Palin calls it the future Palin McCain adminstration.


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Whoa! Palin is now putting herself FIRST when talking about this election. She was at a rally and called it the Palin McCain administration.
The hillbilly ain't no shrinking voilet, and if I were McCain I'd be scared for my life if I got elected, cause she is taking over, you can bet on that.
Whoa! Palin is now putting herself FIRST when talking about this election. She was at a rally and called it the Palin McCain administration.

Do you have ANY doubt who repukes are really voting for? I scanned this board and elsewhere in cyberspace, and for the first time repukes are really stoked for this election. And it ain't Grandpa that's exciting them.

They really think this theocrat from alaska is the future of their party. Even the poseurs who claimed they hated the religious rightwing. Its all about keeping democrats out of office, and "stopping socialism" with these cats.

We've seen this movie before. Republicans prop up some underqualified theocratic hack, and the rest of us pay the price. As others have noted before, this nation's first female president will be a republican. Because Democrats won't play the gender card in a general election against a female opponent, in the way the repukes would if the shoe was on the other foot.
Prissy, why don't you do something to help Global Warming, and shut your stupid mouth? Do you have ANY evidence that Palin wants or desires a THEOCRACY in America? Nope, you don't, because she has NEVER said anything remotely close to that, and the closest she has even come, is to pray for our troops. What you are, is a lying hypocritical left-wing hack, who is sore because your socialist agenda is derailed yet again, by people who love America and hate Socialism.

If you thought for one second, playing the "gender card" would get you anywhere, you would do it in a heartbeat, but you know damn well, that would blow up in your face, just like everything else you idiots try. I notice the attacks on her personal life and family have ceased, I guess you realized it was hurting you more than helping, huh?

do you want me to dig up the post, where you said it was your personal belief that women who get abortions, should be stoned to death in accordance with biblical law?

Republicans lie. I don't give a shit if Palin has never publically said she wants to establish a theocracy. I've read more books about theocracy in the last 24 months, than the amount of comic books you've read in your adult life.

Theocrats don't publically announce what their intentions are. That's the way they roll.

And I don't want a moron who thinks the earth is 6000 years old, and that dinosuars walked among humans, in the white house.

I still have some dignity after 8 years of Bush, and I don't support morons for the office of the vice presidency.

do you want me to dig up the post, where you said it was your personal belief that women who get abortions, should be stoned to death in accordance with biblical law?

Republicans lie. I don't give a shit if Palin has never publically said she wants to establish a theocracy. I've read more books about theocracy in the last 24 months, than the amount of comic books you've read in your adult life.

Theocrats don't publically announce what their intentions are. That's the way they roll.

And I don't want a moron who thinks the earth is 6000 years old, and that dinosuars walked among humans, in the white house.

I still have some dignity after 8 years of Bush, and I don't support morons for the office of the vice presidency.

Prissy, you can dig up whatever you like, we've debated this already. The statement I made was an example of how MY PERSONAL VIEW is not affiliated with what is acceptable as law of the land, because I am not the King!

Palin has not discussed her personal religious views, I don't know what she believes personally, and I don't care. She hasn't advocated Theocracy, and I have no reason to believe she wants that, or would have the power to implement it, even if she did. The fact that you want to convey such a notion, is either evidence you are severely mentally retarded, or you are attempting to appeal to people who are.
Are people in here, even you Dixie, comfortable voting for someone that believes the earth is no more than 8000 years old and that dinosaurs walked the earth with Humans? I mean this is BASIC elementary school science. No one should be president that truly believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old.
Are people in here, even you Dixie, comfortable voting for someone that believes the earth is no more than 8000 years old and that dinosaurs walked the earth with Humans? I mean this is BASIC elementary school science. No one should be president that truly believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

As I said, I don't give a shit what her personal religious views are. She is entitled, as an American, to practice her religious beliefs any way she chooses, and shouldn't be condemned, persecuted, or discriminated against, because of it. This makes absolutely NO difference in how she would perform her duties as VP, and shouldn't be a factor... but you morons are going to make it a factor, as I predicted you would, because you can't attack her on substantive issues and policy. It's the primary reason you will lose this election.

I don't recall anyone doing a rectal exam on Jimmy Carter's Baptist beliefs when he was running for president, are you certain he doesn't believe as Palin does? Hell, are you even certain about what Palin believes? Where the fuck did you get this information from, some left-wing blog post? They had her in a conspiracy to cover up her daughter giving birth to her DS baby, for crying out loud... you can't trust a bunch of Internet rumors from the left, or are you too drenched in koolaid to realize that, moron?
"As I said, I don't give a shit what her personal religious views are. She is entitled, as an American, to practice her religious beliefs any way she chooses, and shouldn't be condemned, persecuted, or discriminated against, because of it"

Is that also how you feel about Obama allegedly being a Muslim?

Doesn't seem to consistent w/ your thoughts on that topic...
"As I said, I don't give a shit what her personal religious views are. She is entitled, as an American, to practice her religious beliefs any way she chooses, and shouldn't be condemned, persecuted, or discriminated against, because of it"

Is that also how you feel about Obama allegedly being a Muslim?

Doesn't seem to consistent w/ your thoughts on that topic...

"As I said, I don't give a shit what her personal religious views are. She is entitled, as an American, to practice her religious beliefs any way she chooses, and shouldn't be condemned, persecuted, or discriminated against, because of it"

Is that also how you feel about Obama allegedly being a Muslim?

Doesn't seem to consistent w/ your thoughts on that topic...

IF Obama had come out and said he was a Muslim who opposed the Radical teachings of Fundamentalists of his religion, I would not hold it against him at all. He didn't... he CLAIMED he was a Christian, but his pastor of 20 years... he doesn't share his views either! So what the fuck are we to make of that? Did he LIE? Is he REALLY a radical Muslim? I think it's important to elect people who are HONEST with WHO they are, I don't hold anything against ANYONE who is HONEST!
Are people in here, even you Dixie, comfortable voting for someone that believes the earth is no more than 8000 years old and that dinosaurs walked the earth with Humans? I mean this is BASIC elementary school science. No one should be president that truly believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

Let me put this in the words of Jarhead...

"IF Obama had come out and said he was a Muslim who opposed the Radical teachings of Fundamentalists of his religion, I would not hold it against him at all. He didn't... he CLAIMED he was a Christian, but his pastor of 20 years... he doesn't share his views either! So what the fuck are we to make of that? Did he LIE? Is he REALLY a radical Muslim? "

You probably can't hear yourself on this, so I'll explain. There is no corresponding relationship in what you discuss above. For the 1st sentence, the only "proof" you have that he is a Muslim who would need to denounce anything extremist about that religion is right-wing blogs, which is ironic since you denounced left-wing blogs a few posts back.

Then, you suspiciously say he CLAIMED he was a Christian, but denounced his pastor - as though he was denouncing Christianity in the process, when, as you know, he denounced his pastor for obvious reasons.

There is nothing to indicate that he is not a Christian, or that he has lied in any way, but you are ready to believe the worst.

Whereas Palin's church DOES believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible; if she doesn't believe what Soc posted, isn't SHE being dishonest Dix? And therefore, by your own standards....hasn't she failed you?

Oh, goodness - what a conundrum....
Oncie, the difference is, we have not been declared war upon, by Christians who believe the Earth is 6,000 years old! IF they had flown planes into buildings on 9/11, I wouldn't support Sarah Palin, and I seriously doubt McCain would have nominated her. Obama comes from a Muslim background, his name is a Muslim name, his upbringing was in a Muslim family. He 'converted' to Christianity as the result of Rev. Wright, his pastor for 20 years. Now, he has suddenly had to denounce his pastor because of his inflammatory rhetoric in the midst of the campaign, and it leads one to wonder, what the fuck is really going on with Obama and his faith. I don't hold prejudice toward Muslim people in general, I know several and they all seem to be decent people, I have no reason to judge them or condemn them because of the radical elements of their party, but I think Obama is either lying about being a Christian, or lying about not being Muslim. My problem with his faith is not about what he believes, it's about his honesty with us in what he believes. Palin has not been dishonest about her beliefs, and whether her Church believes a certain way or not, is none of my business. Most Christians do indeed believe in a literal interpretation of the Bible, that is pretty much written in the Bible as a mandate to be called a Christian. This idea of the Earth being 6,000 years old, I am not sure about, and I don't think it is inherent of all believers of the Bible, and I don't think Palin has gone on record to say this is what she personally believes, nor do I think that matters. Again... Had the 6000 year Earth people flown planes into buildings on 9/11, maybe it would... that is NOT the case.
Are people in here, even you Dixie, comfortable voting for someone that believes the earth is no more than 8000 years old and that dinosaurs walked the earth with Humans? I mean this is BASIC elementary school science. No one should be president that truly believes that the earth is less than 10,000 years old.

Damn Soc, your trippin man. You are smart as hell but you are pulling what people rightfully complain about McCain doing and that's promoting false and misleading B.S. It's your right to do it but your better than that.
Damn Soc, your trippin man. You are smart as hell but you are pulling what people rightfully complain about McCain doing and that's promoting false and misleading B.S. It's your right to do it but your better than that.

No he's not, he's no better than the rest of them, he's a pinhead, like all the rest. I used to think this same thing about several of the posters here, but I have come to realize, they will literally say and do anything to win power. They don't care if something is true or not, they will throw it out there and act like it's the fucking Gospel, if they think it gives their guy the edge.
No he's not, he's no better than the rest of them, he's a pinhead, like all the rest. I used to think this same thing about several of the posters here, but I have come to realize, they will literally say and do anything to win power. They don't care if something is true or not, they will throw it out there and act like it's the fucking Gospel, if they think it gives their guy the edge.

Ohh you mean like Mccain was a fighter pilot and the NV broke his limbs so he could not fly again ?

sheesh talk about the pot calling the kettle black, you are an ultimate hypoctrite Dix.