OK, Check This: I will NOT Come Here and Tell the Negative Truth about Obama Any More


New member
That's right, you will NOT be faced with the Uncomfortable Prospect of Learning the TRUTH (because I have NEVER written something about him that is not an Established Fact), about your Candidate any more, I will NOT give you the Uncomfortable Details, of the man you are Choosing to Lead ALL the People of America, IF:

There are at least THREE (3) Liberal Democrat Obama Supporters, that can give at least THREE REASONS EACH, why THIS MAN, with HIS Voting Record, his positions on "Rich People", "Whites", Partial Birth Abortion, his Inexperience, his Positions on Dangerous Foreign Policy, Anti-American Terrorist-Sponsoring Nations, the Fact that we know VERY LITTLE, about what he would DO, because he ALWAYS speaks in PLATITUDES, like "Hope and Change", gives Very Little DETAIL on How he FEELS about American Business, except recent announcements of Tax Penalties for them.

Also conidering his Character, Judgement, and Integrity. We are possibly giving this man the POWER to APPOINT LIFETIME JUDGESHIPS, that can TEAR the Social Fabric of this Nation, as we have SEEN some Judges in the 9th Circuit attempt to do. We cannot have a RADICAL PERSON in that Position of Power. You must judge the Character and Judgement of someone who has SURROUNDED HIMSELF with people of VERY RADICAL VIEWS.


This is Mr. Obama's TRUTHFUL PAST, and as I said, if 3 of his Supporters can each give 3 reasons, why HE WOULD BE A GOOD CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT, and NOT just a comparison, or a Bash against McCain or Pres. Bush, but REAL REASONS TO VOTE FOR OBAMA, 3 each, from 3 supporters, then I will NOT come on this Website and make Liberals uncomfortable, pointing out the Truth about Mr. Obama, EVER AGAIN.
What's samatta, desh baby, you CAN'T NAME 3 REAL REASONS TO VOTE FOR HIM, CAN YOU? I didn't think any of you WOULD.

Oh, and "uscitizen", (if you ARE one), a "Negative Truth", in THIS case, is a Truth that shines a NEGATIVE LIGHT on Mr. "Hope and Change, and not much else." So why don't you TRY and NAME 3 REASONS, WHY we should make THIS MAN, with SO Little Expeience, and SO MANY "Negatives" against him, the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH?
What's samatta, desh baby, you CAN'T NAME 3 REAL REASONS TO VOTE FOR HIM, CAN YOU? I didn't think any of you WOULD.

Oh, and "uscitizen", (if you ARE one), a "Negative Truth", in THIS case, is a Truth that shines a NEGATIVE LIGHT on Mr. "Hope and Change, and not much else." So why don't you TRY and NAME 3 REASONS, WHY we should make THIS MAN, with SO Little Expeience, and SO MANY "Negatives" against him, the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH?

sounds llike what I said about bush 8 years ago.
No jollie I can only stand to read about the first line of anything you post because its rambling crazy ass shit.

If you want someone to really answer you try starting with just one issue that is based on real fact and Ill bet more people will actually answer you.

Your crap reads like it come from an raving lunatic.
Uh, uscitizen, I think her name is "desh". Mrs. Dash is a spice compination, for people who can't use salt. And you may have asked similar things about Bush, but BUSH didn't have 186 Days in the Senate as his experience, BUSH didn't have a Pack of Racist, Anti-American "Pastors" as his Spiritual Fathers, BUSH didn't have TERRORIST PENTAGON BOMBERS as his Buddies, and BUSH didn't have an Anti-Business, Anti-Capitalist Attitude, Preaching "TAX HIKES FOR EVERYONE!", like he was passing out Candy, saving his BIGGEST "Tax Penalties" for Companies who are Committing the CRIME of Being SUCCESSFUL!
No, please DON'T insult the President, by comparing him to THIS Socialist, Racist, Empty Suit.
Hey desh, that's a POOR EXCUSE, for NOT being able to name just THREE REASONS TO VOTE FOR OBAMA, Bwaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahahaha!
Bwecause of my WRITING STYLE, Haaaahahahaha!
Uh, uscitizen, I think her name is "desh". Mrs. Dash is a spice compination, for people who can't use salt. And you may have asked similar things about Bush, but BUSH didn't have 186 Days in the Senate as his experience, BUSH didn't have a Pack of Racist, Anti-American "Pastors" as his Spiritual Fathers, BUSH didn't have TERRORIST PENTAGON BOMBERS as his Buddies, and BUSH didn't have an Anti-Business, Anti-Capitalist Attitude, Preaching "TAX HIKES FOR EVERYONE!", like he was passing out Candy, saving his BIGGEST "Tax Penalties" for Companies who are Committing the CRIME of Being SUCCESSFUL!
No, please DON'T insult the President, by comparing him to THIS Socialist, Racist, Empty Suit.

A typo on Desh, my apologies to Desh.

on the rest, that is my point.
"On the rest", "illegalalien"? "On the rest"? What ABOUT, "On the rest"? You didn't SAY anything about "the rest". Is ANYTHING I said, in that paragraph, about Obama, is ANYTHING a LIE? Is it UNTRUE? Just TELL me WHICH PART, and I'll SHOW YOU WHERE is SAYS HE HAS a.)Racist, Anti-American Pastors, as "Spiritual Fathers, or b.) TERRORIST PENTAGON BOMBERS as freinds. Do you NEED me to SHOW you, "uscitizen?

I didn't THINK so.
What's samatta, desh baby, you CAN'T NAME 3 REAL REASONS TO VOTE FOR HIM, CAN YOU? I didn't think any of you WOULD.

Oh, and "uscitizen", (if you ARE one), a "Negative Truth", in THIS case, is a Truth that shines a NEGATIVE LIGHT on Mr. "Hope and Change, and not much else." So why don't you TRY and NAME 3 REASONS, WHY we should make THIS MAN, with SO Little Expeience, and SO MANY "Negatives" against him, the MOST POWERFUL MAN ON EARTH?

1) He's a well respected gentleman throughout the world.
2) He looks hot in blue jeans.
3) He will kill more babies, solving the worlds energy problems.
1) He's going to tax the fuck out of rich whites.
2) He's going to end the war sooner than McCain will.
3) He's willing to open talks with Iran because he realizes that speaking to countries diplomatically is not a gift, it's a fucking no-brainer.

Okay, one more set:
1) You hate him, so he must be the right guy for the job. You sure were wrong (and still are) about the current dude.
2) He speaks eloquently. The fact that you don't understand what anyone's saying unless they're wordsmithing and have a Texas accent doesn't make their message less full. I suggest you actually listen to the guy speak instead of listening to Rush tell you about what he says. He spoke very in-depth on the economy and laid out the very dramatic differences between he and McCain yesterday on NPR.
3) His former pastor hates America and wants us all dead. That's a message I want to see carried to Washington.
1) He's going to tax the fuck out of rich whites.

It is not rich whites that will be the target of taxes, it will be successful people that employ others. There will be less money in the economy to be spent on commerce thereby lowering the standard of living for everyone. Raising taxes - great idea. Why should he stop with taxing the rich. Why not start on the Middle Class. They really do not do anything as far as employing anyone. What he needs to do is to go after business too and tax the hell out of them. Why should they enjoy a lifestyle with perks when most of the world is impoverished? It just is not fair. What is the ethical excuse that some should have more than others?

2) He's going to end the war sooner than McCain will.

How is he going to do that? I have not actually heard him say how this will be accomplished.

3) He's willing to open talks with Iran because he realizes that speaking to countries diplomatically is not a gift, it's a fucking no-brainer.

Great. It is about time that someone started speaking to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a person that has publicly sworn to destroy Israel and America. It is good to see that Obama can trust whatever he says.
It is not rich whites that will be the target of taxes, it will be successful people that employ others. There will be less money in the economy to be spent on commerce thereby lowering the standard of living for everyone. Raising taxes - great idea. Why should he stop with taxing the rich. Why not start on the Middle Class. They really do not do anything as far as employing anyone. What he needs to do is to go after business too and tax the hell out of them. Why should they enjoy a lifestyle with perks when most of the world is impoverished? It just is not fair. What is the ethical excuse that some should have more than others?

How is he going to do that? I have not actually heard him say how this will be accomplished.

Great. It is about time that someone started speaking to Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a person that has publicly sworn to destroy Israel and America. It is good to see that Obama can trust whatever he says.

point 1: 1990s. End of story.

point 2: I'm not sure yet, but I'll bet you the guy who goes into office saying he's going to try is going to get there more quickly than the guy saying it's not important when the troops come home and we may well be there for 100 years.
Open diplomacy is a good thing.

And it was a mistranslation, point of fact, that he claimed he wanted to nuke Israel or something similar. It was something far less crazy sounding - which is why it never got corrected. It's easy to dismiss people when you can keep a lie alive.

"Juan Cole, a professor of Middle Eastern studies at University of Michigan who reads Persian, explains that he actually stated (quoting the late Ayatollah Khomeini): 'The Imam said that this regime occupying Jerusalem (een rezhim-e ishghalgar-e qods) must [vanish from] from the page of time (bayad az safheh-ye ruzgar mahv shavad).'"

A quick google will teach you something.
point 1: 1990s. End of story.

"End of story"... you did not explain anything. And what exactly did Bill Clinton do for the economy. The economic strength of the 1990s came from the Reagan tax cuts and growth from the mid to late 1980s.

So you think that raising taxes on productivity is a great idea.

point 2: I'm not sure yet, but I'll bet you the guy who goes into office saying he's going to try is going to get there more quickly than the guy saying it's not important when the troops come home and we may well be there for 100 years.

You mean you have no answer. If you believe that he will just remove a brigade every month until everyone is home is ludicrous. If you leave under a departure of weakness, you will not have solved anything and will in all probability the problem will only reappear in the future, especially when you consider the radical nature of Iran. One of the reasons we should stay in Iraq is because that helps to ensure that no other country will attack Iraq. We are still in Japan and Germany after 60+ years of what Liberals refer to as "Occupation". By keeping an American presence in the area, we are able to respond to security threats and disasters to the host country and countries nearby.

point 3.... you failed to respond to point 3.
"End of story"... you did not explain anything. And what exactly did Bill Clinton do for the economy. The economic strength of the 1990s came from the Reagan tax cuts and growth from the mid to late 1980s.

So you think that raising taxes on productivity is a great idea.

You mean you have no answer. If you believe that he will just remove a brigade every month until everyone is home is ludicrous. If you leave under a departure of weakness, you will not have solved anything and will in all probability the problem will only reappear in the future, especially when you consider the radical nature of Iran. One of the reasons we should stay in Iraq is because that helps to ensure that no other country will attack Iraq. We are still in Japan and Germany after 60+ years of what Liberals refer to as "Occupation". By keeping an American presence in the area, we are able to respond to security threats and disasters to the host country and countries nearby.

point 3.... you failed to respond to point 3.

I'll spell it out for you: repealing the Bush tax cuts, which you said would destroy the economy, is oddly reminiscent of what we heard from the Republicans in 1993 when Clinton got his economic package passed before the Republicans took over. You know what? The tax brackets in the 90s worked. The ones right now are not working, clearly.