OK, Check This: I will NOT Come Here and Tell the Negative Truth about Obama Any More

I responded to point three. I realized I forgot about it after I submitted my reply and made a post about it immediately afterward.
I'll spell it out for you: repealing the Bush tax cuts, which you said would destroy the economy, is oddly reminiscent of what we heard from the Republicans in 1993 when Clinton got his economic package passed before the Republicans took over. You know what? The tax brackets in the 90s worked. The ones right now are not working, clearly.

I do not think that removing capital investment from the private sector is a good idea, but I guess you do. That is what increased taxes do. Perhaps we could go back to the 70% taxes from the Carter Administration.

If you think that increasing taxes is a good idea, why not increase taxes for everyone? Why just the rich? If it is a good idea, show me the formula that shows where the cutoff should be.

When Clinton increased taxes on the rich as promised in his election, it was stated in the debates that only people earning over $150K/yr would be affected. As it turned out, taxes were raised with anyone earning over $45K. Remember the speech he gave. I have worked harder than I have worked on anything in my life, but I have to raise taxes on incomes over $45K.

Bill Clinton even stated in 1994 that he felt that he raised taxes too much.

Name one country that has taxed its citizens into prosperity.

I guess you are forgetting the Luxury Tax. It was a tax on "Luxury" items valued over $100,000. It almost killed the yacht industry. I know you do not care anything about that, but it caused many to become unemployed.

New businesses need investment capital to start and grow. If you remove that money from the economy, which is what happens with taxation of excess money from rich people, you harm the growth of the economy. If you want businesses to compete with Wal Mart, taxing the people that provide the investment capitial is not going to help... it is going to harm.

Perhaps you might want to take another look at who is going to be the victim of these tax increases. What kind of income does it take to live in San Francisco and New York? When a three bedroom costs $750K+, you have to be making over $100K/yr in order afford the mortgage.
Why should I care about israel, they don't have any oil.

Perhaps because they are our allies and they are outnumbered 100 to 1.

You made the assertion that you were a law enforcement officer. At least you stated that you carried a badge. I gave you the benefit of the doubt without question. Did I assume too much about you? How can you ask that question if you really are a peace officer?

Why should you care about anyone that has to contend with the promise of annihilation from just about every Muslim country in the world?

Remember, when they finish with Israel, they are coming after us.
I do not think that removing capital investment from the private sector is a good idea, but I guess you do. That is what increased taxes do. Perhaps we could go back to the 70% taxes from the Carter Administration.

If you think that increasing taxes is a good idea, why not increase taxes for everyone? Why just the rich? If it is a good idea, show me the formula that shows where the cutoff should be.

When Clinton increased taxes on the rich as promised in his election, it was stated in the debates that only people earning over $150K/yr would be affected. As it turned out, taxes were raised with anyone earning over $45K. Remember the speech he gave. I have worked harder than I have worked on anything in my life, but I have to raise taxes on incomes over $45K.

Bill Clinton even stated in 1994 that he felt that he raised taxes too much.

Name one country that has taxed its citizens into prosperity.

I guess you are forgetting the Luxury Tax. It was a tax on "Luxury" items valued over $100,000. It almost killed the yacht industry. I know you do not care anything about that, but it caused many to become unemployed.

New businesses need investment capital to start and grow. If you remove that money from the economy, which is what happens with taxation of excess money from rich people, you harm the growth of the economy. If you want businesses to compete with Wal Mart, taxing the people that provide the investment capitial is not going to help... it is going to harm.

Perhaps you might want to take another look at who is going to be the victim of these tax increases. What kind of income does it take to live in San Francisco and New York? When a three bedroom costs $750K+, you have to be making over $100K/yr in order afford the mortgage.

I could name some very prosperous countries in Europe that are extremely tax-heavy, in answer to your question. Taxing yourself into prosperity is a gross misrepresentation of what the goal of taxation is. The goal of taxation isn't to feed the economy, it's to make government run efficiently and accomplish what you decide needs to be accomplished. We've decided as a country that limited welfare, war, and entitlements are important and worth the taxes it takes to fund them.

France, England, and every other industrialized country on the planet, on the other hand, has decided as that healthcare is also of utmost importance and they tolerate taxation we would find hard to stomach.

If wealth is all you're concerned with, then you have a very skewed outlook on the world and my goodness, no wonder you're a Republican hack. If generating wealth is the most important thing to you, then you can sit and spin for all I care. Humanity comes first in my book.

And the victim of tax increases? I will be saving far more under Obama's tax plan than McCain's.


And you know what? Spending on the top bracket and assuming it turns into capital investment is just plan wrong-headed. It's been a failure time and time again and has ALWAYS led to recession. Trickle-down economics is as dead as Keynsianism, but believe it or not they still find morons like you to cast votes for them.
I could name some very prosperous countries in Europe that are extremely tax-heavy, in answer to your question. Taxing yourself into prosperity is a gross misrepresentation of what the goal of taxation is. The goal of taxation isn't to feed the economy, it's to make government run efficiently and accomplish what you decide needs to be accomplished. We've decided as a country that limited welfare, war, and entitlements are important and worth the taxes it takes to fund them.

How much more money do you want the government to have? Taxation does not make the government run more efficiently. Where did you get that from? Increased taxation only increases the size of government.

France, England, and every other industrialized country on the planet, on the other hand, has decided as that healthcare is also of utmost importance and they tolerate taxation we would find hard to stomach.

We have healthcare, but the more government interferes with the implementation of healthcare, the lower the standard. Do you want some government bureaucrat deciding what is the proper level of healthcare you deserve? Do you really want to allow someone else to make the decisions that affect your healthcare? Do you trust the government that much?

Do you want Healthcare to turn into a trip to the DMV?

If wealth is all you're concerned with, then you have a very skewed outlook on the world and my goodness, no wonder you're a Republican hack. If generating wealth is the most important thing to you, then you can sit and spin for all I care. Humanity comes first in my book.

How much of your money do you want the government to have? Regardless of the Party in power, when has any government ever done anything efficiently?

And the victim of tax increases? I will be saving far more under Obama's tax plan than McCain's.

So why is it that you should save your money but not someone else? Why should you be so entitled? Why do you want to keep more of what you earn? What happened to Humanity?


And you know what? Spending on the top bracket and assuming it turns into capital investment is just plan wrong-headed. It's been a failure time and time again and has ALWAYS led to recession. Trickle-down economics is as dead as Keynsianism, but believe it or not they still find morons like you to cast votes for them.

Well, lets see. There are three choices. You can either spend or donate your excess wealth or you can invest it and use your money to work for you. The third option is to keep it in your mattress.

Under Jimmy Carter, the top tax rate was 70% and we had double digit inflation, massive unemployment, and a misery index used to determine how miserable life was. Under Reagan, we had a top tax rate of ~35%, lower, single digit inflation, and a roaring economy. After his first administration, he was re-elected with the phase, "Are you better off today than four years ago."
So Reagan is responsible for the 80s AND the 90s! Amazing logic.

And if government health care means a longer life and more money in my pocket (and it does - we're 44th in the world on healthcare, beaten by even Cuba) then yes. Count me in.

It's a matter of meeting standards of living. Taxing the poor and not the rich (BUSH) to the same degree is hugely unfair on a very basic level. Even a kindergartner could tell you that. But you know this already.

The funny part is that you vote against your best interests, unless you're super wealthy. And I doubt that. I suspect you're pasty white, uber Christian, male, and rural. How many out of 4?
It's racist to doubt President Obama.

It's racist to question President Obama.

It's racist to oppose President Obama.

It's racist to vote less than 3 times for President Obama.

It's racist to neglect to call him "President" Obama.
Perhaps because they are our allies and they are outnumbered 100 to 1.

You made the assertion that you were a law enforcement officer. At least you stated that you carried a badge. I gave you the benefit of the doubt without question. Did I assume too much about you? How can you ask that question if you really are a peace officer?

Why should you care about anyone that has to contend with the promise of annihilation from just about every Muslim country in the world?

Remember, when they finish with Israel, they are coming after us.

What does being a law officer have to do with it? Israel is not in my jurisdiction nor do they follow our laws.

I swore to uphold the laws of my country to the best of my ability, not those of Israel.

Why are you so receptive to terror tactics ?
What does being a law officer have to do with it? Israel is not in my jurisdiction nor do they follow our laws.

I swore to uphold the laws of my country to the best of my ability, not those of Israel.

Why are you so receptive to terror tactics ?

No one is asking you to uphold the laws of Israel. You are the one that mentioned you were an officer of the law.

"Why should I care about israel, they don't have any oil."​

So you only care about what they can do for you, not what is right or wrong. Is this the attitude that you share with those you are sworn to protect? Would you not try and protect someone that could not offer you anything in return?

What terror tactics are you referring to?
And if government health care means a longer life and more money in my pocket (and it does - we're 44th in the world on healthcare, beaten by even Cuba) then yes. Count me in.

So, Cuba beat us. Would you go to Cuba for healthcare? Even Castro refused to have the Cuban healthcare system work on him. He want to Spain.

It's a matter of meeting standards of living. Taxing the poor and not the rich (BUSH) to the same degree is hugely unfair on a very basic level. Even a kindergartner could tell you that. But you know this already.

So you are saying that some people should pay more than their fair share? You are saying that others should be burdened with paying for your entitlements.

I am not saying that the poor should pay the same amount as the rich, but the same percentage.

The funny part is that you vote against your best interests, unless you're super wealthy. And I doubt that. I suspect you're pasty white, uber Christian, male, and rural. How many out of 4?

I am not super wealthy by any means. Last year both state and federal government received approximately $30K from me in total income taxes. This does not include other taxes that are tacked on to everything else in life. You got one out of four. 25% - failing no matter what school you attend.

What does being a law officer have to do with it? Israel is not in my jurisdiction nor do they follow our laws.

I swore to uphold the laws of my country to the best of my ability, not those of Israel.

Why are you so receptive to terror tactics ?

Now us cit is claiming to be a sworn officer of the law...and what pray tell jurisdiction do you work for...after all you claim to be so busy with your consulting at $75.00 per hour and your two businesses on the side...are you a 'Reserve Deputy' in a far away and undisclosed county in the backwoods of rural Kentucky?:rolleyes: