Oklahoma schools in revolt over Bible mandate

Uh oh someone got their little feelings hurt. You have no idea where I've been but when have facts ever been a thing for knuckleheads like you leftists.
Anyone who would still vote for Trump should not talk about the stupidity of others. You rank lower in intelligence than anyone unwilling to do so.
Anyone who would still vote for Trump should not talk about the stupidity of others. You rank lower in intelligence than anyone unwilling to do so.
It's funny because the Kamal couldnt get even one delegate when she ran for president. Even you retards were wise enough to know she's a loser but suddenly, after completing a coup against the brain dead racist liar you morons voted for in 2020, the kamal is now the best thing since sliced bread. Why do you morons think everyone is a stupid as you?
It's funny because the Kamal couldnt get even one delegate when she ran for president. Even you retards were wise enough to know she's a loser but suddenly, after completing a coup against the brain dead racist liar you morons voted for in 2020, the kamal is now the best thing since sliced bread.
The Democratic Party can choose whomever they want to be their candidate...and it appears they will choose Kamala Harris now that Joe Biden has decided not to run.

You MAGA morons better get your shit together and own that fact...or you are going to lose by even more than what I am supposing...and I am supposing a thrashing of cosmic proportions to Trump by Harris.

Why do you morons think everyone is a stupid as you?

I do not think we are stupid, but I think you folk are.

And the reason I think that is because of posts like several of your recent posts...that sound as though they were composed by a fifth grader. That seems to be endemic with you MAGA morons.

My wording was, as it always is, proper and correct.

You just never learned how to read properly.

Dumbass, redneck loser that you are.
Correct. You couldn't even pull together one proper insult.

Every teacher that doesnt do their job should be fired. Period.
If you could take the politics, indoctrination, and obvious desire to "own the Libs" out of it, I think it's fine for children to learn about how decisive Christianity was to the development and trajectory of western civilization. I am infinitely better informed about the history, literature, and art of western civilization because I understand the role of Christianity.

Keeping a hard copy of the bible in the classroom is preposterous. It's intent is to "own the Libs".

You can't appreciate Dante, Shakespeare, Harriet Beecher Stowe, or Martin Luther King Jr. without any knowledge the influence of Christianity.

That would have to be finessed though, so it passes constitutional muster and does not negate other faith traditions. .
Correct. You couldn't even pull together one proper insult.

So, this is what I've said to you in this thread...
This from a no educated redneck idiot who's never set foot in a school classroom in his life

What a trashy, lying piece of dog shit you are.

There are two facts that I and everybody else know.

That you are...

a) an uneducated dumbass redneck and

b) a filthy, lying piece of dog shit.

Talking to yourself again, I see.

Not surprised given how nobody else wants to talk to you.

Sounds like something a third grader would say.

IOW, one of your academic superiors.

Explain to us all exactly what is supposedly improper or wrongly worded about any of that, you desperate, lying inbred hillbilly piece of shit.

Every teacher that doesnt do their job should be fired. Period.

Teaching the Bible is not their job, you ignorant piece of redneck trash.
If you could take the politics, indoctrination, and obvious desire to "own the Libs" out of it, I think it's fine for children to learn about how decisive Christianity was to the development and trajectory of western civilization. I am infinitely better informed about the history, literature, and art of western civilization because I understand the role of Christianity.

Keeping a hard copy of the bible in the classroom is preposterous. It's intent is to "own the Libs".

You can't appreciate Dante, Shakespeare, Harriet Beecher Stowe, or Martin Luther King Jr. without any knowledge the influence of Christianity.

That would have to be finessed though, so it passes constitutional muster and does not negate other faith traditions. .
If it was part of a broader World Religions class that taught the history, origins and practices of all the major religions, then yes that would absolutely be fine.

But that is not what these pinheads want to do.

They think they're going to turn little Billy and Suzie into Bible thumping, Trump worshipping robots like they are.

God, I pray the courts slap this shit down fast and hard.
Almost all of the teachers all across America were trained at WOKE schools of education....it is way too late to save the schools. Private schools are usually even worse than the public schools. Your only option is homeschooling....and that wont be allowed for long.