OMG! ...Dixie Endorses Franken???


I know many of you will think I have gone crazy for certain, and that's o-kay! I am entitled to be a little crazy now and then, I am a nice person, I am an attractive person, and doggone it, people like me!

We have all been following the Minnesota Senate race, and today it became official, washed up unfunny liberal comedian hack and talk radio failure, Al Franken, has become a United States Senator! And I say, GOOD FOR HIM! He's smart enough, he's good enough, and doggone it, people like him!

I know, my fellow right-wingers are not as enthusiastic about Senator Franken, and I am sure they will be neg-repping me... and that's okay... we all have to vent... just avoid those negative chain spirals... no stinky thinkin! I know how difficult it can be to watch one of your icons do something so crazy and outrageous, but I really do feel we need to reach out and love each other more.... we're smart enough, we're good enough, and doggone it... people like us!

Now, as you all know, I believe strongly in the principles of democracy! I think we should all have a representative voice in Washington, speaking for what we believe, saying what we would say if we were there! As much as I liked Norm Coleman, and as much as I know other Minnesotans did, I honestly think Al Franken makes the perfect representative for the left-wing nutbags we have roaming around JPP! He looks and sounds like an absolute left wing nut, and I am certain he will not be a disappointment in representing his constituents. In the full spirit of bipartisanship, I encourage Republican congressmen to do everything they can to keep Al Franken talking to the American people as Senator of Minnesota. Cede your time, gentlemen, to the new rookie Senator, and let him bestow upon us, his profound left-wing wisdom!

Uhmm....and America.... PAY ATTENTION! Listen to what this idiot...err... Senator... has to say! Take in every sound byte, watch every video clip... In fact, let's make Senator Franken the Poster Boy for the Democrat Party! He's entitled to that.... his liberal kook contingency of supporters is entitled to that as well... they are smart enough, they are good enough, and doggone it, people like them!
Good luck with making him the "poster boy." Pull out all the stops.

As has been mentioned: 60 votes. Dang, that's a lot...
The bright side of this is when they screw-up (and they will) they will get all the blame. :D
That assumes, however, that the ones putting on the blame can think reasonably. For example, on Cap'N Trade, the Democrats will argue that since these three GOP Senators will join and 8 GOP House members joined in the cluster fuck, then the GOP is to blame when it increase taxes on the poor. *shrug*
Can you say "Filibuster proof majority"? Wahahahahahahahaha

Yes I Can!!!!

Technically speaking though, with Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, didn't you already have a filibuster proof majority?

Can you say "Complete and total responsibility?" ...Doesn't matter if you can, we will be reminding every voter of that fact. We will also be reminding them, Republicans can't stop Democrats from a damn thing, they have full unfettered reign of power, and whatever befalls our nation is totally and completely their responsibility, and theirs alone.

Yes I Can!!!!

Technically speaking though, with Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, didn't you already have a filibuster proof majority?

Can you say "Complete and total responsibility?" ...Doesn't matter if you can, we will be reminding every voter of that fact. We will also be reminding them, Republicans can't stop Democrats from a damn thing, they have full unfettered reign of power, and whatever befalls our nation is totally and completely their responsibility, and theirs alone.

You better hurry then and upgrade to that industrial size blame-thrower you've had your eye on for a while now.

After all, you're gonna be a busy little blame thrower from now on, aren't you?
You better hurry then and upgrade to that industrial size blame-thrower you've had your eye on for a while now.

After all, you're gonna be a busy little blame thrower from now on, aren't you?

LOL... Why would I need a industrial size blame thrower? Your party controls the House, your party controls the Senate, and your party controls the White House... and with a couple more SCOTUS picks, your party owns the courts!

Every single tid-bit of BAD legislation, is going to be laid at the feet of your party, because it is your party who holds complete unfettered power. No one needs a "blame thrower" for that, it's a given! Now, you can come up with cute little quips, and whine about being criticized and being held accountable, but you can't escape the political wrath which is about to descend upon you like plagues of locusts. Maybe you don't see it coming yet, perhaps you are too blinded by the Glowbama... but trust me, it's coming.
You better hurry then and upgrade to that industrial size blame-thrower you've had your eye on for a while now.

After all, you're gonna be a busy little blame thrower from now on, aren't you?
He's going to buy it at your yard sale, because he's fiscally responsible and you don't appear to need such an extravagant one anymore. A tiny one is all you need to blame throw to the past.
LOL... Why would I need a industrial size blame thrower? Your party controls the House, your party controls the Senate, and your party controls the White House... and with a couple more SCOTUS picks, your party owns the courts!

Every single tid-bit of BAD legislation, is going to be laid at the feet of your party, because it is your party who holds complete unfettered power. No one needs a "blame thrower" for that, it's a given! Now, you can come up with cute little quips, and whine about being criticized and being held accountable, but you can't escape the political wrath which is about to descend upon you like plagues of locusts. Maybe you don't see it coming yet, perhaps you are too blinded by the Glowbama... but trust me, it's coming.

I just don't see how this is any different from your standard M.O. Franken or no Franken you'd still be saying the same shit. Nothing new is coming. It's the same old same old.
I just don't see how this is any different from your standard M.O. Franken or no Franken you'd still be saying the same shit. Nothing new is coming. It's the same old same old.

No, trust me, I will be saying a LOT more shit with Franken in the Senate! Like I said, I am absolutely elated that this buffoon is in Congress! What a fitting character to compliment the other clowns residing there! Franken actually makes people like Dennis Kusinich look "statesmanlike" in comparison.

I hope Rush or Hannity have a team of staffers devoted to nothing but monitoring anything that emerges from this moron's mouth over the next 3 years. I hope he will be given EVERY opportunity to speak, to give a voice to the ib1's and Onceler's of the world! I want the rest of non-brain-dead America to get a load of this guy, and the left-wing wacko's of our country!

While other Republicans are bitterly grumbling under their breath about Franken, I personally think he is the best gift Republicans could have at this time! The R's have NO political power, can't stop a damn thing the Democrats want to cram down our throat... and Franken speaks for those in charge! I can already see the 2010 and 2012 campaigns... A montage of Sen. Al Franken clips, followed by.... Do you need any other reason to vote Republican? Yes... I want Senator Albert Franklin to be given every moment he can be given, to enlighten America on the viewpoints of left-wing Looneyville!
LOL... Why would I need a industrial size blame thrower? Your party controls the House, your party controls the Senate, and your party controls the White House... and with a couple more SCOTUS picks, your party owns the courts!

Every single tid-bit of BAD legislation, is going to be laid at the feet of your party, because it is your party who holds complete unfettered power. No one needs a "blame thrower" for that, it's a given! Now, you can come up with cute little quips, and whine about being criticized and being held accountable, but you can't escape the political wrath which is about to descend upon you like plagues of locusts. Maybe you don't see it coming yet, perhaps you are too blinded by the Glowbama... but trust me, it's coming.
LOL You're asking the party of no personal responsibility to take some personal responsibility and they can't stand it. LOL
No, trust me, I will be saying a LOT more shit with Franken in the Senate! Like I said, I am absolutely elated that this buffoon is in Congress! What a fitting character to compliment the other clowns residing there! Franken actually makes people like Dennis Kusinich look "statesmanlike" in comparison.

I hope Rush or Hannity have a team of staffers devoted to nothing but monitoring anything that emerges from this moron's mouth over the next 3 years. I hope he will be given EVERY opportunity to speak, to give a voice to the ib1's and Onceler's of the world! I want the rest of non-brain-dead America to get a load of this guy, and the left-wing wacko's of our country!

While other Republicans are bitterly grumbling under their breath about Franken, I personally think he is the best gift Republicans could have at this time! The R's have NO political power, can't stop a damn thing the Democrats want to cram down our throat... and Franken speaks for those in charge! I can already see the 2010 and 2012 campaigns... A montage of Sen. Al Franken clips, followed by.... Do you need any other reason to vote Republican? Yes... I want Senator Albert Franklin to be given every moment he can be given, to enlighten America on the viewpoints of left-wing Looneyville!

OK. Good luck with that.
He's going to buy it at your yard sale, because he's fiscally responsible and you don't appear to need such an extravagant one anymore. A tiny one is all you need to blame throw to the past.

Too late! I unloaded my old industrial-sized blame thrower to this OTHER angry conservative a couple months back.
No, trust me, I will be saying a LOT more shit with Franken in the Senate! Like I said, I am absolutely elated that this buffoon is in Congress! What a fitting character to compliment the other clowns residing there! Franken actually makes people like Dennis Kusinich look "statesmanlike" in comparison.

I hope Rush or Hannity have a team of staffers devoted to nothing but monitoring anything that emerges from this moron's mouth over the next 3 years. I hope he will be given EVERY opportunity to speak, to give a voice to the ib1's and Onceler's of the world! I want the rest of non-brain-dead America to get a load of this guy, and the left-wing wacko's of our country!

While other Republicans are bitterly grumbling under their breath about Franken, I personally think he is the best gift Republicans could have at this time! The R's have NO political power, can't stop a damn thing the Democrats want to cram down our throat... and Franken speaks for those in charge! I can already see the 2010 and 2012 campaigns... A montage of Sen. Al Franken clips, followed by.... Do you need any other reason to vote Republican? Yes... I want Senator Albert Franklin to be given every moment he can be given, to enlighten America on the viewpoints of left-wing Looneyville!

Well since most of what you spout already is nothing but shit, why should it not stand to reason that what we'll get from you in the future is just more of the same?

You just keep stoking the fires of hatred and resentment, it worked so well back in the 90's and last year.

Yes I Can!!!!

Technically speaking though, with Susan Collins and Olympia Snowe, didn't you already have a filibuster proof majority?

Can you say "Complete and total responsibility?" ...Doesn't matter if you can, we will be reminding every voter of that fact. We will also be reminding them, Republicans can't stop Democrats from a damn thing, they have full unfettered reign of power, and whatever befalls our nation is totally and completely their responsibility, and theirs alone.

I'm cool w/ that. I'm fairly certain we'll be seeing much more "credit" than blame.

One thing for sure - I won't try to spin it like you did for 8 years, constantly asserting that the GOP controlled Congress for fewer years than they actually did, or blaming RINO's, or doing whatever you could to absolve Bush & the GOP of accountability for any of their actions.