Ok if limbagh wants to change Conservatism...

There are basically three main categories of the Conservative movement,

Strong National Defense
Smart balanced budgets, limited taxes, limited Central Government, more states rights.
Upholding American values, not just our Christian heritage, but our American heritage as well.

McCain is a lock on the first two, and I'm sure social Conservatives would rather John McCain than Clinton, or the most liberal member of the Senate rubber stamping a socialist pro Atheists agenda...

Yeah it started out that way and the result is that it appears power corrupts Republicans even faster than it does Democrats.
No it was a matter of to many claiming the mantle who were big fakes, we need to weed those people out the party, as they cost us everything, with their out of control spending, and limbaghhhh endorses one.
No it was a matter of to many claiming the mantle who were big fakes, we need to weed those people out the party, as they cost us everything, with their out of control spending, and limbaghhhh endorses one.

yeah you do, but it is a scarially high percentage of weeds in your party all the way up. The bottom rungs are no doubt the cleanest.
keep supporting juan mcamnesty wrl :) Keep supporting the guy that basically every conservative talking head in this country is starting to turn against. You are fooling yourself if you think he is going to keep your taxes low, or not nominate shithead judges to the supreme court.
John McCain has fought for many times, and even sponsored legislation to require a super-majority to raise our taxes, you're fooling yourself if you think McCain is a tax and spend kinda a guy, he's a hack and slash kinda guy. Just what we need right now...
mccain is no conservative. No real conservative would like to be the vice presidential candidate for John Kerry. Or be endorsed by about every single liberal newspaper.. why do you think that is wrl? You've fooled yourself completely. it's pathetic.
There are basically three main categories of the Conservative movement,

Strong National Defense
Smart balanced budgets, limited taxes, limited Central Government, more states rights.
Upholding American values, not just our Christian heritage, but our American heritage as well.

McCain is a lock on the first two, and I'm sure social Conservatives would rather John McCain than Clinton, or the most liberal member of the Senate rubber stamping a socialist pro Atheists agenda...

When has McCain been for limited government or states rights? He supports the imperial presidency, infringements on speech (and he is not done here... he wants more), federal regulation of sports, his position on illegal immigration is poor, heavy regulations of industry (see pharmas, lenders) and his opposition to the tax cuts was based on class warfare rhetoric not the need for spending cuts. The warfare state does not allow for limited government.

McCain once wrote that Teddy Roosevelt “invented the modern presidency by liberally interpreting the constitutional authority of the office to redress the imbalance of power between the executive and legislative branches that had tilted decisively toward Congress.”

He has said that our global percentage of defense spending (over 50%) is too small.

He MIGHT appear a little more limited government on some matters than the last asshole you supported, but that is a long way from actually being for limited government.

keep supporting juan mcamnesty wrl :) Keep supporting the guy that basically every conservative talking head in this country is starting to turn against. You are fooling yourself if you think he is going to keep your taxes low, or not nominate shithead judges to the supreme court.

His primary concern in judges is likely to be preservation of his attack on free speech.
mccain is no conservative. No real conservative would like to be the vice presidential candidate for John Kerry. Or be endorsed by about every single liberal newspaper.. why do you think that is wrl? You've fooled yourself completely. it's pathetic.

What don't you get, John Kerry stupidly threw that out before even asking and John McCain quickly slapped it down. How can you blame him for that. McCain's been endorsed by many papers, Conservative to Liberal, that's one of his strengths he's a big tent canidate, not a 1/3 the party candidate.
When has McCain been for limited government or states rights? He supports the imperial presidency, infringements on speech (and he is not done here... he wants more), federal regulation of sports, his position on illegal immigration is poor, heavy regulations of industry (see pharmas, lenders) and his opposition to the tax cuts was based on class warfare rhetoric not the need for spending cuts. The warfare state does not allow for limited government.

McCain once wrote that Teddy Roosevelt “invented the modern presidency by liberally interpreting the constitutional authority of the office to redress the imbalance of power between the executive and legislative branches that had tilted decisively toward Congress.”

He has said that our global percentage of defense spending (over 50%) is too small.

He MIGHT appear a little more limited government on some matters than the last asshole you supported, but that is a long way from actually being for limited government.


his whole career, since joining the Reagan Revolution. On CFR, Trying to take big money out of politicians pockets is not an infringement of free speech, the richest 1%, or corporations shouldn't get a louder voice than the rest of us because they can afford it, tieing free speech to the amount of money you have is an infringement on the first amendment, not the other way around. We the people includes more than the richest 1%. And he is not a burdensome candidate on Business lets see some legislation that's anti business.
mccain is no conservative. No real conservative would like to be the vice presidential candidate for John Kerry. Or be endorsed by about every single liberal newspaper.. why do you think that is wrl? You've fooled yourself completely. it's pathetic.


Who ran with Kerry, Grind?

Is this some desperate attempt at guilt by association?
keep supporting juan mcamnesty wrl :) Keep supporting the guy that basically every conservative talking head in this country is starting to turn against. You are fooling yourself if you think he is going to keep your taxes low, or not nominate shithead judges to the supreme court.

You mean like more conservative judges that will bend over backwards while the government grows and swallows my civil liberties? Yep. All Republicans do that. Stupid government loving conservatives.
the point is that mccain is every liberal's favorite son in this country and wrl is slobbering all over him.
look at his record the he has an 85% rating among Conservatives. And he was never close to running with John Kerry.
his whole career, since joining the Reagan Revolution. On CFR, Trying to take big money out of politicians pockets is not an infringement of free speech, the richest 1%, or corporations shouldn't get a louder voice than the rest of us because they can afford it, tieing free speech to the amount of money you have is an infringement on the first amendment, not the other way around. We the people includes more than the richest 1%. And he is not a burdensome candidate on Business lets see some legislation that's anti business.

McCain Feingold is an infringement on free speech. He fucking called on the courts to ban the speech of right to life group who was advocating that Feingold give an up or down vote on judges because Feingold was up for reelection. If you are unsure if that is a violation of free speech then you don't what free speech means.


And he had no problem helping himself to Keating's money and doing his bidding.

McCain clearly takes the progressive view of speech as a collective right.

"I would rather have a clean government than one where quote First Amendment rights are being respected, that has become corrupt. If I had my choice, I'd rather have the clean government." McCain on Imus

Free speech is not a collective right that may only be exercised or should only be protected when some power mad jackass thinks it is in the interest of the whole. The individual has a right to speak.

His real issue here is that he believes free speech allows for distrust of government. Good! That's what a limited government advocate should want.

And he is not a burdensome candidate on Business lets see some legislation that's anti business.

Climate Stewardship and Innovation Act


Further, the warfare state that he desires will come with massive direction of the economy for wartime purposes.