Palin still doesn't know what the VP does.

The money is coming from Republican donations to the Republican party. Why is it any of you Democrats goddamn business anyway? Obama won't even release where his money is coming from! He has spent more on advertising the past month, than any politician in the history of this country, and will not disclose his source of contributions.

As for Palin, do you morons really think she doesn't know what the VP does? I mean, really? This thread is just another in a long line of SMEAR threads, targeting someone you don't like, whom you think is an easy mark. You are that transparent. Don't think for one second, your petty little snipes and quips about Sarah Palin, are making one iota of a difference to the general electorate, because they really aren't. Instead, they are illustrating you for the unethical frauds you are, because you refuse to talk about issues.

It's a good thing Dixie doesn't believe in polls:

That doesn’t appear to be the case with McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin. Fifty-five percent of respondents say she’s not qualified to serve as president if the need arises, up five points from the previous poll.

In addition, for the first time, more voters have a negative opinion of her than a positive one. In the survey, 47 percent view her negatively, versus 38 percent who see her in a positive light.

That’s a striking shift since McCain chose Palin as his running mate in early September, when she held a 47 to 27 percent positive rating.

Now, Palin’s qualifications to be president rank as voters’ top concern about McCain’s candidacy - ahead of continuing President Bush’s policies, enacting economic policies that only benefit the rich and keeping too high of a troop presence in Iraq.

But hey, at least when McCain picked her he won that news cycle.
Apparently. I'd be pretty pissed if I contributed to the McCain campaign. Oh, wait. I did. He took public funding.Why this isn't illegal is beyond me. It ought to be.


I totally forgot about that. I, erroneously, assumed they were donations.

I totally forgot about that. I, erroneously, assumed they were donations.

Well, technically they were. The shopping sprees were funded by the RNC, not the McCain campaign.

I suppose this is the RNC's version of "spreading the wealth."
Well, technically they were. The shopping sprees were funded by the RNC, not the McCain campaign.

I suppose this is the RNC's version of "spreading the wealth."


Ok. Then its still funny to me: Joe six pack and joe the plumbers w/o decent insurance and back taxes to pay donate to Palin's Jimmy Choo fund.

The last time Sarah Palin spoke. That they had to purchase one will speak well to those who think she's a "regular Joe".


everyone give damo a round of applause. he's such a hack, that he managed to pull something out of his ass that even the mccain campaign hasn't tried yet, as they are reportedly being beseiged by REPUBLICANS who are furious about this.

The hack's hack folks.

Damo call up nicole wallace she doesn't know whether to shit or wind her watch, maybe she can do something with this idea of yours.

everyone give damo a round of applause. he's such a hack, that he managed to pull something out of his ass that even the mccain campaign hasn't tried yet, as they are reportedly being beseiged by REPUBLICANS who are furious about this.

The hack's hack folks.

Damo call up nicole wallace she doesn't know whether to shit or wind her watch, maybe she can do something with this idea of yours.
Interesting. I think this is the first time somebody hasn't tried the "talking points" angle on one of my posts.

The post wasn't in "support" of her, it was just extrapolating what I think another's opinion would be. If she didn't own the fancy clothes beforehand, it is very likely the "regular Joe sixpack" type would think it was a positive. But it is just an opinion. Thankfully I can still have those even if you think it means I support somebody that I don't support.
Interesting. I think this is the first time somebody hasn't tried the "talking points" angle on one of my posts.

The post wasn't in "support" of her, it was just extrapolating what I think another's opinion would be. If she didn't own the fancy clothes beforehand, it is very likely the "regular Joe sixpack" type would think it was a positive. But it is just an opinion. Thankfully I can still have those even if you think it means I support somebody that I don't support.

you all know that damo was typing with one hand and dialing nicole wallace with the other one right?
you all know that damo was typing with one hand and dialing nicole wallace with the other one right?
Yeah, furiously. I can type pretty fast with just my right hand... Thank the little gods for the gift of ambidextrous ability...
Personally I don't know what the big deal is. Professioinal Pols need nice things. When you are moving all the time and standing up and sitting down and getting in and out of cars all the time you have to have well made clothes that look good after a long day. It is the RNC's money let them throw it at her all they want.