Opinion about Bush...

How do you conclude that conservatives intentionally want to screw over the worker? Typical marxist drivel. Conservatives (such as myself) want to repeal payroll taxes, and privatize SS and Medicare, for the benefit of all.

Yeah a privitized SS would be doing really fine right now considering the market.
Bullshit, he returned our tax dollars to us without spending it.

The "surplus" was an accounting gimmick anyway, it was the inclusion of social security trusts into the general fund, so they could be included in the budget... money that was intended for us to retire on, was used to "balance" the over-bloated budget, and Clinton sold this to you as a "surplus" or "windfall" when in fact, it was your retirement money.


no, he took money from our children and their children to pretend to give money back - or do you think that the growing deficit will just go away without having to repay it
Any casual observer can see that Bush is a man who is hopelessly unqualified for the job which he has, and is in way over his head.

The judgment of "history" won't change that. It won't make his incompetence on Katrina go away; it won't suddenly make Iraq "necessary" for our national security; it won't turn rebate checks into "great economic policy"; it won't make massaging the German Chancellor's shoulders smooth international relations; it won't make "bring 'em on" any less stupid.

Saying he's "the worst" may be premature, but there is no way this guy climbs out of the bottom 5, unless future history is only judged post-lobotomy, while tripping on acid.

I dunno. There's stiff competition at the bottom. You have Harding, Hoover, Coolidge, Grant, Buchannon and Pierce. W is certainly in that dubious group.