Paul Volker endorses Obama.


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Paul Volker – Former Fed Chairman, deficit hawk, and the man who whipped inflation and laid the framework for the great prosperity of the past 25 years has endorsed Obama. This is a very big endorsement. I was watching Kudlow last night, who was a former Volker speech writer and he was talking about this is very unusual for Volker and he wouldn’t just endorse someone unless he really believed in them. This endorsement has sealed the deal for me and of all the mainstream candidates I now must say I support Obama. I'm convinced his economic policies will be deficit reduction, low inflation and incentive based social policies.
Personally, I've never changed my mind to vote for someone based on an endorsement. But Obama is has some good ideas. I've heard some libertarians call him a "market liberal", but I think that's really wishful thinking. He's liberal through and through, but at least he's not a "communitarian" like Hillary.
I didn't change my mind I was undecided. Also, knowing Volker and his past very well I know he wouldn't throw out an endorsement like this lightly. I'd still prefer Paul but of the candidates that have a real chance Obama I think is best.
I hope the libertarians come out on Tuesday to give the most fiscally conservative candidate that actually has a chance to win the vote.
I'll be voting for Obama on Tuesday. I think he'll lose but I hope not.

It's not winning or losing, you shouldn't look at it that way. Only the final delegate count matters. But there are a lot of southern states with Democratic parties that are majority black that are going to go goo-goo for Obama.
I'm going to an Obama rally/speech here in Minneapolis on Saturday.

I liked in the debate last night when Obama handed Clinton her ass on the Mortgage rate freeze plan saying it will just raise rates making problems worse. Which is obvious to any high school student.
Ugh as of last week Clinton was way ahead in AZ.

Clinton 45%
Obama 24%

I hope much has changed and I hope all Edwards people go to him.
I honestly think Edwards should've stayed in the race. The only way Obama could've been assured those votes was if Edwards stayed in and kept on breaking 15%.
I'm voting for Obama on Tuesday. I don't like his economic stances on some things, but...the wars, and possible future wars (mccain) supercede that.

Volker for Treasury Secretary!
The Volker endorsement is huge to those who are most intrested in the economy. The answer to the question or war settles my vote, but many have turned to the economy.

Clearly, Obama is the choice of the intellectual elite on the left side of the political divide. He may also, at the same time, be the choice of the independent thinkers .. AND, at the same time, be the choice of many moderate republicans.

I'd like to take a moment to thank George W. Bush, without whom this moment would not be possible.
problem is that Hillary's got the super delegate lead, and only a couple days left before it may be to late for obama.

Hes CLEARLY the one that would get the nomination if the primaries were not in such a hurry this year as his message is beginning to resonate and hes got momentum. but it may just be 2 little 2 late.

Im hoping that Edwards publicly endorses him before Tuesday.. and icing would be for gore to back him before tuesday.