Palin another Bush instead fo Reagan ?

Don't you just love how Pinheads "KNOW" what people would do, how they would act, or how they would vote? That is the gist of their counter argument... you would have...I just know it! LOL

Thank you. I gave the facts that the project was scrapped--and he fights back with speculation.

Considering Palin has never voted for federal pork of any kind, to any state, what does this make Joe Biden? Pork God of the Universe? lol

This is the most hilarious charge of all... that the Governor of Alaska is guilty of supporting Federal earmarks to her state! Let's forget that she drastically slashed the state budget SHE was responsible for, and sold the Gubernatorial Jet on Ebay, and gave her constituents the largest tax cuts in state history, and even rejected the Federal Funding for the Bridge to Nowhere! But Joe Biden... now he has been opposed to ANY pork at all... righhhhht!

Good looking out!
largest state in the us and nearly the least populous.

Haha, citizen says America rapes Alaska for her resources. Citizen must love palin then for standing up for Alaska. Especially because he is an indepedent and a party of one and one of the few thinking people in America. Citizen supports alasaka.
Haha, citizen says America rapes Alaska for her resources. Citizen must love palin then for standing up for Alaska. Especially because he is an indepedent and a party of one and one of the few thinking people in America. Citizen supports alasaka.

Wrong again dilbert.
Republican have a nest of bad eggs. They even shy to show their best one: President Bush and VP Cheney in their convention. Finally they found one which looks like with a complete shell. So they blow the trumpet to celebrate it. But is the egg that good? I am afraid not. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. And even this one would be proved with a black yolk once cracked. After all, birds of a feather flock together.
Republican have a nest of bad eggs. They even shy to show their best one: President Bush and VP Cheney in their convention. Finally they found one which looks like with a complete shell. So they blow the trumpet to celebrate it. But is the egg that good? I am afraid not. Pick up any one in the House would be better qualified than her. And even this one would be proved with a black yolk once cracked. After all, birds of a feather flock together.

Hmmm. Is it me, or is kathaksung starting to make sense?
This is how the Feds rule this country. They select president by rigged election. (The intelligence controls election office that count the votes). And justify the result by fake poll. (They control media)

The tactic:
1. Blew up the Obbama bubble by media. Purpose: to mine a justification when they let Republican win the president campaign. Their say: Americans are not ready for a black president.

2. Let Obama ran over Clinton in Demo's campaign. Because technically, Hillary Clinton can beat Republican eaiser than Obama.

To achieve this, Feds even manipulated Demo's high ranking that they picked up Biden as VP and abandoned Clinton.

3. Now blow up the Pain bubble by media. Purpose: to justify a rigged election by the say: White women turn their votes to Palin.

Do you really think people care about a speech of Palin then forget that evil party had stolen their civil right by a false flag attack? And spend so much money on an unjust war and made a mess on US economy?

What the Feds need is just an excuse for a rigged election. See: Because Palin withdraw the votes of white women. Just like what they did in Iraq war by a not existed WMD.

The reality is Americans should have voted 80% to Demo vs 20% to Repub. (that base on the fact that 80% people think America is now on the wrong direction) But media turn it into a get even campaign and will steal it in a little margin. (the same soup opera had acted in 2000 and 2004)