Palin: The Next 'Ronald Reagan'?

May I suggest a thesaurus, you seem to have nothing constructive to say except that one word. Google thesaurus and go from there to encyclopedia, come back in a few weeks when you learn just a tiny bit. Good luck.

Question for others who can think, what does it say about a nation when teaching creationism is a key issue for the VP candidate?

A vote for McCain/Palin is a vote against the fundamental principle of America, the right of the individual to lead their life privately without the government interfering.

May I suggest using your own brain, since you apparently have nothing original to say.

It goes from "What the hell was McCain thinking?" to "the next Ronald Reagan!"

Dixie, you should run some sort of "hack school for spin." You should be the official brewer of the koolaid.

Hey asshole, Dixie admitted he jumped the gun - upon further research, he admitted that he was wrong about Palin, and that she is in fact a great candidate. It's not "spin" for one to admit they were wrong.

Less than a year ago, Biden was very critical of Obama, saying that he didn't have the experience needed to lead the country. If we're not allowed to change our minds about people, why aren't you railing on Biden?
What the fuck happened to you, Watermark. *Shakes head*

I am beginning to question whether you are the real Watermark. Maybe the real one left a long time ago, and you're simply an impersonator (and a really shitty one at that).

Either're a troll, and it's fucking annoying.
Watermark does and says whatever will get him the most attention. He is an attention troll, which explains the emo poetry, the occasional reappearance of the carebear, and the often bizarre responses.
Watermark does and says whatever will get him the most attention. He is an attention troll, which explains the emo poetry, the occasional reappearance of the carebear, and the often bizarre responses.

I start posting bizarre responses to relieve stress after I've been smashed in debate.
I love it!

...Today, I saw a clip of Kerry saying, in response to the Palin pick, "She has absolutely zero foreign policy experience!....absolutely zero!" I thought I was going to laugh myself to tears!

McCain's pick exposes these frauds for what they are. The more they scream, she's not qualified, the more people just look at them like... what the fuck, are you stupid or something? ...It's almost like they don't even realize how fucking ridiculous and idiotic they sound.

Unlike your completely unqualified candidate, Palin HAS run a state government, and HAS been commander in chief of a state militia. And your candidate is not just for someone to preside over a Senate, but to lead the free fuckin' world! LMFAO!

I mean, come on Pinheads, are you really this utterly dense and stupid, that you think screaming about how "unqualified" our VP pick is, will win over some voters? OMG! If you had nominated Hillary, mayyyyybe... just mayyyyybe you could sell that shit. But then, McCain would have probably picked Romney. In short... you're fucked! Shut up! hehe
I love it!

...Today, I saw a clip of Kerry saying, in response to the Palin pick, "She has absolutely zero foreign policy experience!....absolutely zero!" I thought I was going to laugh myself to tears!

McCain's pick exposes these frauds for what they are. The more they scream, she's not qualified, the more people just look at them like... what the fuck, are you stupid or something? ...It's almost like they don't even realize how fucking ridiculous and idiotic they sound.

Unlike your completely unqualified candidate, Palin HAS run a state government, and HAS been commander in chief of a state militia. And your candidate is not just for someone to preside over a Senate, but to lead the free fuckin' world! LMFAO!

I mean, come on Pinheads, are you really this utterly dense and stupid, that you think screaming about how "unqualified" our VP pick is, will win over some voters? OMG! If you had nominated Hillary, mayyyyybe... just mayyyyybe you could sell that shit. But then, McCain would have probably picked Romney. In short... you're fucked! Shut up! hehe

Liberalism is a mental disorder.

Case closed.
LOL... Epi, I don't have to be "brought on board" to conservative politics. It took me less than 24 hrs. to determine (on my own) this person is a true conservative who supports my idea of conservatism, and seems to be able to articulate this on the national stage. We'll see in the coming weeks and months, if this is true, and if McCain wins, we will get to see 4 years of what Palin is about.

I'm excited about it. McCain bored me to tears, as well as frustrating the hell out of me by trying to cozy up to liberals all the time. Palin is a fresh face, a plain-spoken conservative, who can articulate conservative ideals effectively. I see already, she has the ability to connect with people when she speaks, something the conservatives have been lacking since Reagan.

Dixie, you wouldn't know what a true conservative was if one fell on you. By your own far right postings you've proven that you're no conservative. You are, by definition, a reactionary and so is Palin. That is why she appeals to you and turns off moderates.

Hell I'm a right of center moderate with liberal leanings on some social issues and I'm waaaaaaay closer to being a "True Conservative" than you are and probably ever will be.

Palin will appeal to some alienated Clinton supporters but is more of a SOP to the wingnut reactonary base of the party. To win in 2008 McCain will have to win the middle and to do that Palin will need to be managed to drum up support with the wingnuts while not alienating the center.
I love it!

Unlike your completely unqualified candidate, Palin HAS run a state government, and HAS been commander in chief of a state militia. And your candidate is not just for someone to preside over a Senate, but to lead the free fuckin' world! LMFAO!

Let's see Palin has governed a State with more Moose then people. The Mayor of Columbus, Ohio has more executive and geopolitical experience by far than Palin does. Not to mention that Obama is just slightly (sarcasm intended) better educated than Palin.

Though we do have to consider what a liability inexperience can be.

For example, we recently elected President a man who's main experience was that of a failed businessman from old money who was elected Governor in a State in which the Governor is essentially a figurehead position.

We have seen first hand the disastrous consequences of this mans inexperience and ineptitude.

So experience is certainly an issue but Obama is coming into office with a similiar level of executive experience in national politics to James Monroe, John Quincy Adam, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill Clinton. So the record is really clear. Obama is in good company on this issue.
Let's see Palin has governed a State with more Moose then people. The Mayor of Columbus, Ohio has more executive and geopolitical experience by far than Palin does. Not to mention that Obama is just slightly (sarcasm intended) better educated than Palin.

To put it the way John Kerry would... Obama has absolutely zero foreign policy experience. lol The Mayor of Columbus has more executive experience than Obama. Bush was a Harvard and Yale grad and the first MBA to be president, it is education that doesn't matter.

Though we do have to consider what a liability inexperience can be.

We do? Realy??? Please keep making this point daily from now until the election! PLEASE DO! :)

For example, we recently elected President a man who's main experience was that of a failed businessman from old money who was elected Governor in a State in which the Governor is essentially a figurehead position.

No governorship is a figurehead position, moron.

We have seen first hand the disastrous consequences of this mans inexperience and ineptitude.

Yes, we definitely shouldn't elect a president with no experience. Please continue to make this point, do it often! It would also help if you could put a picture of Obama in your avatar, and OBAMA '08 in your sig line! :)

So experience is certainly an issue but Obama is coming into office with a similiar level of executive experience in national politics to James Monroe, John Quincy Adam, Martin Van Buren, John Tyler, Benjamin Harrison, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Harry Truman, JFK, Lyndon Johnson, and Bill Clinton. So the record is really clear. Obama is in good company on this issue.

Monroe- Governor of Virginia
JQ Adams- Monroe's Secretary of State
Van Buren- Jackson's Vice President
Tyler- Governor of Virginia and Vice President
Harrison- Civil War Hero
Teddy Roosevelt-Former VP and Asst. Sec. of Navy
Woodrow Wilson- Former Governor of New Jersey
Harry Truman- FDR's Vice President
Lyndon Johnson- Kennedy's VP
Bill Clinton- Former Governor of Arkansas

All of these men have more executive experience than Obama, and Sarah Palin has as much executive experience as at least 4 of them. Also, just a reminder here... Palin isn't running for President, Obama is.

Yes, please keep bringing up these examples and driving home the point about inexperience! Especially the part about not electing someone who has no experience! As I say, if you could just put Obama's picture in your avatar and OBAMA '08 in your sig line... then just keep screaming about lack of experience... if you can find a big dunce cap, you might wear it too, while you do this.... adds to the effect. :)
To put it the way John Kerry would... Obama has absolutely zero foreign policy experience. lol The Mayor of Columbus has more executive experience than Obama. Bush was a Harvard and Yale grad and the first MBA to be president, it is education that doesn't matter.

We do? Realy??? Please keep making this point daily from now until the election! PLEASE DO! :)

No governorship is a figurehead position, moron.

Yes, we definitely shouldn't elect a president with no experience. Please continue to make this point, do it often! It would also help if you could put a picture of Obama in your avatar, and OBAMA '08 in your sig line! :)

Monroe- Governor of Virginia
JQ Adams- Monroe's Secretary of State
Van Buren- Jackson's Vice President
Tyler- Governor of Virginia and Vice President
Harrison- Civil War Hero
Teddy Roosevelt-Former VP and Asst. Sec. of Navy
Woodrow Wilson- Former Governor of New Jersey
Harry Truman- FDR's Vice President
Lyndon Johnson- Kennedy's VP
Bill Clinton- Former Governor of Arkansas

All of these men have more executive experience than Obama, and Sarah Palin has as much executive experience as at least 4 of them. Also, just a reminder here... Palin isn't running for President, Obama is.

Yes, please keep bringing up these examples and driving home the point about inexperience! Especially the part about not electing someone who has no experience! As I say, if you could just put Obama's picture in your avatar and OBAMA '08 in your sig line... then just keep screaming about lack of experience... if you can find a big dunce cap, you might wear it too, while you do this.... adds to the effect. :)

Actually I was wrong on Monroe and Wilson.

JQ Adams was a diplomat not an executive.

Vice President doesn't weigh much on for Executive experience as they don't really have executive repsonsibilities. Besides, TR, Johnson and Truman were VP's for very short period of time. In Harrisons and JFK's case, who the hell does being a war hero equate with executive experience?

I mean Dixie, you're such a partisan moron. Most of these men did not have much executive experience. And how about Lincoln who had virtually none.

What your selling is bullshit. It's typical Republican party line crap of if you say something often enough people will believe it to be true.

You convienantly discount all of Obama's experiences as an advocate, attorney and legislator. You convienantly ignore that no political neophyte can put together a national organization together and defeat a political juggernaut like the Clintons if they are inexperienced and inept. You convienantly ignore that Obama has a doctorate in law, in which he graduated with honors nor was he admitted as a legacy. Hell Bush couldn't even get into Texas law school let alone Harvard or Yale like Obama and Clinton. If Bush was an example of what to expect from an MBA as a political leader then the whole nation would be complete morons to ever vote for another MBA!! Last I MBA hardly compares to a Doctorate.

Point is, you're full of shit. Obama is, by education and experience, more qualified on foreign affairs then W was (or is with his demonstrated incompetence.). In fact, Bush in 2000 showed a blatant disregard for foreign policy in 2000 which appealed to the far right.

The fact is, Obama has been vetted in nearly 2 years of campaiging and if this is the best the opposition can do.....then there fucked and will lose.
Lincoln had NO executive experience. His only experience as an elected official was two years in the house of representatives. He was mainly elected because of his anti-slavery activism after the war. He was well educated. He inspired people. That's what a president needs.
No governorship is a figurehead position, moron.

The governership of Texas is a figurehead position, moron. The governer of most southern states is extremely weak, only having the power to veto, while other elected executives do most of the real work. Having the power to veto is NOT executive experience. The power to veto is functionally a legislative power that has been given to the executive.
Lincoln had NO executive experience. His only experience as an elected official was two years in the house of representatives. He was mainly elected because of his anti-slavery activism after the war. He was well educated. He inspired people. That's what a president needs.

He was also in the Illinois state House before that.
Lincoln had NO executive experience. His only experience as an elected official was two years in the house of representatives. He was mainly elected because of his anti-slavery activism after the war. He was well educated. He inspired people. That's what a president needs.

Yeah, and Lincoln was a lousy President. Go figure. :rolleyes:

America has never been closer to fascism than under Abe Lincoln.