Olympian Torah Bright’s ‘insane’ breastfeeding photo leads to backlash

Caution: Photo could be extremely offense to some:

"After receiving backlash over a partially nude breastfeeding photo she shared to Instagram and Facebook on Mother’s Day, Bright sent an emotional message to fellow moms feeling unsupported about how they choose to parent."

'Breastfeeding'. Is there a problem?
12. Rule 12 - Limits on sexual content:

12(a) - No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

Sorry but I reported the OP.
It’s a crime to not report a crime. My lawyer told me that.
I will not apologize for this. Fuck you and go away.

We have been told that kids cant be captured in image and put on the internet, because they can not consent.

Children can however demand and get almost without question sex change treatments and surgeries.

Dont expect consistency from the Regressives, they have no interest in sound thinking.

They demand, you do, that is the only arrangement they will accept.

Because that's what Regressives do.
Not at all you stupid fuck. First who gives a fuck if she breastfeeds. It's no one else's fucking business except you leftist cunts MUST make everything your fucking business. Next my wife breastfed and she didn't everywhere we went and if people said anything if she didn't say I did that you should mind your own damn business. There was a day when liberals still roamed the earth they would say if you don't like it dont look. However you fucking leftists have devoured the poor liberals and asa result we get you butting into everyone's business.

Dude... you blew an O ring.... here ya go!!!!

PREP H.jpg
What kind of mom puts their kid in physical danger like this, and only for the purposes of WOKE propaganda at that.....

I will not be cheering.
In case you dont know it is trendy for Woke Fucks to take pics of themselves breastfeeding in the most ostentatious and disruptive ways possible, and then spread them all over social media in the service of their personal brand. They believe that instead of being cunts they are virtuous because they imagine that they are driving something they call breastfeeding acceptance....which actual the mandate that the one with the breasts is the one who decides, everyone needs to keep their yaps shut.
12. Rule 12 - Limits on sexual content:

12(a) - No Porn. This is not a porn site. It will be deleted. If it is constant you will likely lose access to the board. The board is for debate not sexual content. This includes nude photos and links to such as well as graphic stories of sexual encounters. This is a politics site, not a site for sexual gratification.

Sorry but I reported the OP.
It’s a crime to not report a crime. My lawyer told me that.

I've noticed some of the Jesus Freaks complaining about Moms breastfeeding in Malls and at Public Parks. I was just curious about what the Evangelicals would complain about now. You know, a young Mom, enjoying her backyard with her son, exercising and feeding her son at the same time.

I'm sure there is SOMETHING you will find to complain about.

Bullshit. It's flat chested feminist libturds who are offended by a mother feeding her baby. You're a bigoted idiot to say anyone else is offended.
Bullshit. It's flat chested feminist libturds who are offended by a mother feeding her baby. You're a bigoted idiot to say anyone else is offended.

If you were you certainly have been trained by now to keep your mouth shut.

There is only one opinion that is allowed to be voiced.