Palestinians Speak the Language of Violence Israel Taught Them

......perhaps someone should ask Israel...."What if there are fifty righteous within the city? Will you consume and not spare the place for the fifty righteous who are in it? 25 May it be far from you to do things like that, to kill the righteous with the wicked, so that the righteous should be like the wicked. May that be far from you. Shouldn’t the Judge of all the earth do right?”"......Gen 18:16-33

of course, we've seen what happened when fifty could not be found.......the four righteous were given the opportunity to leave.......
So fucking what? What did he say that you disagree with?

Use your words dumbass.


Hedges opens with this:

Israel has spoken this blood-soaked language of violence to the Palestinians since Zionist militias seized more than 78 percent of historic Palestine, destroyed some 530 Palestinian villages and cities and killed about 15,000 Palestinians in more than 70 massacres. Some 750,000 Palestinians were ethnically cleansed between 1947 and 1949 to create the state of Israel in 1948

Before Israel was a nation, and for decades before it, the Palestinians were enacting terrorism on a wide scale against the British and French in what was known then as Trans-Jordan, the area between Syria (French control) and Egypt (British control). Before that they were enacting terrorism on the Ottoman Empire. Before that they were enacting terrorism on... You get the picture.

At the onset of the 1948 war--started by Eqypt and Syria to eradicate the new state of Israel--Palestinians were told to flee Israel by the Arab leadership to avoid destruction at their hands. A large portion did. When that war ended in defeat of the Arab nations, the Palestinians became refugees and the Arab states that told them to flee would not accept them in as refugees. They became completely stateless.

As for ethnic cleansing, the Arab states at least through the 70's all called for the destruction of Israel and eradication of Jews. In Arab countries across the whole of Dar al Islam and the Middle East, Jewish populations were eradicated or force to flee, many going to Israel.


So, his hyperbolic nonsense about Palestinians being ethnically cleansed--they were forced out of Israeli occupied areas but weren't simply slaughtered which is the usual connotation of "ethnically cleansed" is a lie on the part of Hegdes.

Israel’s response to these armed incursions will be a genocidal assault on Gaza. Israel will kill dozens of Palestinians for every Israeli killed. Hundreds of Palestinians have already died in Israel air assaults since the launch of “Operation Al-Aqsa Flood” on Saturday morning, which left 700 Israelis dead.

This is Hedges using an irrelevant appeal to quantity to make the Israeli response look bad. That Hamas is so militarily incompetent that they are losing 10 or 100 to 1 in casualties is simply that. War works that way. If you don't want to lose masses of people find a way to be more competent at war or don't fucking start one.

The collective retribution against innocents is a familiar tactic employed by colonial rulers. We used it against Native Americans and later in the Philippines and Vietnam.

This is using a sweeping generality as a lie, a familiar tactic in propaganda, used by Hedges. In the French and Indian War, Native Americans willingly took sides with the colonials, both French and British, and when the war ended those on the losing side got stomped on as was normal in any war at the time. In 1812, Tecumseh and the Great Lakes tribes sided with the British. The war ended and the British walked away leaving those tribes at the mercy of their declared enemy in war who took advantage of their loss as was normal in war at the time.

In Vietnam, the US did not practice retribution on "innocents" but the NVA and North Vietnam certainly did...

The whole article is one of a jaundiced view from the radical Left of how evil successful nations are when dealing with rogue states and non-national terrorists. It's akin to complaining that an MMA fighter beat the snot out of some scrawny bully who started shit with him. That's very much a common whining from the radical Left. But when the radical Left gains power they are more than willing to use it to do the exact thing they whined about when they didn't have power.

Hegdes' article is for shit.