Our Air Force is unconstitutional, like most of what is done in Washington.


Verified User
Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution gives the power to Congress to “raise and support armies” and to “provide and maintain a Navy,” but where is the power of Congress listed in the Constitution for the Congress/federal government to establish and provide for an ”Air Force?” Shouldn’t the feds have sought, gotten and had ratified an amendment to our Constitution before they established our Air Force?
Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution gives the power to Congress to “raise and support armies” and to “provide and maintain a Navy,” but where is the power of Congress listed in the Constitution for the Congress/federal government to establish and provide for an ”Air Force?” Shouldn’t the feds have sought, gotten and had ratified an amendment to our Constitution before they established our Air Force?

LMAO; nothing "classic" about your Liberalism.
LMAO; nothing "classic" about your Liberalism.

In your own words genius tell us why the Air Force is constitutional. I'll tell you why it's not constitutional. There's no power listed in the Constitution for the Congress or anybody else in government to establish a separate Air Force. So tell us how we got an Air Force constitutionally genius. I'll wait!!!!!

Oh! That's right, you can't handle rational conversation and logical questions huh genius?????
In your own words genius tell us why the Air Force is constitutional. I'll tell you why it's not constitutional. There's no power listed in the Constitution for the Congress or anybody else in government to establish a separate Air Force. So tell us how we got an Air Force constitutionally genius. I'll wait!!!!!

Oh! That's right, you can't handle rational conversation and logical questions huh genius?????

Dear moron; the intent contained in the Constitution was regarding National Defense. As this occurred in the 1700's, no one could have imagined that an air force would be part of that defense; therefore, anyone with half a brain and who is rational can conclude that Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution regarding the power of Congress to “raise and support armies” includes the "Air Force."

Unless, of course, you are a pitiful and ignorant small minded dweeb with nothing better to do all day than remove any doubt what a raving lunatic you are.

Tell us about those "chem trails" coming out of the Air Force exhausts at 36,000 feet again; that was pricelessly stupid.
Dear moron; the intent contained in the Constitution was regarding National Defense. As this occurred in the 1700's, no one could have imagined that an air force would be part of that defense; therefore, anyone with half a brain and who is rational can conclude that Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution regarding the power of Congress to “raise and support armies” includes the "Air Force."

Of course article one, section 8 gives the Congress the power to support an army which would also include the army’s weaponry including aircraft and the pilots that fly them as we had and known as the ”ARMY AIR FORCE” all the way from the military adopting air power until 1947 when a separate “AIR FORCE” was established unconstitutionally without amending the Constitution as the Constitution requires.

So genius, how did that happen without an amendment to our Constitution and why are you arguing favorable for that unconstitutional event? The challenge to you is genius to provide an argument that the air force is constitutional. So, are you saying that just because there was no air power when the Constitution was written anything and everything that was invented thereafter is exempt from constitutional law and the amendment process can constitutionally be ignored?

Tell us about those "chem trails" coming out of the Air Force exhausts at 36,000 feet again; that was pricelessly stupid.

Actually you brought up the chem-trails to belittle a patriotic retired Navy Seal and Governor of Minnesota who simply had a TV show about conspiracies which investigated all kinds of conspiracy theories but never chem-trails by which you claimed that patriotic retired Navy Seal was a “whack job” because he was a deadly chm-trail believer which he never has been shown by you or any other bogus genius to be. You belittled him and Ron Paul as whack-jobs then failed to produce a dime’s worth of evidence for the accusation because your only talent is pathetic unproven accusations and slinging tiresome insults because you’re totally lacking in rational substantive debating skills. You’re a clueless partisan RINO.
Dear moron; the intent contained in the Constitution was regarding National Defense. As this occurred in the 1700's, no one could have imagined that an air force would be part of that defense; therefore, anyone with half a brain and who is rational can conclude that Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution regarding the power of Congress to “raise and support armies” includes the "Air Force."
this is nothing more than covert support for the living document theory. while the air force was considered part of the army air guard, it was constitutional. once they created it's own branch, it became unconstitutional. Because it doesn't affect people directly, most people don't care that the government ignored their limits.
Of course article one, section 8 gives the Congress the power to support an army which would also include the army’s weaponry including aircraft and the pilots that fly them as we had and known as the ”ARMY AIR FORCE” all the way from the military adopting air power until 1947 when a separate “AIR FORCE” was established unconstitutionally without amending the Constitution as the Constitution requires.

So genius, how did that happen without an amendment to our Constitution

Because everyone except repugnant dimwits like you with nothing better to do but rant about things you know little about knows it is within the Constitutions “intent” and therefore no amendment is necessary.

Now if you want to debate the unconstitutionality of how the Supreme Court found legal abortion or universal healthcare in the Constitution, I am sure we can find some common ground.

and why are you arguing favorable for that unconstitutional event?

Because it wasn’t unconstitutional dimwit; the national defense is one of the few Constitutional things our Government is supposed to do…an Air Force being part of that of course.

The challenge to you is genius to provide an argument that the air force is constitutional. So, are you saying that just because there was no air power when the Constitution was written anything and everything that was invented thereafter is exempt from constitutional law and the amendment process can constitutionally be ignored?

No shit-for-brains; I am saying that rational individuals realize that an Air Force is part of the NATIONAL defense in a MODERN military and therefore, within the constitutional duties of the Federal Government to provide for the “defense” of the nation. No amendment is necessary unless you are a vulgar dimwitted fool with too much time on your hands wanting to argue about everything for the sake of arguing.

Actually you brought up the chem-trails to belittle a patriotic retired Navy Seal and Governor of Minnesota who simply had a TV show about conspiracies which investigated all kinds of conspiracy theories but never chem-trails by which you claimed that patriotic retired Navy Seal was a “whack job” because he was a deadly chm-trail believer which he never has been shown by you or any other bogus genius to be. You belittled him and Ron Paul as whack-jobs then failed to produce a dime’s worth of evidence for the accusation because your only talent is pathetic unproven accusations and slinging tiresome insults because you’re totally lacking in rational substantive debating skills. You’re a clueless partisan RINO.

I don’t give a shit whether you are a patriot or were wounded eight times with eight purple hearts; if you are going to rant like a brain dead lunatic twit about things you know nothing about, I am going to point at you and say, "look, an idiot."

What the fuck is this moronic notion about having served as some free pass to be a lunatic and idiot with people like you anyway? John Kerry is an idiot and a moron; and yes, he served…so what? Does that make him LESS of an idiot and moron?

Yes Ron Paul and Jesse Ventura are a couple of loony tune morons with little upstairs to prevent them from erupting with painfully stupid conspiracy theories. Not Presidential material by any stretch unless you are an ignorant buffoon with too much time on your hands.
this is nothing more than covert support for the living document theory. while the air force was considered part of the army air guard, it was constitutional. once they created it's own branch, it became unconstitutional. Because it doesn't affect people directly, most people don't care that the government ignored their limits.

You can only make such inept arguments if you invent intent of the founders that they ONLY meant an "Army" or a "Navy". We also have a Marine Corps and a Coast Guard which are unnamed in the document as well; I guess they could be unconstitutional in loony loopyland.

Again, national defense is a duty of Department of Defense and the Air Force is a division within that Department in a modern era which makes the creation of a separate Air force WITHIN the Department of Defense Constitutional; as opposed to the Supreme Court's interpretations that suggest Federal Healthcare and Abortions are also contained with the confines of the Constitution.

To summarize, the three military branches are within the Department of Defense reporting to the Secretary of Defense. Key words, “defense.” It doesn’t matter how many small divisions within that Department of DEFENSE there are, it doesn’t make any of them Un-Constitutional. Of course if you have too much time on your hands and want to argue for the sake of arguing to accomplish NOTHING, then by all means, you and Classic dumbass have at it.

The argument that one need ratify a new Department within the Department of Defense based on semantics and ideological purity requiring all fifty states for something that would be easily justified and ratified is one for loonytunes.
Article One, Section Eight of our Constitution gives the power to Congress to “raise and support armies” and to “provide and maintain a Navy,” but where is the power of Congress listed in the Constitution for the Congress/federal government to establish and provide for an ”Air Force?” Shouldn’t the feds have sought, gotten and had ratified an amendment to our Constitution before they established our Air Force?

Heck, if you ask some people on this board, (Smarterthanyou) the Federal Government is not even allowed to own property... so Air Force One is unconstitutional, and so is the White House, and Kennedy Space Center, and Yellowstone, and The Washington Monument, and our embassy's across the world... and the Post Offices and many more things.
You can only make such inept arguments if you invent intent of the founders that they ONLY meant an "Army" or a "Navy". We also have a Marine Corps and a Coast Guard which are unnamed in the document as well; I guess they could be unconstitutional in loony loopyland.
The USMC is specifically named 'department of the navy', so not sure how you think you gotchad me. the coast guard existed initially as a department of the treasury. completely constitutional. it has been changed numerous times from treasury to navy and back, even spent some years under transportation and now DHS. DHS existence remains debatably constitutional.
Smarterthanyou, Are you sticking with your claim that the Federal Government is not allowed to own property?
how do you define the words 'shall not be infringed'?

Has does that phrase apply to the federal government owing land? My rights aren't infringed upon because of Denali National Park. I support the preservation of this beautiful land so that everyone can enjoy the majesty! It is not held by private entities who would restrict my access.