Palin another Bush instead fo Reagan ?


Villified User
Although her focus has been politics, the Palins have been involved in a series of small businesses, often with partners. These included a carwash in Anchorage — the Palins had a 20 percent stake — which last year was issued a certificate of involuntary dissolution by the state after the owners failed to pay state fees. They've also owned a snowmobile business and in 2005, Palin also registered the name for a marketing and consulting startup company: Rouge Cou, translated from French to "red neck." It never operated as a business.
Although her focus has been politics, the Palins have been involved in a series of small businesses, often with partners. These included a carwash in Anchorage — the Palins had a 20 percent stake — which last year was issued a certificate of involuntary dissolution by the state after the owners failed to pay state fees. They've also owned a snowmobile business and in 2005, Palin also registered the name for a marketing and consulting startup company: Rouge Cou, translated from French to "red neck." It never operated as a business.

Nice try--20% tells me they did not have majority control of the company. So what--they had a snowmobile business. I think I know the Palin type. You can dig, they will be pretty much clean--and you will look like the desperate social/commie you are.

I think you have a problem with capatolism and free markets that allow people to have a good lifestyle. Are you really a UScitizen? If so--move to Europe where you will like it. America is the last free people sanctuary for people who don't like their governments. Your trying to ruin the best country in the world, and Palin is trying to make it a better world sanctuary. What is your origin--how about going back?
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Nice try--20% tells me they did not have majority control of the company. So what--they had a snowmobile business.

I think you have a problem with capatolism and free markets that allow people to have a good lifestyle. Are you really a UScitizen?

As per usual you missed the point. Multiple failures in business.

Yep a genuine uscitizen. And I am a successful capitalist. All of my business ventures have succeded nicely so far. Unlike Palins.

I am a humanistic capitalist.
As per usual you missed the point. Multiple failures in business.

Yep a genuine uscitizen. And I am a successful capitalist. All of my business ventures have succeded nicely so far. Unlike Palins.

I am a humanistic capitalist.

Note--how socialists make it hard on small business today.

no--you miss the point.

I am sorry--I have this thing in my mind that everybody who dislikes Palin is a socialist (somebody hoilding a collectivist ideology)---because Palin is obviously a capatolist free market type. She may not have had all the time she needed to keep the businesses going herself (admitted speculation)--she is busy protecting your right to have yours---so stop bitching!
Note--how socialists make it hard on small business today.

no--you miss the point.

I am sorry--I have this thing in my mind that everybody who dislikes Palin is a socialist (somebody hoilding a collectivist ideology)---because Palin is obviously a capatolist free market type. She may not have had all the time she needed to keep the businesses going herself (admitted speculation)--she is busy protecting your right to have yours---so stop bitching!

Yep she is not socialist is she ?

The McCain campaign boasts of her pork-cutting, but up close it looks more like a trim. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. She boasts of rejecting plans to build the notorious "Bridge to Nowhere," a $389 million bridge to an island with 50 residents. But only after she said yes did she say no, rejecting the locally-popular project after it was ridiculed and Congress cut some of the funds. She hung onto $27 million to build the approach road to the bridge.

Palin the pork queen.
LOL... USGED is getting desperate now! Priceless!

Now you're going to offend every small business owner in America? Damn!

Just keep running your mouths Dems! By election time, you might be able to piss ALL of America off!

Yeah, Palin is kind of like Bush... except, she doesn't have a daddy who paved her way into politics and business... she has fought against her own party to end corruption... she has mothered 5 children while being the governor of the largest state in the US... she can actually articulate the viewpoints of Conservatism in a way Americans can relate to... and she looks pretty damn fine in a pair of blue jeans. :)
Yep she is not socialist is she ?

The McCain campaign boasts of her pork-cutting, but up close it looks more like a trim. In her two years as governor, Alaska has requested nearly $750 million in special federal spending, by far the largest per-capita request in the nation. She boasts of rejecting plans to build the notorious "Bridge to Nowhere," a $389 million bridge to an island with 50 residents. But only after she said yes did she say no, rejecting the locally-popular project after it was ridiculed and Congress cut some of the funds. She hung onto $27 million to build the approach road to the bridge.

Palin the pork queen.

So she learned from her mistakes--even before they were implimented. I don't see anybody else doing that.

Dude--did you see that huge banner on the top of the page of your link? That "get to know barack Obama--join us" banner. The biggest and only one there--did you miss it?
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Explain please--I will show you you are wrong.

Having seen USCitizen talk about his business practices, his lifestyle and his interaction with his employees, I think you are gravely mistaken about him.
LOL... USGED is getting desperate now! Priceless!

Now you're going to offend every small business owner in America? Damn!

Just keep running your mouths Dems! By election time, you might be able to piss ALL of America off!

Yeah, Palin is kind of like Bush... except, she doesn't have a daddy who paved her way into politics and business... she has fought against her own party to end corruption... she has mothered 5 children while being the governor of the largest state in the US... she can actually articulate the viewpoints of Conservatism in a way Americans can relate to... and she looks pretty damn fine in a pair of blue jeans. :)

As people of America get to know her (all it takes a first imrpession with her)--she won't be stopped---whoooohahahahahahahahaha. lol I can retire--I can retire. hurrray
Having seen USCitizen talk about his business practices, his lifestyle and his interaction with his employees, I think you are gravely mistaken about him.

he just said Palin has socialist view points. If he would answer why he thinks that way, may be I can change my mind about him, and may be even Palin. Taking bets here--taking bets. Citizen just backed himself in a hole.
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he just said Palin has socialist view points. If he would answer why he thinks that way, may be I can change my mind about him, and may be even Palin. Taking bets here--taking bets. Citizen just backed himself in a hole.

Considering you have called people unamerican in several posts, I'm not sure anyone will take bets or answer you.

I am stubborn enough to do so.
he just said Palin has socialist view points. If he would answer why he thinks that way, may be I can change my mind about him, and may be even Palin. Taking bets here--taking bets. Citizen just backed himself in a hole.

I saw where he said "Yep she is not socialist is she ?", but I do not see where he said she has "socialistic view points".

Perhaps you misinterpreted what USC said.
So she learned from her mistakes--even before they were implimented. I don't see anybody else doing that.

Nonsense. She saw the blood in the water and got out before it was too late. If there had been no outcry over it she would have continued to go right along with it.
Don't you just love how Pinheads "KNOW" what people would do, how they would act, or how they would vote? That is the gist of their counter argument... you would have...I just know it! LOL
Palin is the per capita pork queen of the USA.


Considering Palin has never voted for federal pork of any kind, to any state, what does this make Joe Biden? Pork God of the Universe? lol

This is the most hilarious charge of all... that the Governor of Alaska is guilty of supporting Federal earmarks to her state! Let's forget that she drastically slashed the state budget SHE was responsible for, and sold the Gubernatorial Jet on Ebay, and gave her constituents the largest tax cuts in state history, and even rejected the Federal Funding for the Bridge to Nowhere! But Joe Biden... now he has been opposed to ANY pork at all... righhhhht!
Nonsense. She saw the blood in the water and got out before it was too late. If there had been no outcry over it she would have continued to go right along with it.

Anybody else would have pushed it through--and you know it. Show me one that has not been pushed through when they (the feds) want to spend our money. The bottom loine is--the money was not spent. The project was scrapped.
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