One on One Debate Forum

Cancel 2018. 3

<-- sched 2, MJ sched 1
on another board i post on they created a one on one debate forum where you can call out other members for a debate or simply debate another member one on one. a wacko liberal poster and i were the first to enter and it ended up being a good experience for both of us and numerous other posters (their comments). the guy was calling people out maniacally, so i took him up and didn't expect much from him, just wanted him to shut up and he ended up surprising me.

no insults allowed, just debate. this way we don't have to wait around for a debate competition and we can see who is here to actually discuss or debate issues and who isn't. plus, i think the exchange will surprise members and cause them to look at people in a different light and might change the dynamics of forum relationships.
it is a subforum, a part for the call outs, if you will, and a part just for the debates

so far, it seems to be doing pretty good on that forum. i think you know the forum i speak of, as i only belong to two forums and i believe you know me from that forum...and i don't post on jimmy's anymore.
That's a good idea but I wonder if it should be incorporated into APP. Seeing as APP is a more mature area. Plus it would give it some additional use.
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪;1166566 said:
That's a good idea but I wonder if it should be incorporated into APP. Seeing as APP is a more mature area. Plus it would give it some additional use.

And give us reason to ensure that the debate doesn't turn into War Zone Material.
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪;1166566 said:
That's a good idea but I wonder if it should be incorporated into APP. Seeing as APP is a more mature area. Plus it would give it some additional use.


Nice try there, Grind, but no matter how much you plug the APP, we will just continue to ignore it. :D

Nice try there, Grind, but no matter how much you plug the APP, we will just continue to ignore it. :D

There is one simple reason there is so little traffic to APP. That is that despite all the high minded notions that people are here to debate civilly, they are not.

Everyone wants to flame on someone else or insult or demean. Some take it to extremes (like me), but everyone does it.

Nobody is looking for real debate and anyone thinking that they are is as deluded as someone thinking Obama had an interest in growing the economy.
Is this your idea of engendering good board relationships? No one calls you a wanker in every post.

Why yes...

Yes that is indeed ButtHurtYurt's idea of engendering good board relationships.

You should see how he responds to someone he's not on good terms with...