Palin: The Next 'Ronald Reagan'?

For the past few years, I have been increasingly concerned about the direction of the Republican party and our country. I even posted threads lamenting how we needed another 'Ronald Reagan', someone to come along and speak for conservative Americans again, the way Reagan was able to do. I honestly didn't see any such person on the horizon, and wondered if we would ever see such a voice emerge again in the Republican party.

Well folks, I think we are seeing that potential voice emerge, in the feminine form of one, Sarah Palin. Granted, she is a relative newcomer to the American political scene, and we really haven't heard much from her as of yet. But since her pick, I have been studying up on her policies and positions, doing a little research on her accomplishments, and damn! Her political compass reminds me of Ronald Reagan in every possible way. If she has the ability to 'connect' with mainstream America like Reagan, she could potentially be the one to fill those enormous shoes.

One of the main criticisms of Reagan when he emerged, was his 'lack of experience' could we elect an actor to deal with world leaders? All through his political career, his detractors threw the criticisms up... How can one of them crazy Californians possibly relate to the Christian conservatives? ...His nutty wife seeks advice from astrologers... he falls asleep at cabinet meetings... he is dangerous and unstable... Oh, they poured it on thick and heavy, meanwhile, Ronald Reagan simply became the most beloved president of our time. He was elected and re-elected by the people, in an astonishing landslide fashion. He nearly dismantled the Democratic Party, the way he dismantled the Berlin Wall.

Like Reagan, Sarah Palin comes from a humble background, and has a string of achievements through her life, in various fields of endeavor, with a variety of purely human American experiences. She is not a Washington insider, she hasn't been honed into the 'perfect candidate' by the political establishment in Washington, she is completely candid, down to earth, and most importantly, convicted to core conservative ideals and able to articulate them accordingly. She has all the ingredients needed to tap into that Reagan connection with America, and this could be devastating to the MoveOn.Org Party!

Palin was an all-star basketball player... her nickname was Sarah Barracuda, because of her tenacious ability to take on the challenges of her adversary with cunning precision and skill. McCain has just passed her the ball in a key point of the game, and it's all up to her, to take it to the net. Will it be a 'slam dunk' in the last seconds? If so, we could be looking at a much younger and more attractive reincarnation of Ronald Reagan. (No offense Ronnie!)
Sarah Palin is a true conservative in every sense of the word.

She will be the Margaret Thatcher of the U.S.

When she runs for President in 2016, she will have my full support! :)
It's amazing how quickly you two can be brought on board to anything.

LOL... Epi, I don't have to be "brought on board" to conservative politics. It took me less than 24 hrs. to determine (on my own) this person is a true conservative who supports my idea of conservatism, and seems to be able to articulate this on the national stage. We'll see in the coming weeks and months, if this is true, and if McCain wins, we will get to see 4 years of what Palin is about.

I'm excited about it. McCain bored me to tears, as well as frustrating the hell out of me by trying to cozy up to liberals all the time. Palin is a fresh face, a plain-spoken conservative, who can articulate conservative ideals effectively. I see already, she has the ability to connect with people when she speaks, something the conservatives have been lacking since Reagan.
LOL... Epi, I don't have to be "brought on board" to conservative politics. It took me less than 24 hrs. to determine (on my own) this person is a true conservative who supports my idea of conservatism, and seems to be able to articulate this on the national stage. We'll see in the coming weeks and months, if this is true, and if McCain wins, we will get to see 4 years of what Palin is about.

I'm excited about it. McCain bored me to tears, as well as frustrating the hell out of me by trying to cozy up to liberals all the time. Palin is a fresh face, a plain-spoken conservative, who can articulate conservative ideals effectively. I see already, she has the ability to connect with people when she speaks, something the conservatives have been lacking since Reagan.
Bullshit. I pointed out her strengths as a conservative, and you know it. Had it not been for me you'd still be castigating the choice of Palin.

Bullshit. I pointed out her strengths as a conservative, and you know it. Had it not been for me you'd still be castigating the choice of Palin.


LOL@GL... you think what you say influences me? After the pick, I was miffed, I had heard of Palin and like what little I knew, but I was really expecting Romney to be the pick. I was more familiar with Romney, and his politics, and even though I wasn't in total agreement with him, I could see where McCain would have an advantage in picking him as VP. It just didn't make sense that he would pick a complete unknown in the midst of this tight presidential race... and I reacted to that in haste.

After the reality set in, I started doing a little research on Palin, what she has done, her background, her story... and the more I read, the more I realized, this woman understands the conservative message and is living it. I reflected on my previous longing for a fresh new voice to emerge in the Republican party to carry the Reagan torch and speak for true conservatives. Palin fits that bill, in my honest opinion. I was wrong in my initial assessment of the pick, it was brilliant political strategy.
LOL@GL... you think what you say influences me? After the pick, I was miffed, I had heard of Palin and like what little I knew, but I was really expecting Romney to be the pick. I was more familiar with Romney, and his politics, and even though I wasn't in total agreement with him, I could see where McCain would have an advantage in picking him as VP. It just didn't make sense that he would pick a complete unknown in the midst of this tight presidential race... and I reacted to that in haste.

After the reality set in, I started doing a little research on Palin, what she has done, her background, her story... and the more I read, the more I realized, this woman understands the conservative message and is living it. I reflected on my previous longing for a fresh new voice to emerge in the Republican party to carry the Reagan torch and speak for true conservatives. Palin fits that bill, in my honest opinion. I was wrong in my initial assessment of the pick, it was brilliant political strategy.
Oh, get off your high horse. I was yanking with you. I have been participant in enough of these boards to know the chances of influencing the opinions of another is remote at best. People that participate in these boards minds are usually set in concrete. Just teasing you because I posted the positive (from the POV of staunch conservatives) aspect of choosing a person like Palin in your first thread on the subject. (I tried to indicate I was not serious about it being myself that changed you mind with the goofy wink icon - guess you missed that.)

But I agree that you were wrong with your initial assessment. Palin is quite possibly the best move McCain (and the republican party) could possible have made. Not to mention their timing was epic, taking any and all wind out of the sails of the DNC windup and Obama's acceptance speech.

The entire event turned the media on its ear, and instead of spending the day discussing every nuance of every dependent clause in Obama's speech, they were falling over themselves finding out the background of Palin. From a tactical POV, the idea of McCain announcing his choice right after the DNC was a classic piece of outmaneuvering the opponent. Add to that the unexpected (and IMO quite excellent) choice, and Obama is a victim of a double whammy that'll cost him a point or possibly two in the expected jump in post-convention polls.

Of course the long term (as opposed to post-convention poll spikes) is the more interesting aspect. I seriously doubt any hard-core female Hillary supporters will be influenced by Palin being on the ticket. However, I have no doubts there will be a number of women who will vote based on the gender aspect. It's not a big number of such women, but not small enough to be ignored in swing states. This play with DEFINITELY make this a most interesting race. (And Biden better wear a cup to the VP debates.....)
Another senile old actor who doesn't know the script from the real! This should be fun.

Wants creationism taught in schools
Supported bridge to nowhere
Outlaw abortion even in rape cases
Ignores the science of global warming

Does America really want a person with this lack of scientific and intellectual curiosity as VP, Bush was obtuse enough.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Add Palin and then add:

A vote for John McCain is a vote against Polar Bears too.
Another senile old actor who doesn't know the script from the real! This should be fun.

Wants creationism taught in schools
Supported bridge to nowhere
Outlaw abortion even in rape cases
Ignores the science of global warming

Does America really want a person with this lack of scientific and intellectual curiosity as VP, Bush was obtuse enough.

A vote for John McCain is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

Add Palin and then add:

A vote for John McCain is a vote against Polar Bears too.
Interesting YOU should bring up the idea of someone ignoring science to promote their political ideals.
Sarah Palin is a true conservative in every sense of the word.

She will be the Margaret Thatcher of the U.S.

Thatcher destroyed Britian, and she did so with 30% of the vote. Now their economy can barely compete in the world, because conservatism has ruined them. A vote for Palin is a vote for Mexico's economy to surpass ours by 2020.
Thatcher destroyed Britian, and she did so with 30% of the vote. Now their economy can barely compete in the world, because conservatism has ruined them. A vote for Palin is a vote for Mexico's economy to surpass ours by 2020.

LOL you really are a fucktard, Watermark. Everyone I've ever met from the UK, whether liberal or conservative, has something great to say about Margaret Thatcher. The UK was a second-tier socialist country until she came along. She helped make the UK back into a world power, militarily as well as economically.

How can you be so ignorant?
LOL you really are a fucktard, Watermark. Everyone I've ever met from the UK, whether liberal or conservative, has something great to say about Margaret Thatcher. The UK was a second-tier socialist country until she came along. She helped make the UK back into a world power, militarily as well as economically.

How can you be so ignorant?

Seriously, I've never heard of anyone from Britian ever say anything positive about Thatcher ever before. She was forced out of her own party because she was such a goddamn loon.

What the fuck happened to you, Watermark. *Shakes head*

I am beginning to question whether you are the real Watermark. Maybe the real one left a long time ago, and you're simply an impersonator (and a really shitty one at that).

Either're a troll, and it's fucking annoying.
I seriously don't even know which one of you is more of a troll.

May I suggest a thesaurus, you seem to have nothing constructive to say except that one word. Google thesaurus and go from there to encyclopedia, come back in a few weeks when you learn just a tiny bit. Good luck.

Question for others who can think, what does it say about a nation when teaching creationism is a key issue for the VP candidate?

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

It goes from "What the hell was McCain thinking?" to "the next Ronald Reagan!"

Dixie, you should run some sort of "hack school for spin." You should be the official brewer of the koolaid.