One on One Debate Forum

There is one simple reason there is so little traffic to APP. That is that despite all the high minded notions that people are here to debate civilly, they are not.

Everyone wants to flame on someone else or insult or demean. Some take it to extremes (like me), but everyone does it.

Nobody is looking for real debate and anyone thinking that they are is as deluded as someone thinking Obama had an interest in growing the economy.


You've read my posts, no? I challenge you to find a single statement that goes beyond civil discourse.
ok we'll try out the debate forum i think. My only concern is it wont have a lot of foot traffic as there are only so many one on one debates we can have here. I also probably would want to delay it until after the debate championship as I don't want to dry up all the debates that might be used in the competition :)
grind, there is never going to be a debate championship. the liberals simply don't want it.

create the forum and if it fails due to lack of participation, then at least we tried.

rune: i didn't say that i wanted perfect relationships or that i would never flame again. stop being such an overly sensitive jerk. i merely said that i THINK the debates will foster better relationships and i based that solely on my experience with the guy at the other board. we still flame each other, but we both have a higher amount of respect for each other. surely you understand given our recent exchanges.
grind, there is never going to be a debate championship. the liberals simply don't want it.

create the forum and if it fails due to lack of participation, then at least we tried.

rune: i didn't say that i wanted perfect relationships or that i would never flame again. stop being such an overly sensitive jerk. i merely said that i THINK the debates will foster better relationships and i based that solely on my experience with the guy at the other board. we still flame each other, but we both have a higher amount of respect for each other. surely you understand given our recent exchanges.

You only demean yourself with such usage.
Why yes...

Yes that is indeed ButtHurtYurt's idea of engendering good board relationships.

You should see how he responds to someone he's not on good terms with...
And you obamacultists are so well mannered!
You lefties constantly initiate abusive conversations, then whine when it comes back to you!
♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪;1166986 said:
I also probably would want to delay it until after the debate championship as I don't want to dry up all the debates that might be used in the competition :)

Well, that takes care of that.
Whoever came up with the idea of putting this in APP was smart. It was Damo or Grind, not sure which. But Yurt balked, and for some reason you guys dismissed your good idea.

The reason Yurt balked is because he is angling for a place he can attempt to "call people out" for not answering his nonsensical, and very numerous, posts. Posts about nothing. Since many have him on ignore, or just plain ignore most of his many posts, they will ignore this new nonsense from him too. He will then create thread after thread "calling people out' for being too "cowardly to debate him".

In plain english this is all an elaborate ruse to get more attention for Yurt.

It will be a complete bust, failure, and only contribute to yet more yurt trolling.

Put it in APP...or you'll be sorry. Now there, I'd say it has possibilities.
Whoever came up with the idea of putting this in APP was smart. It was Damo or Grind, not sure which. But Yurt balked, and for some reason you guys dismissed your good idea.

The reason Yurt balked is because he is angling for a place he can attempt to "call people out" for not answering his nonsensical, and very numerous, posts. Posts about nothing. Since many have him on ignore, or just plain ignore most of his many posts, they will ignore this new nonsense from him too. He will then create thread after thread "calling people out' for being too "cowardly to debate him".

In plain english this is all an elaborate ruse to get more attention for Yurt.

It will be a complete bust, failure, and only contribute to yet more yurt trolling.

Put it in APP...or you'll be sorry. Now there, I'd say it has possibilities.

Thread after thread after thread from ButtHurtYurt dedicated to his favorite poster, Howey!

I can't wait!
no snarla, i objected to APP because virtually no one views it and posts there

but do continue your dishonest diatribe, you are well versed in it

if damo wants to create a subforum in APP, fine, as long as the forum can be viewed without clicking on APP. my hunch is, you will never debate me because you're nothing but an angry old woman.
Whoever came up with the idea of putting this in APP was smart. It was Damo or Grind, not sure which. But Yurt balked, and for some reason you guys dismissed your good idea.

The reason Yurt balked is because he is angling for a place he can attempt to "call people out" for not answering his nonsensical, and very numerous, posts. Posts about nothing. Since many have him on ignore, or just plain ignore most of his many posts, they will ignore this new nonsense from him too. He will then create thread after thread "calling people out' for being too "cowardly to debate him".

In plain english this is all an elaborate ruse to get more attention for Yurt.

It will be a complete bust, failure, and only contribute to yet more yurt trolling.

Put it in APP...or you'll be sorry. Now there, I'd say it has possibilities.

I don't remember balking. When I add this I plan to add it there and maybe (note maybe) in the War Zone for those who want to "call out" somebody for a flame war.
I don't remember balking. When I add this I plan to add it there and maybe (note maybe) in the War Zone for those who want to "call out" somebody for a flame war.

No I said yurt balked, and I thought you changed your mind from something you or Grind said. That's good! We'll see what happens.