Palin Update: Cons hit the panic button


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National Review calls on Palin to step down.

Prominent Conservative writer, Kathleen Parker, who was initially a Palin fan...but after seeing those two disasters on ABC and CBS, she concludes Palin is totally out of her league, and should step down for the good of the country.

Sorry, Dixie, Damocles, and Superfreak.

Palin Problem:
She’s out of her league.

National Review
By Kathleen Parker

Some of the passionately feminist critics of Palin who attacked her personally deserved some of the backlash they received. But circumstances have changed since Palin was introduced as just a hockey mom with lipstick — what a difference a financial crisis makes — and a more complicated picture has emerged.

As we’ve seen and heard more from John McCain’s running mate, it is increasingly clear that Palin is a problem. Quick study or not, she doesn’t know enough about economics and foreign policy to make Americans comfortable with a President Palin should conditions warrant her promotion....

It was fun while it lasted.

Palin’s recent interviews with Charles Gibson, Sean Hannity, and now Katie Couric have all revealed an attractive, earnest, confident candidate. Who Is Clearly Out Of Her League.

No one hates saying that more than I do. Like so many women, I’ve been pulling for Palin, wishing her the best, hoping she will perform brilliantly. I’ve also noticed that I watch her interviews with the held breath of an anxious parent, my finger poised over the mute button in case it gets too painful. Unfortunately, it often does. My cringe reflex is exhausted.

Palin filibusters. She repeats words, filling space with deadwood. Cut the verbiage and there’s not much content there....

If BS were currency, Palin could bail out Wall Street herself.

If Palin were a man, we’d all be guffawing, just as we do every time Joe Biden tickles the back of his throat with his toes. But because she’s a woman — and the first ever on a Republican presidential ticket — we are reluctant to say what is painfully true.

What to do?

McCain can’t repudiate his choice for running mate. He not only risks the wrath of the GOP’s unforgiving base, but he invites others to second-guess his executive decision-making ability. Barack Obama faces the same problem with Biden.

Only Palin can save McCain, her party, and the country she loves. She can bow out for personal reasons, perhaps because she wants to spend more time with her newborn. No one would criticize a mother who puts her family first.

Do it for your country.
Bow out .. and replace her with what?

Sadly, Palin may be the best the republicans have to offer.

Looks like they will be coronating President Obambi.

.. got a pocketful of "I told you so's" just waiting ..
Bow out .. and replace her with what?

Sadly, Palin may be the best the republicans have to offer.

Looks like they will be coronating President Obambi.

.. got a pocketful of "I told you so's" just waiting ..

I thought of you when I read this:

Pakistan warned U.S. troops not to intrude on its territory Friday, after the two anti-terror allies traded fire along the volatile border with Afghanistan.

Thursday's five-minute clash adds to already heightened tensions at a time the United States is stepping up cross-border operations in a region known as a haven for Taliban and al-Qaida militants.

The clash — the first serious exchange with Pakistani forces acknowledged by the U.S. — follows a string of other alleged border incidents and incursions that have angered many here.

Speaking in New York, Pakistan's president tried to downplay the incident, saying only "flares" were fired at foreign helicopters that he said strayed into his country from Afghanistan.

U.S. and NATO military officials said the ground troops and helicopters were in Afghan territory.
LOL... this is the THIRD time I have seen Pinheads post Kathleen's article today!

I need to remind you, Kathleen Parker is a beltway insider. Practically none of the beltway insiders like Palin, for essentially the same reasons Pinheads dislike her. She poses as much of a threat to the status quot establishment in Washington, as she poses to Liberal ideology in general. When she became governor of Alaska, she basically said... I am here to represent the PEOPLE, not the PARTY! She went after corruption in her own party, and ruffled quite a few feathers in doing so. These beltway insiders know her record, they know she is 'non-partisan' and won't tow the party line in DC, and it scares them like it scares Liberals. As Palin said in her acceptance of the VP nomination, she's not coming to Washington to seek their approval!

I pose this challenge for any self-respecting pinhead pundit out there... find us an article or criticism of Palin, not from a democrat or liberal, and not from a disgruntled Alaskan republican she busted, or a republican beltway insider. I bet you can't produce one!
would one from a martian be acceptable Dixie? You did not leave much but brainwashed rank and file republicans. :D
LOL... this is the THIRD time I have seen Pinheads post Kathleen's article today!

I need to remind you, Kathleen Parker is a beltway insider.


Kathleen Parker has contributed to more than a dozen newspapers and magazines during her 20 years as a journalist. She began her twice-weekly commentary column in 1987 as a staff writer for The Orlando Sentinel.

In addition to her syndicated column, Parker is director of the School of Written Expression at the Buckley School of Public Speaking and Persuasion in Camden, South Carolina. She previously ran her own public relations company and is a past instructor of editorial writing and advanced feature writing at the University of South Carolina College of Journalism and Mass Communications.

Parker's column focuses on social issues related to family, children and gender. Having grown up in Florida with four stepmothers and a variety of siblings -- half-, step- and whole -- Parker says, "I know of what I speak." She lives in Camden, South Carolina with her husband, son and a variety of pets.

from her bio page
would one from a martian be acceptable Dixie? You did not leave much but brainwashed rank and file republicans. :D

LMAO... really? You believe that is the case, huh?

I think there are a number of objective non-biased journalists out there, who would fit the bill.... but maybe not. I'm simply making the point, the dems and libs are against her, that was a given... the bitter people she thwacked in Alaska are against her, they represent about the only contingency in Alaska who don't like her, and the beltway crowd doesn't like her because she is not an 'insider' and has a track record of defying party politics. Other than that, everyone pretty much loves her! Especially the average hard working Americans who can relate to her, and will turn out to vote for McCain because of her. It's part and parcel of why you guys are posting your little pinhead fingers off, trying to 'sway' someone's opinion... who exactly, I have no clue!
Prissy, National Review is a BELTWAY INSIDER publication, always has been, always will be. Did you presume I meant Parker was born and raised in Washington DC or something?
snip the bitter people she thwacked in Alaska are against her, they represent about the only contingency in Alaska who don't like her, and the beltway crowd doesn't like her because she is not an 'insider' and has a track record of defying party politics.

Other than that, everyone pretty much loves her! Especially the average hard working Americans who can relate to her, and will turn out to vote for McCain because of her.....snip

The honeymoon is over for Sarah Palin

After a third major TV interview during which her performance was uneven at best, even fellow Republicans are having trouble enthusiastically backing their vice presidential nominee.

But voters are now apparently having doubts. A CNN/Opinion Research Corp. survey released this morning found that while 47 percent of likely voters believed that Palin had the personality and leadership qualities a president should have, 49 percent said she didn't..

Compare that to her Democratic counterpart Joe Biden: 55 percent said he had the necessary qualities, while only 39 percent said he did not. In the same poll, both Barack Obama and John McCain had 62 percent of voters believing they have what it takes to be president.

Voters Doubt Palin's Qualifications to be President

The latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News poll shows nearly half of voters harbor doubts that Republican vice presidential hopeful Sarah Palin is qualified to be president.

Asked, “Do you feel that Sarah Palin is qualified to be president if the need arises, or is she not qualified to be president?” 49% of all respondents said the Alaska governor is not qualified while 40% said she is.

Voters have significantly more confidence in Democratic vice presidential hopeful Joe Biden’s ability to serve as commander-in-chief if need be. Almost two-thirds of respondents, 64%, said Biden, Barack Obama’s running mate, is qualified; just 21% said he is not. Biden has the most confidence among voters 65 years and older, with nearly three-quarters, 74%, of seniors saying Biden is qualified to be president. Only 37% of seniors said the same about Palin.
Prissy, National Review is a BELTWAY INSIDER publication, always has been, always will be. Did you presume I meant Parker was born and raised in Washington DC or something?

Well, I guess I know more about the Con movement than you.

Because she is a columnist for Townhall, not National Review.

Townhall is not an inside the beltway forum.

She gets cross posted and does guest spots for National Review.

But her claim to fame is townhall. In fact this column was written for Townhall

Dixie owned.
She is this--she is that--but no substance to back it up. Another bad write because it has no substance---plus--I have the latest edition of National Review right here in front of me. Palin is on the cover. There is not one story in this edition by anybody named Kathleen Parker.

Jonah Goldberg
Allen Guelzo
Byron York
Jim Geraghty
John J Miller
Jor Nordlinger
Rob Long
Ross Douthat (with a good story about Palin)
Andrew McCarthy
Ramesh Ponnuru
John OSullivan
Robert VerBruggen
Ronald Radosh
David Pryce-Johne
John Derbyshire

Nope---No Kathleen Parker---who is most likely a feminist lesbian obama supporter--and is a fraud.

Liberials eveidently believe anything---but truth.
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Well, I guess I know more about the Con movement than you.

Because she is a columnist for Townhall, not National Review.

Townhall is not an inside the beltway forum.

She gets cross posted and does guest spots for National Review.

But her claim to fame is townhall. In fact this column was written for Townhall

Dixie owned.

Never mind the liberial Dixie. He thinks consertatives are pushing a movement--we are just trying to live our lives the way we want and have the right to do as human beings. you and I both know that it is socislism that is the movement. Liberials often use "projection" to call others what they actually do and are. It is a sure sign of a mental disorder. Most people here are insane America haters. lets have a hunting season.
She is this--she is that--but no substance to back it up. Another bad write because it has no substance---plus--I have the latest edition of National Review right here in front of me. Palin is on the cover. There is not one story in this edition by anybody named Kathleen Parker.

Jonah Goldberg
Allen Guelzo
Byron York
Jim Geraghty
John J Miller
Jor Nordlinger
Rob Long
Ross Douthat (with a good story about Palin)
Andrew McCarthy
Ramesh Ponnuru
John OSullivan
Robert VerBruggen
Ronald Radosh
David Pryce-Johne
John Derbyshire

Nope---No Kathleen Parker---who is most likely a feminist lesbian obama supporter--and is a fraud.

Liberials eveidently believe anything---but truth.

I have the sept 11th edition of the National Review. My first issue sent to me and should be the latest issue. I said above that there is no Kathleen Parker who wrote a story for this edition. On the next page is everybody involved with the mag---no Kathleen Parker is listed there either.

this lady is a fraud. fact. And Cypress---like most liberials is guilty of passing on fraudulent stories. I thought he was suppose to be an educated person? No substance--nothing but direct insults--does not make a credible story.

Nice to show your are a fraud Cypress. Keep up the crappy work girlie.
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