Oklahoma Republican: Gays worse than terrorists or Muslims

What is wrong with me expressing my free speech rights?

Damo is a pussy, Darla is a biatch, Grind and Watermark are secret lovers, and orino a tu gato.

Now you're not allowed to respond mad or there is soemthing wrong with me 'exercising my rights'.
She's a Loon. Why can't you more reasonable Republicans drum those people out of your party. If you do I PROMISE tons of us will join. The dems will be looking around like "where did everyone go?"
All one needs is the quote to determine that it absolutely had to be uttered by a republican.

Yet they wonder why they're shrinking.
Gays are not worse than terrorists. That's ridiculous. They are just as bad. God doesn't hate anyone more than another. This person should watch more liveprayer.
Gays are not worse than terrorists. That's ridiculous. They are just as bad. God doesn't hate anyone more than another. This person should watch more liveprayer.
And just as bad as adulterers and gluttons, and people that lust in their heart and people that don't believe in Jebus. If you buy into the Cult of the Jewish Zombie.
One day you will die and gutless wonders like you will spend eternity in the pits of hell!!!
The one way that Christianity leads mosts people off the path is to promise a reward as a means to get people to join. In this way they keep people focused on stuff rather than on the real goal of finding a more permanent happiness than stuff will ever bring.
Yeah, I'll happily visit the same hell that Buddha was sent to when it is my turn.
I have always said, if Heaven isn't good enough for Gandi it is not good enough for me. I would say the same when it came to Siddhārtha Gautama as well.
Yeah and the little old lady that lives in the shoe thinks I am bad cause I don't believe that she exists either.
Stupid "inspirational" Poster seen recently by Damocles:

"God doesn't care if you believe in Him... He Believes in you!"
Stupid "inspirational" Poster seen recently by Damocles:

"God doesn't care if you believe in Him... He Believes in you!"
Actually God and I have an agreement, he doesn't have to believe in me either. We reached that agreement at the Santa Fe peace accord of 1984. I had been sking in Santa Fe all day drinking Tequila shots, when God got on the triple chair with me. Tried to convince me he did believe in me and it was only Kosher that do the same (Yes God is Jewish). Well I told him no and then when we got to the top i turned him in to Ski Patrol for riding without a lift ticket. Since then we don't talk so much.