Oprah Closes the Deal for THIS Election


While I like Trump, this is a very smart/pragmatic view on your part.
Blue Dogs are a different breed.

I sincerely wish there were more of U.S.

If there were, it would have kept the Democrats honest, and prevented the rise of the Uniparty.

Now, post Obama, Corruption and Racial Preferences are King and Queen.

People say Biden was the worst American President ever, well, my vote is on Obama.

I suppose I’m strange in that I follow politics, talk about it online etc. but have zero interest in watching either convention or really listening to any of these politicians give speeches.

So no personal disrespect to Oprah but I have no interest in listening to her speech. But if it moved the election are you able to share a cliffs note version of what she said? (Did the betting markets move after her speech? Is that what you’re referring to?)
I’m not even interested in the Cliff’s notes. But I hear you regarding your interest in politics generally speaking. I may not even bother voting for anyone this go round.
I’m not even interested in the Cliff’s notes. But I hear you regarding your interest in politics generally speaking. I may not even bother voting for anyone this go round.
It's interesting, I get that national politics is the big shiny object we all pay attention to and yes - it's important. But in reality what happens locally has just as much (if not more) influence on our day to day lives (at least living in SF).

So I pay far more attention to what's happening locally in terms of who is running for what and the various ballot measures. Nationally my vote means nothing but on the local level it has more importance.
Blue Dogs are a different breed.

I sincerely wish there were more of U.S.

If there were, it would have kept the Democrats honest, and prevented the rise of the Uniparty.

Now, post Obama, Corruption and Racial Preferences are King and Queen.

People say Biden was the worst American President ever, well, my vote is on Obama.


Obama is Biden - that is he runs the presidency and will continue to rule as a king if the Marxists were able to cheat Kamala in this November,
Blue Dogs are a different breed.
The Demonkkkrat Party of today has DEFINITELY left people like yourself in the dust, THAT'S for sure! I've many times heard the words: "I didn't leave the Democrat Party; the Democrat Party left me".

There's also plenty of people like myself who used to consider ourselves Republicans until we started realizing that the present day Republican Party is basically just a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Demonkkkrat Party, a form of controlled opposition that fundraises off of battered conservatives.

The Uniparty in a nutshell is as follows:
The Demonkkkrat Party wing desires power/control.
The Republican't Party wing desires money.

The ideology of Demonkkkrats drives their donor activity (they use money to get power). The donor activity of Republicant's drives their ideology (they use power to get money).

Wanna piss off a Demonkkkrrat? Threaten his power.
Wanna piss off a Republican't? Threaten his money.

Donald Trump represents a threat to both their power AND their money (since his energy/economic policies benefit Main Street instead of Wall Street). That's why "both parties" (the Uniparty) hate him so much and continue to do everything under their power to stop him from getting a second term (including an assassination attempt!).
I sincerely wish there were more of U.S.
I think there's plenty of us who simply wish to see the working class guy stop getting sold out in exchange for lining the pocketbooks of corrupt politicians...
If there were, it would have kept the Democrats honest, and prevented the rise of the Uniparty.
I'd say a similar thing as to the Republican side that I used to consider "my team".
Now, post Obama, Corruption and Racial Preferences are King and Queen.
Obama is grinning from ear to ear!
People say Biden was the worst American President ever, well, my vote is on Obama.
It's effectively one in the same. It is Obama's people who are currently running the government. Biden (the installed Chief Puppet) is too far gone mentally to have any clue what the hell is going on, and Cacklin’ Kamabla is too stupid to have any clue what is going on.
"Closes the Deal" ?

Even the language used by the Lefties has become smarmy-used-car-salesman.

I'm not sold on it. No one I know is buying into it.

I am a 30 year registered blue dog Democrat living in a deep-blue state, and I haven't been sold on the Democrat Ticket since Monica.

I don't like Trump much either, but I only get two choices. Trump policies are clearly in my personal-financial and National Interests.

List a couple of the policies he's put forth that you like.
Blue Dogs are a different breed.

I sincerely wish there were more of U.S.

If there were, it would have kept the Democrats honest, and prevented the rise of the Uniparty.

Now, post Obama, Corruption and Racial Preferences are King and Queen.

People say Biden was the worst American President ever, well, my vote is on Obama.

You are a Democrat like I am the Pope's wife. You're not kidding anyone, esp. with your insistence that you are legion. You're nothing more than another MAGAT who's too cowardly to wear the red hat.
List a couple of the policies he's put forth that you like.
I like Trump's energy policy. It kept both gas prices and inflation very low. My yearly wage increases actually EXCEEDED the rate of inflation under Trump. I was GAINING money instead of losing it!

I like Trump's immigration policy. It kept law-breaking alien invaders from flooding into our country at record numbers and stealing public benefits that are funded and belong to WE THE PEOPLE.

I like Trump's foreign/trade policies. NO NEW WARS!!!!!! His implementation of tariffs (and other means) protected the jobs and interests of THIS nation and it's people...

I also like that Trump actually does (to the best of his ability) what he says he's going to do. Meanwhile, Kamabla is currently pretending to adopt his 'no tax on tips' policy, pretending to give a shit about the border that she never visited and allowed to be "open" for almost 4 years, and pretending that she will "do _____________ upon election" even though SHE'S ALREADY BEEN IN OFFICE FOR ALMOST FOUR YEARS, AND IS CURRENTLY IN OFFICE. Why hasn't she done any of her policy proposals for the past almost four years?? Why won't she immediately do any of her policy proposals??
You are a Democrat like I am the Pope's wife. You're not kidding anyone, esp. with your insistence that you are legion. You're nothing more than another MAGAT who's too cowardly to wear the red hat.
Do you really think that anyone cares about your opinion?

Isn't that just hubris?

In twenty years, will anyone remember you even existed?

You could say much the same of all the 2020+ Lefties.

They are going nowhere, because they have no core-integrity.

I am pursuing my own pathway, and if I succeed (unlikely), people will remember my name 1000 years from now. As the guy who fixed the energy storage problem.

You, are just another pointless, intolerant, hate-filled, judgemental, small, Leftie.

Good bye.
