Boeing has a heavy investment in government contracts. That means toeing the line on woke policies the government is pushing.
Boeing was early at WOKE but their collapse started with combining with MD in the 90's. My daughter knew several people who went to Boeing out of the Washington State University School of business 2010/2011...within a few years all had left, saying that it was obvious that Boeing was getting ready to crash, and they did not want to be there when it did.
The incompetence of this company has caused the deaths of hundreds of people.
Shareholders- as the Brit maggot, serendipity, claims to be- have whitewashed reports of Boeing's failings , attacked whistlebowers and striven to do all they could to protect their investments at the cost of people's lives.
Prosecutions are long overdue. Shareholder payouts should be reclaimed and used to support the relatives of Boeing's victims.
No more bonuses, no more dividends.
A decent government would nationalize the whole shebang- all of the company's interests.


Planes are not repaired in the Boeing Assembly building at Everett. They are built.
The panel blowout was due to a faulty repair. That crew did not follow Boeing repair procedures.

Stop quoting made up shit, Moonbat.
this is the nature of the corporate veil.

"fuck you, I get mine."

the corporate veil isn't "trade" by the way.

it's a legal protection.

oh but the oligarchs won't invest unless we all suck their dicks you say?

isn't money made from thin air?

let them take their tiny balls and go home then, little bitches.

shrug Atlas, shrug. then go fuck youserlf.

the world is fine without you.

maybe better.
Your hatred of corporations is just bigotry.

Boeing cannot survive with satisfying it's customers. No corporation can.
Planes are not repaired in the Boeing Assembly building at Everett. They are built.
The panel blowout was due to a faulty repair. That crew did not follow Boeing repair procedures.

Stop quoting made up shit, Moonbat. understanding is that this was a repair of an improperly made Spirit fuselage was redone at the Boeing factory during assembly....I think by BOEING employees....who did not keep proper records.
In a preliminary report last month, the NTSB said four bolts that help keep the door plug in place were missing after the panel was removed so workers could repair nearby damaged rivets last September. The rivet repairs were done by contractors working for Boeing supplier Spirit AeroSystems, but the NTSB still does not know who removed and replaced the door panel, Homendy said Wednesday. understanding is that this was a repair of an improperly made Spirit fuselage was redone at the Boeing factory during assembly....I think by BOEING employees....who did not keep proper records.
They also did not follow proper procedures. The work was not done in the Boeing Assembly building. The mechanic that signed off the work is personally liable.
Fake News.
The NTSB has the documentation and the investigation is proceeding forward. The NTSB typically takes a year conducting such an investigation.

Oh, and both MAX crashes were due to pilot error, not Boeing.
Fake News.
The NTSB has the documentation and the investigation is proceeding forward. The NTSB typically takes a year conducting such an investigation.

Oh, and both MAX crashes were due to pilot error, not Boeing.
The BS is especially deep with U tonight.
The preliminary report said the door plug, installed by supplier Spirit AeroSystems, arrived at Boeing’s factory near Seattle with five damaged rivets around the plug. A Boeing crew replaced the damaged rivets, which required them to remove the four bolts to open the plug.
Although the preliminary report noted Spirit's role in the incident, Boeing CEO David Calhoun said last week that the company caused the problem.
“I want everybody — everybody on every airplane — to know that Boeing owns it. We own our supply chain. We own Spirit. We own the results of our work,” Calhoun said on CNBC