One of my brothers is at Arlington, another died in service. Where is Trump’s decency?

You're on here a lot more than I am fireball. What's your excuse?


Yeah, that sucks. Wanna get back to the issues now? Maybe your mind is wandering a bit. Get that checked out, I understand dementia can run in families.
I'm retired, a cancer patient and have surgery on Wednesday. What's your excuse for your anger and hatred?

Thanks. It as a blessing when he passed since, toward the end, he was very paranoid and angry. He drove all other family members away except for me. He was in pain, very unhappy and there was nothing to be done to help him except make him as comfortable as possible. Still, he'd lash out like when he threw something at his TV and broke the screen.

Not wandering, Calli. Just pointing out the similarities of you and a few others on this forum who exhibit much of the same behavior as my dad and other residents of Memory Lane. Yes, unlike MAGAts, I'm a big fan of science, including medical science, so I always have my physicals, get my vaccinations and have any problems checked out. This is why my cancer was caught at Stage 2 instead of Stage 4 like several of the guys I met waiting for radiation treatment. One guy was terminal Stage 4. I don't know why he was even there. If I was terminal, I'd take a long walk in the woods and save my family the pain and cost.