Ok if limbagh wants to change Conservatism...


Well...the right is right
Who do these blow hards think they are? I understand these 'intellectuals' think their so smart but what on Earth make them think they can change the house the Goldwater and Reagan built, Lower Taxes, Limited Government, Strong national Defense, Are these no longer the principles of the Conservative movement, because it's obvious they don't fit anywhere in Romney's record, and McCain has a 23 year record of fighting for such things as requiring a super majority, or 60 votes to raise our taxes, strengthening our national Security, and generally trying to get the government off our backs, since apparently I am no longer one, where do all us Goldwater Conservatives Go? I'm sick of it, I've thrown away all my hannity and coulter books away, changed the one radio station I listened too off the station playing Rush in my area, I don't want anything to do with these people anymore, why are they trying to tear he party apart, because they obviously are not principled people. But seriously where do we go, since these boneheads are trying to throw the election for the Democrats?

watch the youtube video, Romney supporting gays in the boy scouts, flopping on abortion, flopping on affirmative action, and they ask him to name his biggest flaw he sits there gloating over himself until they have to remind him it's a question about his biggest flaw, which drew a loud applause. Look at the real mitt romney, look at mann coulter's and rush limbaghumbugs, 'Conservative' candidate.
And HOW do they ignore that McCain gets an 83% from the American COnservative Union. The conservative wing of the republican party is falling apart. Someone call all the kings horses and all the kings men.
Who do these blow hards think they are? I understand these 'intellectuals' think their so smart but what on Earth make them think they can change the house the Goldwater and Reagan built, Lower Taxes, Limited Government, Strong national Defense, Are these no longer the principles of the Conservative movement, because it's obvious they don't fit anywhere in Romney's record, and McCain has a 23 year record of fighting for such things as requiring a super majority, or 60 votes to raise our taxes, strengthening our national Security, and generally trying to get the government off our backs, since apparently I am no longer one, where do all us Goldwater Conservatives Go? I'm sick of it, I've thrown away all my hannity and coulter books away, changed the one radio station I listened too off the station playing Rush in my area, I don't want anything to do with these people anymore, why are they trying to tear he party apart, because they obviously are not principled people. But seriously where do we go, since these boneheads are trying to throw the election for the Democrats?


They're intellectuals? What?
"Conservative" is an empty shell of a word completely devoid of any concrete meaning whatsoever. It's basically a label Republicans throw on things or people that they like and withhold from things or people that they dislike.

Rush hates McCain, therefore Rush refuses to bestow McCain with the coveted appellation. Rush hearts Romney, therefore Rush slaps the "true conservative" label on him. It's that simple.
Gimme a fucking break. You are no Goldwater conservative and neither is McCain. Goldwater did not even like the man.
"Conservative" is an empty shell of a word completely devoid of any concrete meaning whatsoever. It's basically a label Republicans throw on things or people that they like and withhold from things or people that they dislike.

Rush hates McCain, therefore Rush refuses to bestow McCain with the coveted appellation. Rush hearts Romney, therefore Rush slaps the "true conservative" label on him. It's that simple.

I think you're right, it's disgusting...
That's funny. And he calls them intellectuals. What a retard.

hence the quoteations 'intellectuals' it's a writing technique used to mock something, moron, here's a lesson for you, I know and I'm sorry but it's time to read now...

Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realizes that a word is not being used in its current commonly-accepted sense.
In the fifteenth century, we “knew” that the Sun’s revolution divided day from night.Woody Allen joked, “I’m astounded by people who want to ‘know’ the universe when it’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.” In addition to conveying a neutral attitude and to call attention to a neologism or a slang or special terminology (also known as jargon), quoting can also indicate words or phrases that are descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy, startling, humorous, or metaphoric:
Dawkins's concept of the meme could be described as an "evolving idea".
People use quotation marks in this way to:
  • indicate descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy words or phrases
  • indicate descriptive but startling, humorous, or metaphoric words or phrases
gasp, I know, you can learn a whole lot more about the English language at your local community college, give it a whack, before you idiotically run your mouth again, preferably...
According to linberger... there are three legs to the Republican chair...

1. National security
2. conservative fiscal policy
3. conservative social values

all equally important
There are basically three main categories of the Conservative movement,

Strong National Defense
Smart balanced budgets, limited taxes, limited Central Government, more states rights.
Upholding American values, not just our Christian heritage, but our American heritage as well.

McCain is a lock on the first two, and I'm sure social Conservatives would rather John McCain than Clinton, or the most liberal member of the Senate rubber stamping a socialist pro Atheists agenda...
Didn't you hear Lott talking about how talk radio was coming to run America? I almost sort of came to respect my senator in his last few years in office.
hence the quoteations 'intellectuals' it's a writing technique used to mock something, moron, here's a lesson for you, I know and I'm sorry but it's time to read now...

Quotation marks are also used to indicate that the writer realizes that a word is not being used in its current commonly-accepted sense.
In the fifteenth century, we “knew” that the Sun’s revolution divided day from night.Woody Allen joked, “I’m astounded by people who want to ‘know’ the universe when it’s hard enough to find your way around Chinatown.” In addition to conveying a neutral attitude and to call attention to a neologism or a slang or special terminology (also known as jargon), quoting can also indicate words or phrases that are descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy, startling, humorous, or metaphoric:
Dawkins's concept of the meme could be described as an "evolving idea".
People use quotation marks in this way to:
  • indicate descriptive but unusual, colloquial, folksy words or phrases
  • indicate descriptive but startling, humorous, or metaphoric words or phrases

It would imply to me that you see them as pseudo intellectuals. But even that is a joke. Hannity, Limbaugh and Coulter are partisan hacks, kinda like you.
Who do these blow hards think they are? I understand these 'intellectuals' think their so smart but what on Earth make them think they can change the house the Goldwater and Reagan built, Lower Taxes, Limited Government, Strong national Defense, Are these no longer the principles of the Conservative movement, because it's obvious they don't fit anywhere in Romney's record, and McCain has a 23 year record of fighting for such things as requiring a super majority, or 60 votes to raise our taxes, strengthening our national Security, and generally trying to get the government off our backs, since apparently I am no longer one, where do all us Goldwater Conservatives Go? I'm sick of it, I've thrown away all my hannity and coulter books away, changed the one radio station I listened too off the station playing Rush in my area, I don't want anything to do with these people anymore, why are they trying to tear he party apart, because they obviously are not principled people. But seriously where do we go, since these boneheads are trying to throw the election for the Democrats?


Just a bit wound up there ?