Oil prices soar

wait they have a solution to replace oil. LOFL

Oil is dirt cheap, econ-nazi's will continue to fly to Europe and spit on republicans driving SUV's.
wait they have a solution to replace oil. LOFL

Oil is dirt cheap, econ-nazi's will continue to fly to Europe and spit on republicans driving SUV's.

There are several things we can do to replace part of the oil we consume. We have the tech today to switch to nat gas vehicles. We just need to build out the infrastructure.... and of course drill our nat gas resources. So 5-10 years out minimum.

As for right now... oil is hardly dirt cheap... though it is pretty close to fair value under the circumstances.
There are several things we can do to replace part of the oil we consume. We have the tech today to switch to nat gas vehicles. We just need to build out the infrastructure.... and of course drill our nat gas resources. So 5-10 years out minimum.

As for right now... oil is hardly dirt cheap... though it is pretty close to fair value under the circumstances.

thanks 30 yrs in the industry I'd never see that

Oil is dirt cheap, otherwise we'd be 10yrs into that plan and many others.
cng is in a lot of fleet vehicles already.

We'll be old before lots of cars are using it. You can buy a home filling station now, but good luck finding one on the road. Obama does have a $30,000 per pump credit for the station owners which will add some.
cng is in a lot of fleet vehicles already.

We'll be old before lots of cars are using it. You can buy a home filling station now, but good luck finding one on the road. Obama does have a $30,000 per pump credit for the station owners which will add some.
I'm very tempted... all I need is to find the engine itself. Those are kinda rare.
There are several things we can do to replace part of the oil we consume. We have the tech today to switch to nat gas vehicles. We just need to build out the infrastructure.... and of course drill our nat gas resources. So 5-10 years out minimum.

As for right now... oil is hardly dirt cheap... though it is pretty close to fair value under the circumstances.

I'm very tempted... all I need is to find the engine itself. Those are kinda rare.

Yeah, I tempted to install a very big hamster wheel under the hood with popcorn starter.....still in the design stage now.....:palm:
Soon.....very, very soon....the left-wing pinheads will be asking, "why aren't we drilling in Anwar and the Gulf of Mexico and California, and
E V E R Y W H E R E "

(STY, msg #4) no they won't. this is exactly what they want in order to push green energy solutions.

I want the old-fashioned, full-of-lead gas! I just had a complete body job done along with a paint job and some chrome on my classic and I don't give a damn how much gas costs. I'll pour enough lead substitute in to pollute the entire G-damn neighborhood if I have to. :rant:

(I feel better now.) :D