Palin hates gays


Junior Member
In 2005, Alaska's highest court ruled, in a case brought in 1999 on behalf of nine couples, that the state could not deny benefits to the domestic partners of state government employees. The court ordered the state to implement that ruling in late 2006.

The ruling was seen by right wingers as conflicting with a 1998 amendment to the Alaska Constitution, passed by voters in a ballot referendum, that defined marriage as solely between one man and one woman. The Republican-dominated State Legislature passed a bill that barred the state's administrative agency from implementing the ruling. Palin vetoed it.


"The Department of Law advised me that this bill... is unconstitutional given the recent court order... mandating same-sex benefits," Palin said in a statement. "With that in mind, signing this bill would be in direct violation of my oath of office."

The statement added, "The governor's veto does not signal any change or modification to her disagreement with the action and order by the Alaska Supreme Court. It is the governor's intention to work with the Legislature and to give the people of Alaska an opportunity to express their wishes and intentions whether these benefits should continue."

Eight days before signing the veto, Palin signed another bill that called for a "statewide advisory vote" regarding the ruling from Alaska's high court, saying in a statement, "We may disagree with the rationale behind the ruling, but our responsibility is to proceed forward with the law and follow the Constitution... I disagree with the recent court decision because I feel as though Alaskans spoke on this issue with its overwhelming support for a Constitutional Amendment in 1998 which defined marriage as between a man and woman. But the Supreme Court has spoken and the state will abide."

The ACLU's Mittman framed the way the bill calling for the statewide advisory played out in the ongoing controversy about the high court's order.

"Then what happened was the anti-gay forces came up with what they called an advisory vote," he said. "It was essentially a way for anti-LGBT people to try and rally public opinion to try and move their agenda forward."

In 2007, the state spent an estimated $1 million to hold that vote and Alaskans expressed their opposition to the court ruling by a narrow margin. The vote did not have the effect of making law.

The McCain campaign has very effectively spun the veto to show Palin, 44, as sympathetic toward the gay and lesbian community.

Palin opposes same sex marriage.

A 2006 Anchorage Daily News story, said of Palin: "She's not out to judge anyone and has good friends who are gay, but that she supported the 1998 constitutional amendment."

Some press reports following the McCain campaign announcement have repeated that right-wing rhetorical flourish that has Palin declaring that she has gay friends. That softer image is not what some Alaskans saw.

"That's just completely wrong," said Allison E. Mendel, the attorney who brought the 1999 case. "She spoke on radio programs all throughout the campaign saying, 'I want a constitutional amendment, I think these things are only for a man and a woman.' ... I don't think she's ever said a friendly word about gay people, that they ought to have health benefits like other people do or anything along those lines."

On AIDS issues, Palin simply has no record at all.

"There is not a lot to speak of for AIDS policy because she hasn't done much," said Trevor Storrs, executive director of the Alaskan AIDS Assistance Association. "She's never been given the opportunity to address our situation here because it has never been put before her."

With roughly 1,200 AIDS cases, Alaska is a "low incidence state," Storrs said, and most of its HIV funds come from the federal government.

Then Palin's 20 months in the governor's office have been taken up with the state's oil and gas industry. Health issues generally, such as substance abuse or mental health, have not received much attention, Storrs said.

"She has done very little to address the major epidemics," he said.
She loves the sinner, hates the sin...

Probably not anymore, she was suppose to get us a gas pipeline!
gays should be hung from the HIGHEST TREE! For they are an abomination! It's in the bible right after where it says not to eat lobster.
LOL. I actually remember when they started allowing girls to wear pants to school.

They used to expel kids for mohawk haircuts.

Paddle kids, etc

In the good ol days before the liberals took over.

Young people do not realize that this is the way old conservatives want things to be.
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LOL. I actually remember when they started allowing girls to wear pants to school.

They used to expel kids for mohawk haircuts.

Paddle kids, etc

In the good ol days before the liberals took over.

Young people do not realize that this is the way old conservatives want things to be.


No, we like it better now, all the gang members fighting & killing each other in school, beating the teachers & staff, nuts going on gun rampages on school grounds. Why would we want to go back in time, look at the progress liberals have made in the education system.

No, we like it better now, all the gang members fighting & killing each other in school, beating the teachers & staff, nuts going on gun rampages on school grounds. Why would we want to go back in time, look at the progress liberals have made in the education system.

Yes, it is the damned liberals fault because obviously the progressives had better things to do then attend their school board or PTA meeting.

I was there...
Did you know that attractive people often get ridiculous approval that their actions in no way merit?

Yea--it might be the almost quarter billion in spending she vetoed that would have passed if she were not there. It may be the $1,200 dollars she gave back to the citizens from oil companies--because it was theirs. It may be that she busted a republican corruption deal, and started a ethics commitee. It may be besause she works for them--instead of Washington. not sure--but I think the people are deeper than you.
I will give the lady credit for understanding that her office and her oath do not always follow her personal beliefs.

She vetoed the bill that would have denied benefits to partners of state workers. She doesn't agree with the ruling, but she vetoed the bill because it was her duty to do so.

That works for me. Personally, I don't care what her personal beliefs are as much as I care that she follows the rules of her office.
Yea--it might be the almost quarter billion in spending she vetoed that would have passed if she were not there. It may be the $1,200 dollars she gave back to the citizens from oil companies--because it was theirs. It may be that she busted a republican corruption deal, and started a ethics commitee. It may be besause she works for them--instead of Washington. not sure--but I think the people are deeper than you.

Sounds like a pretty average record as a rabble-rousing populist. If she were an old man she would have 55% approval right now.
I will give the lady credit for understanding that her office and her oath do not always follow her personal beliefs.

She vetoed the bill that would have denied benefits to partners of state workers. She doesn't agree with the ruling, but she vetoed the bill because it was her duty to do so.

That works for me. Personally, I don't care what her personal beliefs are as much as I care that she follows the rules of her office.

If the courts said she couldn't do it she would have been forced not to execute it. The veto would have been irrelevant. What an idiotic little bit of logic. What executive within the past twenty years has literally defied a court ruling anyway, without getting ran over by the legislature for doing so? It's nothing to be proud of.
She loves the sinner, hates the sin...

Probably not anymore, she was suppose to get us a gas pipeline!

The EPA is (who has done some really good things--sometimes) is a very powerfull lobby of radicals. They stopped most of our fossil fuel development 30 years ago--all over the country. Palin is suing the EPA for using the term "Endangered" in order to stop energy developement. It is a "green at any cost" forced by rich hippies. Palin is fighting it like no other--so you can have energy in the future, and she is a better energy expert than anybody on the ticket by far. I noticed, in her acceptance speach, that she only mentioned new cleaner energy that works, that wshe wants to work on--and ethanol was not one of them.

Wind (a bit of a help but very expensive for the yeild IMO)

solar (said to be making great advnacements in 5 years with nano tecnoology--some how)

geo-thermal (don't know much about it--but easy heat from the earth sounds like a good idea, and very clean)

Nuclear (debaeable because of waste mostly--but good shit that can beat fossil fuel today)

many other ideas are just junk--and they will fall through the cracks in the future. Greens will spend plenty on dead end roads--because they are stupid people. :)

The greens are putting us in check (as a chess term) as far as energy goes. Even brazil (who is known for using ethonol from sugar beats) is drilling a lot for oil right now. Oil has become the grab all you can get for everybody but us (and is the reason for the Russians latest moves in Gerogia), and our national securtiy may be at stake. Check! Palin knows this for a fact--and she will speak up and do what we need to do--be self sufficient with energy--oil has to be a part of it. No way in hell we can convert in ten years, and keep our lifestyles we earned--Palin knows this. I think she can juggle it in, and help our people prosper. She knows what she is doing with energy IMO.
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The EPA is (who has done some really good things--sometimes) is a very powerfull lobby of radicals. They stopped most of our fossifle fuel development 30 yearsd ago--all over the country. Palin is suing the EPA for using the term "Endnagered" in order to stop energy developement. It is a "green at any cost" forced by rich hippies.

The greens are putting us in check (as a chess term) as far as energy goes. Even brazil (who is known for using ethonol from sugar beats) is drilling a lot for oil right now. Oil has become the grab all you can get for everybody but us. Check!

Yeah, those bastards at the EPA, not wanting to put animals into extinction. How irresponsible to the planet. You fucking right wing piece of scum lunatic.