Our First Minority President

It will probably not be Obama. I hate to break it to you Obamamaniacs, but he is not the right man for the job, and your time has not yet come. The good news is, it wasn't time for Hillary either. Let's face it, McCain is going to give you basically everything you want except the little (D) beside his name, so that should be seen as an improvement over Bush. Maybe you won't all kill yourselves or move out of the country when he wins in November.

"Why are you so sure Dixie?" I can hear the Pinheads clamour. Well, it's simple really. The American Psyche. Our collective thought and reasoning is in play when it comes to the Presidential election, it is one of the rare moments in time, where we all come together to express our sentiments. We read, debate, study the candidates, campaign for our guy, but when it comes down to stepping in that booth and pulling the lever, we vote our conscience.

It is a milestone for women and blacks in this election. There have been other women and blacks who have run for president, but this is the first time a woman and a black have been serious contenders for the office. It shows that we have, as a society, erased the barriers of stigma which have held back these minorities for years. It is a huge step, and for some, it is a little too much. Whether they will honestly admit it or not, many people will have more than a little apprehension pulling the lever for our first minority president.

In the end, race and gender will play a large roll, if race and gender are prevailing factors. "What are you saying Dixie?" I know it sounds convoluted, first I tell you we have 'overcome' then I tell you we are all closet racists. That's not it, but we do all have a conscience. The first minority president will likely be a person who transcends their minority status. Who's message is so resounding, people don't consider gender or race and it doesn't become a prevailing factor. A good example of this type person would be a Colin Powell.

Obama has a real problem, and it's tied to his race. It's not that a majority of Americans wouldn't vote for a black man, it's that a majority are not going to vote for a man simply because he is black. Just as they are not going to vote for a woman just because she is a woman. The message has to be there, and it has to have substance and compel people to support the candidate, Obama has an empty message, compelling mush-brain college kids to go for him, along with the African-American "down with whitey" vote. Which brings up an even worse problem for Obama, the honorable Rev. Wright. How can Obama claim that his pastor of 20 years has not effected him or his beliefs, and at the same time, disavow his Muslim upbringing and claim to be a Christian? It's sort of a catch 22 for him, and coupled with the fact that his wife is so ashamed of America... well, it's not looking good for his effect on the collective American Psyche.

No, I am sorry, Obama will not be our first minority president. That dubious honor will go to someone we see the person in, before we see their minority status. Ironically, it all comes back to Dr. King's message of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
Barring something dramatic, like another attack on America or something along those lines, Obama will win easily.

This is another in a long line of "wishful thinking" posts that aren't rooted anywhere near reality.
Even if you think Obama is unfit to be president, it's obvious that he will win the election. Record turnout in the democratic primaries and the money Obama and Clinton raised are some clues. Safe republican house seats going blue is another clue.

Ironically, it all comes back to Dr. King's message of judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.

That's why all those white dems gave Hillary the win in Iowa, Minniesota, Wisconsin, Missourri, Idaho, Kansas, Nebraska, Oregon, Washington, Vermont, Colorado, Wyoming and North Dakota. You should change the message to judging people by the content of their character and not the color of their party. A refridgerator could win the election if you strap a D next to it.
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That's why everyone was so crazy over the democratic primaries. Everyone knew the winner of that would go on to be the president. McCain doesn't stand a chance and it has nothing to do with my political views. Read the writing on the wall people!

You people need to stop watching Hannity & Terrorist to get the "truth" on Obama and you need to stop watching "Countdown with Liberal O'Reilly" to get the "truth" on McCain.
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It is way to early for one side or the other to start claiming victory.

Dixie, remember when you made these claims????

DIXIE, June 15, 2006: "Zarqawi's death spells the end for alQaeda in Iraq. There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"
So let me get this straight; the first black president has to be a republican. And the first woman president has to be a republican. Black democrats and woman democrats are just “too much”.
It’s funny how seriously you take yourself Dixie. You were always comic relief to me, and you still are. Sorry.
Barring something dramatic, like another attack on America or something along those lines, Obama will win easily.

This is another in a long line of "wishful thinking" posts that aren't rooted anywhere near reality.

While at this point I agree it is most likely that he wins, I think too many of you underestimate the closeness of this race. There are not that many swing states out there. Which means barring a sweep in the majority of them, it will be close (at least as far as the electoral college is concerned).
While at this point I agree it is most likely that he wins, I think too many of you underestimate the closeness of this race. There are not that many swing states out there. Which means barring a sweep in the majority of them, it will be close (at least as far as the electoral college is concerned).

In fact, with Obama as our candidate, polls are stating it’s going to be very close. That’s something that is being glossed over. Some of it is about Hillary-hate, because if you admit that she does better in some swing states than Obama does, that risks making you into a deranged Hillary-enabler, and possibly now, a murderer. And some of it is denial, because no one can believe that after 8 years of this, we could have a close race. And we shouldn’t have one. I am hopeful that in the end, we aren’t going to have one, and an argument can be made that due to turnout and what special elections have show us; the polls are wrong.

But some are just completely dismissing the very idea that it could be close.

Dixie seriously, where did you get your votech training?
And what kind of drugs do you like, I need to take some to escape reality as effectively as you have.
In fact, with Obama as our candidate, polls are stating it’s going to be very close. That’s something that is being glossed over. Some of it is about Hillary-hate, because if you admit that she does better in some swing states than Obama does, that risks making you into a deranged Hillary-enabler, and possibly now, a murderer. And some of it is denial, because no one can believe that after 8 years of this, we could have a close race. And we shouldn’t have one. I am hopeful that in the end, we aren’t going to have one, and an argument can be made that due to turnout and what special elections have show us; the polls are wrong.

But some are just completely dismissing the very idea that it could be close.


Agreed. If the election were held today, I think Obama would win by 10 million in the popular vote, but still be within 20-30 in the electoral vote. I think he picks up OH, but not FL. I think he could pick up Virginia, New Mexico and possibly Colorado. But I do not see too many more that I think he will add.
So let me get this straight; the first black president has to be a republican. And the first woman president has to be a republican. Black democrats and woman democrats are just “too much”.
It’s funny how seriously you take yourself Dixie. You were always comic relief to me, and you still are. Sorry.

I think those are your words Darling, not mine. If you would try to read the context of my post, you will see that I am not saying a word about party. Colin Powel could probably have been president under the (D) or (R), because his integrity trumps his race. What I am saying is, the first minority president will transcend considerations of race or gender, the message will be the prevailing factor. Obama, unfortunately, doesn't have that.

He does have a nice little coalition of support, don't get me wrong. I just think it will come down to wire with people voting their conscience.
Dweebie ...uh I mean Dicksee.... oh I mean Dixie.

I have just created a better record of getting your name right than you have of ever getting anything right.

You are like a polar opposite compass. You are always wrong dude.
I think those are your words Darling, not mine. If you would try to read the context of my post, you will see that I am not saying a word about party. Colin Powel could probably have been president under the (D) or (R), because his integrity trumps his race. What I am saying is, the first minority president will transcend considerations of race or gender, the message will be the prevailing factor. Obama, unfortunately, doesn't have that.

He does have a nice little coalition of support, don't get me wrong. I just think it will come down to wire with people voting their conscience.

His integrity trumps his race?? Putting aside that Colin Powell, going back to My Lai, has no integrity….just what does that mean Dixie?
His integrity trumps his race?? Putting aside that Colin Powell, going back to My Lai, has no integrity….just what does that mean Dixie?

A very large portion of the nation respects Colin Powel for his integrity. He was an example to illustrate a point I was trying to get across. It's very difficult to give an example, because... well, they would obviously be a popular candidate for president right now, more than likely. MLK had that kind of integrity, and may have been able to win a presidential election with the right circumstances, Condi Rice could probably transcend her race and gender and win the presidency. There are minorities on both sides who could transcend what they are, and make the prevailing issue, who they are and what they stand for.

Obama can't do this, he has no message, he is simply "the black man" running for president, and that isn't enough to get him elected. The first minority president will be someone we don't see the "minority" in. The kind of person we will elect and wake up the next day to realize we've just elected the first minority president. That may be a bit dramatic, but the point is, whoever the first minority president is, will have to win the election based on something besides their race or gender.
I think those are your words Darling, not mine. If you would try to read the context of my post, you will see that I am not saying a word about party. Colin Powel could probably have been president under the (D) or (R), because his integrity trumps his race. What I am saying is, the first minority president will transcend considerations of race or gender, the message will be the prevailing factor. Obama, unfortunately, doesn't have that.

He does have a nice little coalition of support, don't get me wrong. I just think it will come down to wire with people voting their conscience.

Dixie, these are YOUR WORDS.... from back in 2006...

"Zarqawi's death spells the end for alQaeda in Iraq. There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads!"


at this point, the race is alot closer than one would think imo, however, there is 5 more months of this.... mccain is beating obama, clinton is beating mccain, as of 5/25...


also, this polling explains a great deal of the demographics in detail between hill camp and barak's camp....obama's weakness is primarily, white, married women/both college and non college grads........white single men BO has in his camp, and college grad white men on his team, not blue collar white males... and BO has neither white married college grad women or white non college grad women in his camp in the majority...

survey was done with a huge number of people compared to the ''usual'' 1000 people...

Survey Methods

Results are based on telephone interviews with 14,755 national adults who report being registered to vote, aged 18 and older, conducted May 1-17, 2008, as part of the Gallup Poll Daily tracking program. For results based on the total sample of national adults, one can say with 95% confidence that the maximum margin of sampling error is ±1 percentage point.

Interviews are conducted with respondents on land-line telephones (for respondents with a land-line telephone) and cellular phones (for respondents who are cell-phone only).

In addition to sampling error, question wording and practical difficulties in conducting surveys can introduce error or bias into the findings of public opinion polls.

A very large portion of the nation respects Colin Powel for his integrity. He was an example to illustrate a point I was trying to get across. It's very difficult to give an example, because... well, they would obviously be a popular candidate for president right now, more than likely. MLK had that kind of integrity, and may have been able to win a presidential election with the right circumstances, Condi Rice could probably transcend her race and gender and win the presidency. There are minorities on both sides who could transcend what they are, and make the prevailing issue, who they are and what they stand for.

Obama can't do this, he has no message, he is simply "the black man" running for president, and that isn't enough to get him elected. The first minority president will be someone we don't see the "minority" in. The kind of person we will elect and wake up the next day to realize we've just elected the first minority president. That may be a bit dramatic, but the point is, whoever the first minority president is, will have to win the election based on something besides their race or gender.

Oh that’s right. I forgot how Republicans are. You never notice when someone is black, unless someone points it out to you and then you say “my god, he’s bl-ack, I hadn’t even noticed that!”

Barack Obama is half black and half white, some would say that allows him to transcend race right there.

And the idea that he has nothing to run on other than being a black man is a blatant, right wing lie, since one, he is not running on being a black man, and two, he’s got a very large, and detailed agenda sitting right on his website which he also talks about Dixie.


at this point, the race is alot closer than one would think imo, however, there is 5 more months of this.... mccain is beating obama, clinton is beating mccain, as of 5/25...


also, this polling explains a great deal of the demographics in detail between hill camp and barak's camp....obama's weakness is primarily, white, married women/both college and non college grads........white single men BO has in his camp, and college grad white men on his team, not blue collar white males... and BO has neither white married college grad women or white non college grad women in his camp in the majority...

survey was done with a huge number of people compared to the ''usual'' 1000 people...

desh? obama was not in the senate for the iraq resolution....him being against it while not being a senator and not being part of the senator's information and briefings and pressures after 911, is NOT any kind of thing to hang his hat on...that's like frist diagnosing terri schiavo without ever examining her....yes, we know now it was bad information and twisted and turned by the administration....that wasn't known at the time of the vote, when kerry, and edwards and others on the obama team voted for it, just as hillary did.

obama will not bring the troops home any quicker than hillary and to believe such is silly....even if mccain gets in, if congress gets the super majority in the senate, the troops are coming home....imo....


and to clear it up for everyone on this site....i would never, ever vote for mccain.
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desh? obama was not in the senate for the iraq resolution....him being against it while not being a senator and not being part of the senator's information and briefings and pressures after 911, is NOT any kind of thing to hang his hat on...that's like frist diagnosing terri schiavo without ever examining her....yes, we know now it was bad information and twisted and turned by the administration....that wasn't known at the time of the vote, when kerry, and edwards and others on the obama team voted for it, just as hillary did.

obama will not bring the troops home any quicker than hillary and to believe such is silly....even if mccain gets in, if congress gets the super majority in the senate, the troops are coming home....imo....


and to clear it up for everyone on this site....i would never, ever vote for mccain.

Whatever man that is spin. Yeah he wasn't a senator then but he was actively protesting starting the war while starting his run so you can't really say he had nothing to lose or that it is nothing to hang his hat on without LYING to yourself.