Open call to likeminded conservatives - join "The Victory Friends" Today!

Why do you even quote me Truth Teen? Is it just to post another gif? Most of us don't read your posts.
I like all my Liberal tards in one convenient target-rich environment, don't you? lol

what did mika say?

She was getting on democrats and journalists who are calling Kavanaugh a rapist

But I know how to read her body language and she is not liking this.

Her and Joey keep calling for an FBI investigation. Even Fords lawyers stopped demanding it. Now they have new demands
From the Book of the Unread, Chapter XII:

Today, 07:37 PM
ReekingBunghole 69

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Notice this conservative down low boys club,is like the 11 Senators,all men,no women!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!
Notice this conservative down low boys club,is like the 11 Senators,all men,no women!
"Not that there's anything wrong with that"!

Some of them fear us. Mommy issues, or constant rejection, or similar. Sokay, no one wants to watch the mutual petting and circle jerk anyways. lol
What will you do if Republicans take away your access to the good stuff? I always thought you were an indifferent, and just liked Trump because of his troll like qualities.

This currently hot topic plan was laid out in the Powell Memorandum in the early 1970s. During the Reagan administration it began to get a more stable footing. The observation by the aristocracy was that the political participation by the public and unrest of the 1960-70s was a result of the unsubstantial people having it too good, so they needed to be squeezed economically. It could not be accomplished electorally through the senate or congress; it could not be accomplished electorally by working through state legislatures. It could not be accomplished because it is not supported by the people. This is basically why they, those adherents of the ideology, want Bart O’Kavanaugh on the US Supreme Kangaroo Court. They do not believe the US should have a Social Security system, that’s “socialism”. They do not believe the US should have the Medicare system, that’s “socialism”. Public subsidization of the Wall Street/donor/”job creator” class is not “socialism” to them. The society they wish to create cannot be attained via democratic representation of the will of the people. It can be attained by 5 judges who believe in feudalism voting in unison on the US Supreme Kangaroo Court. Only if the people cooperate in their own subjugation mind you, but as if yet, we the people have given them little to be concerned about.

The overarching vision is that of the founders. A relative handful of eurocentric white males of the aristocracy should rule the rabble for the benefit of the aristocracy in a colonial societal wealth extraction paradigm.
I wish to be included, O Mighty Grind. Please sire, I humbly subjugate and cast off my humanity.

1) I support the overarching goals of the federalist society
2) I support the confirmation of Judge Kavanaugh
30 Deepstate is real

"I support vision of the founders; a relative handful of eurocentric white males of the aristocracy should rule the rabble for the benefit of the aristocracy in a colonial societal wealth extraction paradigm."