'Only in San Francisco'


the foolishness or downright idiocies of elected officials would be beyond belief had i not seen and experienced so much of it

kind of gives a whole new meaning to the phrase 'come to america, the land of opportunity'...
cocaine isn't that bad....I think children should be alllowed to purchase it if they want to. Who are we to take away their rights? TAX AND SPEND! TAX AND SPIN!

Comming up next on Cuntdown: A very special comment on John McBush saying that he respects and understands the pro-choice arguments, but disagrees with them. What a radical far right Bush clone! But now it's time for the worst persons.

3. Sheppard Smith at Fixed News for saying that "republicans have good ideas too". Stop drinking the kool-aid sheepard.

2. Gretta Van Suster at Terrorist News for saying that child molesters should get the death penalty. Pedophiles are people too! What kind of a sick person would approve of murder?!

1. Billo. Today he said Bill Keller was an irresponsible unchistian who went way over the line for attacking Mitt Romney's faith. Hmmm Televangelist Bill Keller?....Oh that's right! He has a show on the Fox Business channel! Way to insult your own team mates Billo. I think morons like you should be put to death!

Bill orally: Today's worst person...in the wooooorlllllllld!
I'm not sure whether to be more concerned about this, or about the trillion dollar iraq war.


actually, thats 3 trillion when you add all the related or hidden costs incurred to date

this includes rebuilding the regular armed forces, reserve forces and national guard forces...personal, equipment and benefits

however, both are symtoms of a schizophrenic society
however, both are symtoms of a schizophrenic society

I think of it more as an ostrich society. bury their heads in a hole on the real issues and worry about which celeb is dovorcing who. Or whose preacher said what ?