Old man Trump sleeping again today!

GOLD: "Such actions were akin to Trump’s Traitors on 1/6 beating police with flagpoles carrying the black, white and blue American police flag while screaming “We’re doing this for YOUUUUUU! <whack><whack><whack>” [DOC DUTCH]
SILVER: "My old Volt gets about 45 miles of charge. Since it also uses gas, the computer calculates how many miles we get per gallon. It is at 108." [NORDBERG]
BRONZE: "I'm certain there will be MAGAt violence this summer." [DOC DUTCH]

WINNER: "The minimum wage was designed to be a living wage." [NORDBERG]
RUNNER UP: "EVs are getting over 300 miles per charge." [NORDBERG]
How did guno not even get "honowable mensh'n" with his to be Jewish is to be a survivor, or the rich, multiexpressive diversity of BidenPresident's fuck you ?

I'd like to seize the opportunity to announce the Projector Awards that will be handed out to those outstanding demonstrations of projection that reflect great credit upon the poster's dishonesty and on leftism in general. Since you are one of JPP's superdelegates, you will be responsible for also presenting this award to those so deserving solely based on merit. i.e. you aren't allowed to play favorites.

It will mean nothing to them. Anything he does is fine.
Correct. As long as he is representing the wishes of We the People, We the People will give him maximum leeway. For the most part, We the People prefer to do the thinking for our leaders, as opposed to the other way around that leftists demand in their pursuit of replacing the republic with a democracy.
We're wasting a lot of court time
when the pigfucking orangutan's hand-picked SCOTUS
is going to overturn any convictions anyway.

Drone strike, Joey.
Drone strike.
The corrupt SCOTUS can't overturn that.
We're wasting a lot of court time
when the pigfucking orangutan's hand-picked SCOTUS
is going to overturn any convictions anyway.

Drone strike, Joey.
Drone strike.
The corrupt SCOTUS can't overturn that.
This is typical drivel from a Boston low-life thug.

Your scatological prose precedes you, uneducated dummy.
How did guno not even get "honowable mensh'n" with his to be Jewish is to be a survivor, or the rich, multiexpressive diversity of BidenPresident's fuck you ?

I'd like to seize the opportunity to announce the Projector Awards that will be handed out to those outstanding demonstrations of projection that reflect great credit upon the poster's dishonesty and on leftism in general. Since you are one of JPP's superdelegates, you will be responsible for also presenting this award to those so deserving solely based on merit. i.e. you aren't allowed to play favorites.

Hahahahahaha this is great! You know how many times I type out the word "Projection" in response to a leftist projecting their own issues onto others? This trophy will prove quite useful. I just thought that I'd make up an "awards section" in my signature because I was reminiscing about ITN's awards that he used to hand out... I just figured, with the forum update, that 'awards' of some sort needed to make a come back.

The awards being handed out in my sig are going to be regularly updated as I run across stupid things that leftists say on here, so it'll be more of a "snapshot" "at the moment" rankings until the very end of the year. I was originally going to do this without a consolation bracket, but there's just way too many leftists saying way too many stupid things that it would be a disservice to only include three entries. Heck, even with the consolation bracket, it's still very stiff competition to even get on the board at all. I plan to make a "year end" post with the final winners of the (partial) 2024 year, since I'm only starting these awards with the forum update (I tested it a bit during the intermediary "very old database" period of time in order to work out the kinks).

As far as final awards go, guno might make his way to the top if I happen to stumble across some of his stupidest posts. It's very stiff competition though... lots of leftists saying LOTS of stupid things. As for BidenPresident, maybe I'll make up a "participation trophy" entry for his "fuck you". I suppose that his brilliance at least deserves SOME form of recognition... :)
@IBDaMann -- Actually, since SOOOOO many stupid things are said on here, I think I'm going to give out quarterly awards instead of yearly awards. Q2 will be a partial period (from mid-May - June) and then full quarters will start in July.

Gives me some more time to work out any additional kinks. :)
Sleepy Don is going to have a hard time justifying his Sleepy Joe snubs.
Not a problem at all. Trump can switch to calling him Pedo Joe........... Ashley's diary was confirmed real.
You guys are desperate.......... grabbing at straws.