OMG! ...Dixie Endorses Franken???

"but now that you are there, don't you suppose these people are going to expect you to actually lead? I really don't think they elected you to power because you were good bitchers. "

Um....Dix? The posters on this board weren't elected or given power.

Obama was elected to power, as were Congressional Dems. Not sure if you've noticed, but they don't bitch about Bush day in & day out. In fact, they have spent the 1st 6 months or so proposing & passing legislation which is pretty radical - you have spent most of your days here condemning it as "socialism."

So, they are actually leading in a proactive way. You may not like it, but they are not just serving as "bitchers."
"but now that you are there, don't you suppose these people are going to expect you to actually lead? I really don't think they elected you to power because you were good bitchers. "

Um....Dix? The posters on this board weren't elected or given power.

Obama was elected to power, as were Congressional Dems. Not sure if you've noticed, but they don't bitch about Bush day in & day out. In fact, they have spent the 1st 6 months or so proposing & passing legislation which is pretty radical - you have spent most of your days here condemning it as "socialism."

So, they are actually leading in a proactive way. You may not like it, but they are not just serving as "bitchers."

No, thank God none of the pinheads here were elected or given power! It's bad enough having the morons you elected in power. I have noticed they tend to constantly repeat how they "inherited" problems... sounds a lot like blaming it on Bush to me... (i.e. bitching.) The radical socialist legislation they are passing, better work fucking miracles in the next couple of years, because voters are not really going to be interested in excuses. You don't have to believe this, you can just keep on fantasizing that you live in this world where everyone sees things your way, and has gulped down the same kooliad, but reality is going to inevitably slap you upside your ignorant pinhead. When it happens, I will be the one laughing at you.
No, thank God none of the pinheads here were elected or given power! It's bad enough having the morons you elected in power. I have noticed they tend to constantly repeat how they "inherited" problems... sounds a lot like blaming it on Bush to me... (i.e. bitching.) The radical socialist legislation they are passing, better work fucking miracles in the next couple of years, because voters are not really going to be interested in excuses. You don't have to believe this, you can just keep on fantasizing that you live in this world where everyone sees things your way, and has gulped down the same kooliad, but reality is going to inevitably slap you upside your ignorant pinhead. When it happens, I will be the one laughing at you.

Yeah...but it hasn't really happened, has it? In fact, you & your fellow righties have been losing ground for years now with the American public, and got beaten in the last election pretty badly. The "socialists" control the White House & the Senate, and have a pretty healthy majority in the House.

How is that reality treating you, Dix? Oh wait...I remember: the Republicans "work better in the minority" anyway, right?

What's even better is that you & many Republicans nationally think your problem is that you aren't "conservative enough," and are still putting people like Palin out there as your champions. That should really help you re-gain the majority...
Yeah...but it hasn't really happened, has it? In fact, you & your fellow righties have been losing ground for years now with the American public, and got beaten in the last election pretty badly. The "socialists" control the White House & the Senate, and have a pretty healthy majority in the House.

How is that reality treating you, Dix? Oh wait...I remember: the Republicans "work better in the minority" anyway, right?

What's even better is that you & many Republicans nationally think your problem is that you aren't "conservative enough," and are still putting people like Palin out there as your champions. That should really help you re-gain the majority... did those majorities work during the carter years...i can't imagine what happened in 1980...
Yeah...but it hasn't really happened, has it? In fact, you & your fellow righties have been losing ground for years now with the American public, and got beaten in the last election pretty badly. The "socialists" control the White House & the Senate, and have a pretty healthy majority in the House.

How is that reality treating you, Dix? Oh wait...I remember: the Republicans "work better in the minority" anyway, right?

What's even better is that you & many Republicans nationally think your problem is that you aren't "conservative enough," and are still putting people like Palin out there as your champions. That should really help you re-gain the majority...

Latest poll numbers are showing, the public doesn't trust the Dems or this Administration. I predict (because it's always the case) if there isn't a dramatic turn-around in the economic conditions, Dems will lose a considerable chunk of power next year, and if things still haven't improved in 2012, they will lose what power they have left. Like I say... You should be spending every waking hour on your knees, praying to the God you don't believe in, that all of this liberal gobbledy-gook is going to turn things around fast. Because I am telling you, as sure as my name is Dixie, the American people aren't going to swallow the bitching and excuses much longer.

I would also suggest you not delve into Republican politics, you have ZERO clues as to what conservatives think or want. The more you flap your gums about Palin, the more it makes the right like her, and that spells trouble for your side. At this point, I would honestly stop talking about Palin, and hope people forget about her before 2012, if I were a pinhead liberal. But then again, the cat's out of the bag, we already know she scares the bejesus out of your side, that is precisely why you continue to lob shit bombs at her.

So you guys keep laying it on thick and heavy about Palin, and keep on bitching and moaning about all the problems Bush left you with, and by all means, keep ramming socialist legislation down our throats while you hold the gavel... meanwhile, we will continue to watch Democrats poll numbers fall almost as fast as our economy, and we'll see who shall prevail in 2010 and 2012.
"I predict "

I got giddy as soon as I read those words.

Keep 'em coming, election LOSER. How does that minority feel? Is the GOP working "better" now that they're out of the majority?

"I predict "

I got giddy as soon as I read those words.

Keep 'em coming, election LOSER. How does that minority feel? Is the GOP working "better" now that they're out of the majority?


I think the problem pinheads have about their understanding of the election is, they didn't exactly win by a huge amount, and it was largely due to the fact the republican candidate was almost a liberal himself, and republicans just didn't vote for him. Obama didn't win because America was as enthusiastic about him as you pinhead supporters, but because the guy he ran against, wasn't popular among his own base.

How does the minority feel? I don't have to tell you, as you are very familiar with how that feels. After all, you just now gained representation in Congress for the 2% retarded liberal pinheads with Franken. Prior to this, mentally challenged people like you, had no voice in Washington, and that was a tragedy. Yea for Democracy, huh?
"How does the minority feel? I don't have to tell you, as you are very familiar with how that feels"

Not really; I can't remember a time that the Dems were quite so powerless as the Republicans are now, and were still looking for new ways to shrink their dwindling minority.

I can't remember ever feeling like they "work better" in the minority, too - that's your department.

You should spend more time telling us what it's like to lose elections so badly, and how it feels to be a part of that dwindling minority. Really, that's the best insight you could give the board at this point....
"How does the minority feel? I don't have to tell you, as you are very familiar with how that feels"

Not really; I can't remember a time that the Dems were quite so powerless as the Republicans are now, and were still looking for new ways to shrink their dwindling minority.

I can't remember ever feeling like they "work better" in the minority, too - that's your department.

You should spend more time telling us what it's like to lose elections so badly, and how it feels to be a part of that dwindling minority. Really, that's the best insight you could give the board at this point....
You can remember, at least from history class, that this was the exact same position the Rs were in after Nixon, one term later, just one, and who was elected President? It is inane to assume the "death" of a party. Seriously, the last time such a majority was gained by either party was after Nixon. This isn't the demise of a party, it is simply a renewing period. Each party goes through this in the cycle of politics.
You can remember, at least from history class, that this was the exact same position the Rs were in after Nixon, one term later, just one, and who was elected President? It is inane to assume the "death" of a party. Seriously, the last time such a majority was gained by either party was after Nixon. This isn't the demise of a party, it is simply a renewing period. Each party goes through this in the cycle of politics.

Good to see I hit a nerve...
Good to see I hit a nerve...


The reality is parties go through this, and denizens of the party in the majority always state that it is the "end" of the other party, and they are rarely, if ever, right. Wasn't it just 8 years ago or so that some foolish Rs were talking of a "permanent majority"?

It's a cycle, and it is just as foolish to be in the group talking about the "demise" of a different party and the new "permanent majority" whichever is in power.
Good to see I hit a nerve...


The reality is parties go through this, and denizens of the party in the majority always state that it is the "end" of the other party, and they are rarely, if ever, right. Wasn't it just 8 years ago or so that some foolish Rs were talking of a "permanent majority"?

It's a cycle, and it is just as foolish to be in the group talking about the "demise" of a different party and the new "permanent majority" regardless of which party is in power.
You can remember, at least from history class, that this was the exact same position the Rs were in after Nixon, one term later, just one, and who was elected President? It is inane to assume the "death" of a party. Seriously, the last time such a majority was gained by either party was after Nixon. This isn't the demise of a party, it is simply a renewing period. Each party goes through this in the cycle of politics.

Obama is indeed the modern day Jimmy Carter, almost to the letter in terms of incompetent wrong-headed policy. I can recall 6 months into the Carter term, people were acting like it would be impossible for Carter to not be re-elected! His personal approval numbers, like those of Obama, were very high, and remained fairly high throughout his presidency. The results of his policies are what sunk him, and they will likely sink Obama as well.
Obama is indeed the modern day Jimmy Carter, almost to the letter in terms of incompetent wrong-headed policy. I can recall 6 months into the Carter term, people were acting like it would be impossible for Carter to not be re-elected! His personal approval numbers, like those of Obama, were very high, and remained fairly high throughout his presidency. The results of his policies are what sunk him, and they will likely sink Obama as well.

and Letterman will get booted off CBS.

ho hum... another day, another idiotic prediction from the king of idiotic predictions.

Remember when you predicted we wouldn't lose 500 soldiers in Iraq?
Shut the fuck up you stupid fraud, you don't even comprehend the difference between an opinion and a prediction. Why do you bother trolling the boards to interject some slimy personal insult? Do you like to see yourself post or something? Because most credible posters understand you are completely insignificant and irrelevant.
Shut the fuck up you stupid fraud, you don't even comprehend the difference between an opinion and a prediction. Why do you bother trolling the boards to interject some slimy personal insult? Do you like to see yourself post or something? Because most credible posters understand you are completely insignificant and irrelevant.

Damn, the neocons are really a bitter bunch of sore losers, are they not? They lose FAIR AND SQUARE, and they are just besides themselves with frustration, disbelief and anger!

What's really funny is that with ALL the GOPers getting caught with their hypocritical pants down in the last few years, to try and character assasinate Franken BEFORE he's done anything is like a pot calling the kettle black while sitting in a glass house.
Oh well, as the little dopes all hope for war and financial ruin to take place in the next 4 years so they can return to their former infamy, let's all congratulate Franken....and hope the people of MN hold him accountable and keep him honest.