One more reason to love the Left..


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Party on, my union sisters and brothers. This is the awesome. One more reason to love Oakland cawacko. :clink:

U.S. West Coast Longshore Unions on strike over Iraq war

Thu May 1, 2008 2:25pm EDT

Union officials say many of the big shipping companies are profiting off the war

SAN FRANCISCO, May 1 (Reuters) - About 10,000 longshore workers that handle cargo along the West Coast of the United States stayed away from work on Thursday in a one-day protest against the war in Iraq, union officials said on Thursday.

The International Longshore and Warehouse Union reported that traffic had virtually come to a halt across the regions' ports including the largest, the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach. Oakland, Seattle and other ports along the coast between the Canadian and Mexican borders were also affected.

Union officials say many of the big shipping companies are profiting off the war.[/quote]

In a sign of a reinvigorated American Left, longshore workers declined to come to work on Thursday, paralyzing ports along the West Coast from Los Angeles to Seattle, in protest against the Iraq War.

The union workers complained that "many of the big shipping companies are profiting from the war."

If the Democrats could get both the executive and both houses of Congress in the fall, one measure of whether they are just time-servers and lackeys or whether they are serious about reforming the country away from its current abuses will be whether they revise Taft-Hartley and Landrum-Griffin, the 50s-era legislation that laid the legal groundwork for the successful union-busting by US corporations of the past three decades. Despite the myths, most unionized workers are substantially to the left of the white collar middle class on important social issues, and gutting the unions has ensured that their voices have been muted. On Thursday we got a glimpse of what they think and an inkling of what the US would be like if union membership hadn't plummeted to only about 12%.

Corporations are very wealthy and very organized. The rest of us are not wealthy and not organized at all in comparison. And in politics, that means we almost always lose. Unions are the main form of organization that could at least sometimes prevail over corporation policies that injure the rest of us, and if they are strong then we have lost our shield. For news of union-busting activities, does a good job. Of course, not all corporations benefit from the Iraq War, and some actually are suffering from it in some ways, which is probably the main hope for ending it.

juan cole
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If the Clintons are returned to the White House, the left will not be able to rely on the Democratic Party to move its issues forward, particularly those issues that interfere with corporate control of America. That will be true whether democrats get larger control of Congress or not.

Many believe there is little difference between Obama and Clinton, but I disagree. There is a huge difference in not only economic perspective, but also on the critical issue of war.
If the Clintons are returned to the White House, the left will not be able to rely on the Democratic Party to move its issues forward, particularly those issues that interfere with corporate control of America. That will be true whether democrats get larger control of Congress or not.

Many believe there is little difference between Obama and Clinton, but I disagree. There is a huge difference in not only economic perspective, but also on the critical issue of war.

I think that much is obvious to all but those devoted to the Clintons. In addition to economics and the war, he also posseses the ability to bring the two parties back together. She will push them further apart.

Personally, I believe McCain will also bring the two sides closer to the point they may actually focus on issues rather than pointing fingers. I know many of you on the left want to believe he is like Bush, but once the pandering is done for election purposes... if he wins you will see that he is vastly different and will bring this country back on track. I know you disagree on this... and obviously I hope McCain gets the chance to prove you wrong. :)

For now... just make sure the Clintons don't retake leadership in your party.
I think that much is obvious to all but those devoted to the Clintons. In addition to economics and the war, he also posseses the ability to bring the two parties back together. She will push them further apart.

Personally, I believe McCain will also bring the two sides closer to the point they may actually focus on issues rather than pointing fingers. I know many of you on the left want to believe he is like Bush, but once the pandering is done for election purposes... if he wins you will see that he is vastly different and will bring this country back on track. I know you disagree on this... and obviously I hope McCain gets the chance to prove you wrong. :)

For now... just make sure the Clintons don't retake leadership in your party.

If the Clintons are returned to the White House, the left will not be able to rely on the Democratic Party to move its issues forward, particularly those issues that interfere with corporate control of America. That will be true whether democrats get larger control of Congress or not.

Many believe there is little difference between Obama and Clinton, but I disagree. There is a huge difference in not only economic perspective, but also on the critical issue of war.

I think Edwards was the only true populist, pro-union Democrat in the race.

But, I suspect that Obama might be a tad better on economic justice than Clinton. I will stipulate to that. I think the blue dog democrats in congress will be problematic in regards to restoring fairness to labor, trade and the economy, also.

But, I can always sit back as say "I told you so", when Dems wistfully look back and wish they had nominated edwards. :)
OMG. McCain is a uniter not a divider.

Haven’t we had just about as much uniting as we can stand?

One thing you can say about Republicans...fool them once, and they'll be back in line tomorrow for some more.
OMG. McCain is a uniter not a divider.

Haven’t we had just about as much uniting as we can stand?

One thing you can say about Republicans...fool them once, and they'll be back in line tomorrow for some more.
Right, because there is no record of him crossing the aisle (*cough* McCain/Feingold), and working on something that (*cough, cough* McCain/Kennedy) is important and even might make him somewhat unpopular with his own party...
Right, because there is no record of him crossing the aisle (*cough* McCain/Feingold), and working on something that (*cough, cough* McCain/Kennedy) is important and even might make him somewhat unpopular with his own party...

But he WILL bring us $1.50 oil and that is all that matters.

:rolleyes: <-----SARCASM indicator for those that need such notification
Right, because there is no record of him crossing the aisle (*cough* McCain/Feingold), and working on something that (*cough, cough* McCain/Kennedy) is important and even might make him somewhat unpopular with his own party...

That's, what, twice in a 30 year career?

And how come Kennedy is painted as a partisan hack by rightys, when your own post demonstrates that Teddy croses the aisle once in a while?
That's, what, twice in a 30 year career?

And how come Kennedy is painted as a partisan hack by rightys, when your own post demonstrates that Teddy croses the aisle once in a while?

He didn't cross the aisle... McCain did. If they both crossed the aisle then they would still be on opposite sides. Dumbass.

:rolleyes: <---- SARCASM notification
they could replace those 8th grade educated workers in a nano second compared to air traffic controllers.
I think Edwards was the only true populist, pro-union Democrat in the race.

But, I can always sit back as say "I told you so", when Dems wistfully look back and wish they had nominated edwards. :)

LOL. Right.

You wish.

Dems: "Why oh why didn't we nominate a phony populist who would have crashed and burned in November????"
ya gotta love the leftist..
They go out of their way to HURT the little guys in their country, just to make a POLITICAL statement..

Yeah..go figure that one out..:rolleyes:
LOL. Right.

You wish.

Dems: "Why oh why didn't we nominate a phony populist who would have crashed and burned in November????"

Virtually every general election poll I saw, had Edwards handily beating McCain, Romney and Gulliani.
I think Edwards was the only true populist, pro-union Democrat in the race.

But, I suspect that Obama might be a tad better on economic justice than Clinton. I will stipulate to that. I think the blue dog democrats in congress will be problematic in regards to restoring fairness to labor, trade and the economy, also.

But, I can always sit back as say "I told you so", when Dems wistfully look back and wish they had nominated edwards. :)
I find that the older I get the more I cringe at the sound of the words "economic justice". It is a word that is used only by those in the working class and it means taking more money from the people that provide jobs and invest in businesses. Economic justice means higher wages than the prevailing economic forces demand. It means demonizing the ownership class of business and that workers deserve to make wages that are closer to the earings of the person that not only works there but runs the business. It means FORCING everyone in a shop to join a union even if they don't want to. There is no justice in a market economy. Some of us are smarter than others. That means our abilities demand a higher wage. If doesn't mean that anyones work is not important, but Neurosurgeons absolutely should get paid more than the nurses that assist him in your brain surgery. It means that teachers that achieve better results with their students than teachers that are riding tenure and doing nothing to advance the education of their students (and we have ALL had those teachers in our lives). There are numerous examples of why some people should be paid more.

If wages are unfair then workers SHOULD have the right to unionize. AND If wages REALLY are unfair then you are going to get a majority of the workers to join. At the same time, wage gains by the union should only be for unionized employees. Justice in the area of economics is a fantasy. Only is a truely socialist system is everyone going to be paid the same.
Virtually every general election poll I saw, had Edwards handily beating McCain, Romney and Gulliani.
Virtually every vote I saw had Edwards losing to HillBilly and Obama. This was because your party disagreed with you. By a large margin.
I find that the older I get the more I cringe at the sound of the words "economic justice". It is a word that is used only by those in the working class and it means taking more money from the people that provide jobs and invest in businesses. Economic justice means higher wages than the prevailing economic forces demand. It means demonizing the ownership class of business and that workers deserve to make wages that are closer to the earings of the person that not only works there but runs the business. It means FORCING everyone in a shop to join a union even if they don't want to. There is no justice in a market economy. Some of us are smarter than others. That means our abilities demand a higher wage. If doesn't mean that anyones work is not important, but Neurosurgeons absolutely should get paid more than the nurses that assist him in your brain surgery. It means that teachers that achieve better results with their students than teachers that are riding tenure and doing nothing to advance the education of their students (and we have ALL had those teachers in our lives). There are numerous examples of why some people should be paid more.

If wages are unfair then workers SHOULD have the right to unionize. AND If wages REALLY are unfair then you are going to get a majority of the workers to join. At the same time, wage gains by the union should only be for unionized employees. Justice in the area of economics is a fantasy. Only is a truely socialist system is everyone going to be paid the same.

Economic justice, or economic fairness do not mean everyone gets paid the same, soc. I've never met a single Democrat, Green, progressive, or liberal in this country who ever said that.
Economic justice, or economic fairness do not mean everyone gets paid the same, soc. I've never met a single Democrat, Green, progressive, or liberal in this country who ever said that.
Tell me what it means then... I'd like to hear your version of it.