to pay these taxes you hate so much unless they are going to blow up Ayrabs or dark people and not doing icky things like feeding childern.
Ask all you want.

What are they asking you to change?

Will gays getting married end your marriage?

Man gay haters sure must have shitty marriages if thers would crumble because other people they dont even know got married.

BTW I did not ask you to leave I just gave you an option how not to pay these taxes you hate so much unless they are going to blow up Ayrabs or dark people and not doing icky things like feeding childern.

I notice you keep ignoring the fact that you do not pay taxes, instead taking refuge behind the non-issue of homosexuality.
I swill never understand why anyone is concerned with who and how other people have sex.

Do you lear in your neighbors windows at night to make suer they are not doing anything you disaprove of in bed?

Get a fucking clue its none of your business who or how other people love each other.

Don't blame them Desh... they are just trying to learn.

Why do you hate eductation?

I lift them. I could show you the ropes and spot you if you want to start.

I can tell you’re strangely drawn to me. Wondering what your brother knows that you don’t, I’d wager.

Yea yea---we had a "moment" right?

You think that stupid little dig of yesteryear works?

Be gay if you have to dude---I don't really care. Just don't take my money.

Is that to much to fucking ask? Let a person reep the rewards for their labor. I guess it is. Today, we reward being dependant on other people.

Desh--how much social program support do you recieve? Where is the honor welfare man? You will die, knowing you extorted money from people who actuall;y earn it. I will die happy knowing I held no one back from their dreams.
Yea yea---we had a "moment" right?

You think that stupid little dig of yesteryear works?

Be gay if you have to dude---I don't really care. Just don't take my money.

Is that to much to fucking ask? Let a person reep the rewards for their labor. I guess it is. Today, we reward being dependant on other people.

Desh--how much social program support do you recieve? Where is the honor welfare man? You will die, knowing you extorted money from people who actuall;y earn it. I will die happy knowing I held no one back from their dreams.

This guy wants me so bad.
And the repressed ones are always the wildest when they finally come out.
Desh. What on earth makes you think that people will let their neighbors go hungry? The point about taxes is a third paerty (or government) wastes our money like it grows on trees. In a privatized free market, there would be plenty of people starting organizations to help able people get on their feet and be productive. I would gladly donate some disposable income (which many simply don't have Desh) to these non profit groups that help people out directly. I would hire these people if they really want to be a productive person. The problem with most of these people is they have become dependant on us---and they like it. Many sell drugs on the side for some extra cash--and have more cash than working people do. Who the hell do you think is selling all the drugs on the streets? Working people that make little money because they are taxed a lot, and now irresponsible globalization, and people on welfare----sell all the drugs on the street.

We made them dependant---but they still choose the free market of drug manufacturing and distribution.

They want to be free. They don't want to be dependant---but they never learned how to be independant. We now teach in our government schools and liberial universities how not to be dependant---every thing we earn should go to the "good of the all". But nobody can define the "good for the all". They will take all of the money that is offered to them---for nothing.
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This guy wants me so bad.
And the repressed ones are always the wildest when they finally come out.

All straight people have heard that before Darla. It's old and worn out like your last boyfriend. I am a old womanizer that has calmed down. Yea--your a pussy--but I hate you because your a hippy liberial--not because you are gay.

I would rather try to convert you into a good American, who protects peoples freedoms and liberities, than try to convert you into being straight.

Neither is going to happen for you I fear. How about a compromise on your part, and become a liberitarian. We accept gays when your church would not.
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Desh. What on earth makes you think that people will let their neighbors go hungry? The point about taxes is a third paerty (or government) wastes our money like it grows on trees. In a privatized free market, there would be plenty of people starting organizations to help able people get on their feet and be productive. I would gladly donate some disposable income (which many simply don't have Desh) to these non profit groups that help people out directly. I would hire these people if they really want to be a productive person. The problem with most of these people is they have become dependant on us---and they like it. Many sell drugs on the side for some extra cash--and have more cash than working people do. Who the hell do you think is selling all the drugs on the streets? Working people that make little money because they are taxed a lot, and now irresponsible globalization, and people on welfare----sell all the drugs on the street.

We made them dependant---but they still choose the free market of drug manufacturing and distribution.

They want to be free. They don't want to be dependant---but they never learned how to be independant. We now teach in our government schools and liberial universities how not to be dependant---every thing we earn should go to the "good of the all". But nobody can define the "good for the all". They will take all of the money that is offered to them---for nothing.

Man you dont have a clue do you. If nieghbors would not let neighbors go hungry then why are their kids in America who go hungry?
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The philosophy started this country, and made it grow and people were able to grow much faster than the rest of the world. The two party system stoped that.

If you hate liberitarians---you hate America.

I don't hate libertarians, I like funny things.
Man you dont have a clue do you. If nieghbors would not let neighbors go hungry then why are their kids in America who go hungry?

Liberials using emotion. Show me one US citizan who died from hunger. We have the fattest people on the planet--and you think you can tell me kids go hungry here? There are a lot of fat little porkers on welfare. Your an emotional girl, with no clue. I grew up in a poor area, and the only kid I ever saw that went hungry was me---cutting weight for a HS wrestling team.

Liberials take one little problem and blow it up--just like the greens did when they said all the polar bears are dying. 4 died from thin ice, that was documented, and there are thousands more than there were in 1950.

Man--I have a clue. Liberials keep crying the children---but our children are no helped in the end with anything. That is why our public school system is failing.
Desh--if these fuckers really cared about the children of this country, we would have the best education system in the world. But---the elite really don't want a population full of educated, well informed people cabale of critical thinking. so, they say, "we want to help the children" again--and you believe them becuase you were taught in a liberial school.

man--get a clue---the politicians have been hiding behind the emotional drama fo "the chidren" for before I was born. I did not get any help as a child--my parents went to a better school.
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Good thing you were here to crack the code!


if you want some hippy gay philosophy on prozak and seeing 3 shrinks telling you how you have to live your life---good luck.

Do you liberials realize that Osama Bin Ladden wants a nice democrat in office here? That way, he can exploit their stupidity. That is a fact.

if you want some hippy gay philosophy on prozak and seeing 3 shrinks telling you how you have to live your life---good luck.

Do you liberials realize that Osama Bin Ladden wants a nice democrat in office here? That way, he can exploit their stupidity. That is a fact.

Bush is the OBL recruitment poster boy. he has been their best friend.

"Using emotion"

Humans are designed to care about each other.

It is those who dont care about others who are mentally Ill.

Desh--you live in la la land man--put the pipe down.

Huumans are designed to care about eachother? I beg to differ. Humans are the most savasge animals on the planet. we are the only animal that murders eachother--for example. your utopian idealisms will break all of our wallets, and we won't even be able to help ourselfs.

Believe me, I care for people just as much if not more than you do, but I help them out directly under my will, instead of having it stolen from me by liberials.

I tell people to get up---you tell them to lie down.

now they lie there--waiting for a handout.

Guandi never took my money agaist my will. Mother teresa never took my money. The march of dimes or the red cross never took my money against my will (and I just donated a brand new leather jacket last week). What makes you think you have the right to take my money? your no Guandi--your a theif.

I promote individuals taking care of themselfs---you promote expensive welfare that the working class can no lomnger afford. Rethink which one of us is mentally ill.
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