Palin hates gays

The EPA is (who has done some really good things--sometimes) is a very powerfull lobby of radicals. They stopped most of our fossifle fuel development 30 yearsd ago--all over the country. Palin is suing the EPA for using the term "Endnagered" in order to stop energy developement. It is a "green at any cost" forced by rich hippies.

The greens are putting us in check (as a chess term) as far as energy goes. Even brazil (who is known for using ethonol from sugar beats) is drilling a lot for oil right now. Oil has become the grab all you can get for everybody but us. Check!

And the delays that are caused by the EPA and the environmental impact studies are not as significant as the potential for disastor if they are not done.

If we delay the construction of a pipeline or a construction project for a year or so, there will be some higher prices.

If we ignore the environmental impacts, we can potentially destroy habitat and wildlife that can never be replaced. And the ripple effect can cause huge amounts of damage over time.

Its not just rich hippies. Many of these environmental programs are supported by sportsmen, rural dwellers, and scientists. As long as little to nothing is being done to conserve, then bitching because the oil business is not allowed to run roughshod over environmental policies is ridiculous.