Palin under bus run over, mccain backs up runs her over again

He stank up his campaign all on his own, it didn't take anybody else and it would have happened even if he picked God as a running mate as long as he looked erratic and foolish during a crisis.

I agree with that, and one of the things he did that stank up his campaign was to pick Palin as his VP.

I firmly belive she cost him more votes than she brought.
What caused McCain to lose?

He looked like an idiot when he tried to "suspend" the campaign to go to DC to try and get Congressmen to agree on emotive reactionary legislation, then when it didn't pass he continued his campaign (unsuspended) ran around trying to say he had done something (he had but it didn't appear that way and perception matters in a campaign) then going back and voting yes on a bill with all the pork in the world stinking it up while not "making them famous" and trying to maintain he was the only candidate "anti-pork" enough to be eaten as a Kosher meal.

I agree with you, the bailout/suspension was the death nail. Also, suspending the convention for the hurricane. As Mike Huckabee said, a president has to be able to handle a multitude of crisis, he can't say, stop the world and let me deal with this... he was absolutely right.

McCain was never the right candidate, but with the unpopularity of the administration, there probably wasn't a good candidate. Anyone was going to have problems this election, but McCain was probably the worst choice. Romney/Huckabee may have been a better ticket, but as the Great Pat Dye once said... hindsight is 50/50!
Right, so Palin drew the people that were voting for McCain anyway while turning off the moderates that he needed to actually win. She was a net vote loser.

No, before Palin, conservatives were befuddled, they didn't even know if they were going to vote! Most of them either supported Romney or Huckabee, the "moderate republicans" liked McCain, and since South Carolina and New Hampshire held early primaries and 'anointed' McCain, he became the nominee.

The "Moderates" were never going to vote for McCain, I said this all along! I was screaming this a year ago! "Moderates" are moderately democratic conservatives, those Democrats who don't want to be associated with the left-wing loons like Micheal Moore and YOU! They are NOT Republicans, never have been, and weren't ever going to vote for the Republican ticket. This is where McCain lost any hope of winning the election, by placating the moderates, trying to court their votes, reaching across the aisle... it simply didn't work, because today's "moderate" is just a less-leftist liberal.
It's BS that conservatives would have sat this one out w/out Palin. By the end, they had Obama painted as such an Arab terrorist/socialist, the base was coming out no matter who was on their ticket.
