One of the very best things about PRESIDENT Donald J Trump....

In large part yes. I think there are likely specific cases where it might be appropriate.
Look how shocked and outraged Trumppers are to have been arrested after being on video whacking a police officer with a flagpole, or breaking a window and entering the Capitol, or chasing Mike Pence out of the chamber where he was certifying the election.
He made it certain that "CHC " aka Crooked Hillary Clinton , will NEVER be president of the United States. NEVER. IMO he fully deserves a nobel prize just for THAT! He sure helped the planet dodge a helluva bullet back in 2016
I’ve said the exact same thing. Practically word for word.
I'm sure there are people who are brainless and stupid enough to swallow that propagandist bullshit, but hopefully not enough to hand the reins of our government back over to that lying, amoral, megalomaniac piece of scum.

They did it back in 2016. Granted it was a time before we knew how far DJT would go to attack democracy, but we all knew Trump was a moron lying piece of shit in 2016 anyway.
I’ve said the exact same thing. Practically word for word.

Man, who knew Hillary was so eeeeeeeevil. Thanks for keeping us alerted to the real dangers. I still remember the day Hillary amassed her flying monkeys to attack the Capital and try to overturn the election. And her mishandling of the pandemic leading to a million dead Americans was also pretty bad. Oh yeah and her love of Putin AND Nazis.

Hillary is pretty evil. Hopefully Trump will be able to protect us from her with a super-duper-max prison like they had for Magneto.
Man, who knew Hillary was so eeeeeeeevil. Thanks for keeping us alerted to the real dangers. I still remember the day Hillary amassed her flying monkeys to attack the Capital and try to overturn the election. And her mishandling of the pandemic leading to a million dead Americans was also pretty bad. Oh yeah and her love of Putin AND Nazis.

Hillary is pretty evil. Hopefully Trump will be able to protect us from her with a super-duper-max prison like they had for Magneto.
We’re safe. Trump neutralized her.
They did it back in 2016. Granted it was a time before we knew how far DJT would go to attack democracy, but we all knew Trump was a moron lying piece of shit in 2016 anyway.
"We all" means we the sane, normally intelligent segment of society.

By 2020 enough people who were not members of our group in 2016 had wised up enough to join us, that it cost him a second term.

Let's hope and pray that they have not backslid and that they're still with us.

Better yet, that the number of former but no longer Trumpers has grown.
We’re safe. Trump neutralized her.

But, she's still walking around in public. I wouldsleep a LOT better if I knew she was in a super-duper max prison with electromagnetic locks and solid 50" thick glass walls surrounded by Seal Team 6 on permanent duty.

I understand, Trump is a super-duper hero who can propel himself great distances through the air by his powerful atomic flatulence, but if she decides to go rogue it's possible she could do some damage before Trump is able to get there and protect us.
Man, who knew Hillary was so eeeeeeeevil. Thanks for keeping us alerted to the real dangers. I still remember the day Hillary amassed her flying monkeys to attack the Capital and try to overturn the election. And her mishandling of the pandemic leading to a million dead Americans was also pretty bad. Oh yeah and her love of Putin AND Nazis.

Hillary is pretty evil. Hopefully Trump will be able to protect us from her with a super-duper-max prison like they had for Magneto.
Sarcasm noted.
Sarcasm noted.

I'm just getting SO TIRED of these hyperbolic BS complaints by the MAGATs that "Joe is the worst president in American HISTORY" or "Hillary is the most evil women to live since Lillith!"

Gah! It's so annoying. The conversation CAN be had about relative merits but this abandonment of all rational thought is so dull.
But, she's still walking around in public. I wouldsleep a LOT better if I knew she was in a super-duper max prison with electromagnetic locks and solid 50" thick glass walls surrounded by Seal Team 6 on permanent duty.

I understand, Trump is a super-duper hero who can propel himself great distances through the air by his powerful atomic flatulence, but if she decides to go rogue it's possible she could do some damage before Trump is able to get there and protect us.
Even her cackle has been neutralized. She’s been out-cackled.

We’re safe. From HRC at least.
Even her cackle has been neutralized. She’s been out-cackled.

Just like in the Marvel Universe, SuperDon has NEW EVIL MASTERMINDS to fight in each subsequent sequel.

If only SuperDon could jail ALL OF HIS OPPONENTS. "Lock her up" is more than just a single-use chant!

Do you HONESTLY think Trump has a set of "policies"???? There's zero chance that he understands anything related to governmental policy. He understands how to make a TV show mouthbreathers will watch. That's his lane. That's what he does.

While I'm not saying Biden is some genius or can't possibly believe Trump actually has a "plan" for ANYTHING in his next possible term.
Do you HONESTLY think Trump has a set of "policies"???? There's zero chance that he understands anything related to governmental policy. He understands how to make a TV show mouthbreathers will watch. That's his lane. That's what he does.

While I'm not saying Biden is some genius or can't possibly believe Trump actually has a "plan" for ANYTHING in his next possible term.
Why are you scared shitless of Trump?
Do you HONESTLY think Trump has a set of "policies"???? There's zero chance that he understands anything related to governmental policy. He understands how to make a TV show mouthbreathers will watch. That's his lane. That's what he does.

While I'm not saying Biden is some genius or can't possibly believe Trump actually has a "plan" for ANYTHING in his next possible term.

Looks to me like Trump has a set of policies and these are acknowledged by the press in general. Just because YOU hate him or his policies doesn't change that he has policy positions.

There's zero chance you understand anything whatsoever you mouth breather.