Panama Canal To China? Wtf

Kamala Trump

Verified User
Washington, Nov. 17 (CNA) The United States faces the possibility of a nuclear "Pearl Harbor" after President Bill Clinton okayed the ceding of US control over the Panama Canal and with seemingly growing Chinese influence there, warned Thomas H. Moorer, former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff on Wednesday.

Pointing to the fact that Panama has signed a 50-year lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa company, run by Li Ka-shing, who is closely associated with the Beijing regime, Moore said this "gives China's Communist Party de facto control over the most strategic waterway in the West."

Moorer, illustrating a scenario where the US Navy is blocked from moving through the Panama Canal and Communist Chinese missiles and J-11 attack jets are poised to launch from Panama, said that Beijing could intimidate the US into surrendering Taiwan, Panama and other strategic concerns without a shot being fired.

The retired admiral wrote in an analysis titled "America Risks a Nuclear Pearl Harbor" that just a few months ago, the official Communist Chinese newspaper warned the United States that Beijing was willing to use nuclear bombs against American aircraft carriers if they interfered in Communist Chinese plans to invade Taiwan.

When Taiwan conducts its national elections next spring, less than six months from now, Communist China could make good on its threat of war against the United States, he said.

"The notion that a US president and Congress could allow the Panama Canal to fall under the control of our avowed enemies, the Red Chinese -- without a shot being fired -- is incredible. Yet we are just days away from that nightmare," wrote the admiral, who served under six US presidents and completed two terms as chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

Anyone who cannot see that this government is hostile to the freedom and security of the american people is either a retarded fool or a co-conspirator.
So China Controls the Canal ? Funny I did not get that from reading your post.
Panama controls the Canal.
Pointing to the fact that Panama has signed a 50-year lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa company.

I hope you never lease anything off of me, you will think you own it.

So what we were going to put our ports in control of the islamofascists.

all just a bunch of huff and puff.

why would china want to attack us ? They already control about 1/3 of our economy.
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Subtitle: Incredibly, the same 1952 Illuminati Map of the World for future police state patrolling that showed American troops patrolling the Balkans and Yugoslavia, and that gave Taiwan back to the Chinese, and that gave the Chinese control from Los Angeles southward, also gave the Chinese control of the Panama Canal. They are there, and according to the Illuminati timetable !
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NEWS BRIEF: "PANAMA IS MORE IMPORTANT TO U.S. THAN BOSNIA", Pat Buchanan was interviewed, Chris Matthews, June 3 , CNBC's Hardball,

"PAT BUCHANAN: "[Y]ou've got Chinese Communists down there in Panama in the canal zone."

CHRIS MATTHEWS: "What are they doing?"

PAT BUCHANAN: "[T]hey got the Hutchinson Whampoa at both ends of the canal. These companies are controlled by Communist Chinese. They're gonna be building the railroad down there. And look, it seemed to me that might be in America's vital interest more than, say, Bosnia."

This is shocking news, indeed, especially to those of us who were upset when President Carter began the process to give up American control of the Panama Canal. At that time, we felt American interests dictated that we continue to guarantee control over this vital waterway link between the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans. At that time, we did not know anything of this New World Order conspiracy to establish the United Nations as the government of the coming New Age Christ, Maitreya, the Biblical Antichrist.

The fact of the matter is that the same 1952 Illuminati map of the world, designating police areas once the New World Order is established, gives China control of the Panama Canal.

we had to give up big concession like this to convince the chinese to go along with the plan, but the elites all will have their mansions and servants, all around the world, so they don't care. We MUST care. Our freedom is under assault.
Pointing to the fact that Panama has signed a 50-year lease for two ports at each end of the Canal with Hong Kong's Hutchison Whampoa company.

I hope you never lease anything off of me, you will think you own it.

So what we were going to put our ports in control of the islamofascists.

all just a bunch of huff and puff.
You live in a fantasy world of idiotic denial.
more from previously cited article

As you can see, this Plan gives China control of that portion of the North American continent from Los Angeles to the Panama Canal. We have noted, on several occasions, that President Clinton has given the Chinese use of the Long Beach Naval Facility in the Los Angeles area; this act establishes the Chinese at the northern end of their territory according to this 1952 map. Now, we learn that the Chinese are active at the extreme southern end of their territory, the Panama Canal. This shocking development demonstrates, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that this Illuminati Map is for real, and that it is being followed closely !

Let us return to our feature article to see how deeply involved the Chinese Communists are in Panama.

NEWS BRIEF: "RED CHINA CONTINUES TO FILL U.S. VACUUM IN PANAMA", Excerpts from Howard Phillips Issues and Strategy Bulletin of April 15, 1999, ,

"La Prensa reports (3/24/99) from Panama City that "A 16-member PRC [Peoples Republic of China] delegation led by Zen Jian-hui, president of the PRC Parliament's Foreign Relations Committee, visited Panama's Legislative Assembly on Tuesday [23 March] and signed a document to strengthen interparliamentarian relations between both countries. Democratic Revolutionary Party [PRD] Legislator Elias Castillo indicated..... It is important for us to maintain good relations with the PRC...Panama must find ways to enter the PRC market.....

"As is well-known, the Hutchison Port Holdings company . an affiliate of Hutchison Whampoa of Hong Kong . has the concession for the Cristobal and Balboa ports (Panama Ports Company). Hutchison pays the Panamanian Government $22.2 million a year and makes large investments in the country."

It is frightening to realize that the Chinese Communists are becoming so enmeshed in Panamanian commerce and politics. When President Carter began the "negotiations" to surrender American control over the Canal, we heard that we were doing this in large measure because the Panamanians wanted their own sovereignty. Now, we learn that this was not the case at all. We were giving up our control over this most vital waterway simply and only because our leaders -- both the President and Congress -- were secretly following this Illuminati plan to divide up the world into police zones. If any of you still think there is no Conspiracy to produce this One-World Government, Economy, and Religion, this map should change your mind. Rush Limbaugh, are you listening?


Are you listening, fellow americans?
a little more from the same.
Let us review some of the more frightening aspects of Communist Chinese control of the Panama Canal:

1. U.S. warships could be denied passage through the Canal. If we were attempting to quickly move units from the Atlantic to the Pacific, or vice versa, our inability to use the Panama Canal could conceivably cause the destruction of parts of our fleet that need reinforcements. Even at today's higher speed naval travel, it takes several additional days to go around the tip of South America.

2. China could station strike aircraft at Panama. This possibility means that America would have scant warning of an impending strike from Panama. Currently, we have no effective radar warning capability on our Southwest border with Mexico.

3. China could station theater ballistic missiles with nuclear warheads at Panama. This would give us a handful of minutes' warning. Theater nuclear missiles need not fly into space before striking their targets. This possibility delivers the same type of risk that we faced in Cuba in 1961. President Kennedy went to the brink of nuclear war to supposedly force the Russians to remove their missiles. Now, however, missile and warhead technology has improved dramatically, with the Chinese having either stolen our designs or "sold" them.

4. China could station units of its naval fleet in Panama. This would provide the U.S. Navy a new source of potential conflict against which it must defend. With our Navy stretched so very thin, this possible new source of danger creates a very serious threat indeed.

5. China could deny American, European, and even Japanese commercial ships access to the Canal. Shipping all the way around the Horn of South America would add days and much expense to shipping material and merchandise to the East Coast.

Of course, these possibilities will not occur as we have listed them, above, for the simple reason that the New World Order Plan foresees that American military units will cease to exist, as will Chinese, because they will have all been turned over to the United Nations. Do not think, though, that we can relax. The dictatorship imposed upon by the U.N. and its dictator, Antichrist, will be so severe as to make us wish we were dead!
I hate bush too and republicans. If you think its a good idea to let china control the panama canal, you're a fucked in the head moron, or simply you hate americans. Which is it?

Panama controls the canal. China and the US are the two biggest users of the canal... so of course they will both have ports their. The increased usage of the canal is why the third canal is being built. Panama is an ally of the US. Which is why the US won the contract to build the new canal.

This article of yours is nothing more than a scare tactic. China is not dumb enough to take us on militarily. Likewise, we know we cannot go up against them. It would simply lead to a lot of bloodshed and no change. Neither can take control of the others vast lands. Our "war" with China has been and will be on the economic front. Right now, they are winning, because they think long term and we think in terms of instant gratification.
Panama controls the canal. China and the US are the two biggest users of the canal... so of course they will both have ports their. The increased usage of the canal is why the third canal is being built. Panama is an ally of the US. Which is why the US won the contract to build the new canal.

This article of yours is nothing more than a scare tactic. China is not dumb enough to take us on militarily. Likewise, we know we cannot go up against them. It would simply lead to a lot of bloodshed and no change. Neither can take control of the others vast lands. Our "war" with China has been and will be on the economic front. Right now, they are winning, because they think long term and we think in terms of instant gratification.

And china controls panama. You're a deluded brainwashed idiot in denial.

haven't you heard about their massive buildup? And all the technology clinton gave them through loral corporation?

I know it hurts to know the truth about our leadership. We know these people are lying, scheming murderers who will do anything for power, why do we empower them?
And china controls panama. You're a deluded brainwashed idiot in denial.

haven't you heard about their massive buildup? And all the technology clinton gave them through loral corporation?

I know it hurts to know the truth about our leadership. We know these people are lying, scheming murderers who will do anything for power, why do we empower them?

China does not control Panama. Panama is more closely tied with the US. Which is why the US is building the third canal. Which is why Panama city is being developed and patriated by Americans and Europeans. If you don't actually know what is going on down there, you really should refrain from sourcing your conspiracy sites.

Yes, I am aware of the technology that Clowntoon gave them. That does not change the fact that they do not control Panama. The US leases ports in foreign countries. So does China. It is a part of international trade.

Again, it would be mutually destructive for the US and China to enter a military conflict/war.... and both countries know it.
China does not control Panama. Panama is more closely tied with the US. Which is why the US is building the third canal. Which is why Panama city is being developed and patriated by Americans and Europeans. If you don't actually know what is going on down there, you really should refrain from sourcing your conspiracy sites.

Yes, I am aware of the technology that Clowntoon gave them. That does not change the fact that they do not control Panama. The US leases ports in foreign countries. So does China. It is a part of international trade.

Again, it would be mutually destructive for the US and China to enter a military conflict/war.... and both countries know it.

But the panamanians are intent on getting into chinese markets, because, as you know, american markets will have greatly reduced buying power, due to outsourcing of all jobs and the economy being supressed through green legislation.

OUr enemies within have empowered china specifically so they can be an equal and it can be sold to the american people that "we have no choice" to do what they say. This is the defeat of americans without a battle with the only winners being the global elitists who believe in equal opportunity oppression.