Paul's numbers fell

Hurray .. Young Libertarian loves racists and believes the US should be broken up into small nation-states.

Aha we seem to be getting closer to the heart of your libertarian hate.

Tell me why the same policies are right for every state in all areas?

PS. That idea is awesome. I have never seen libertarianism strawmanned so.
Aha we seem to be getting closer to the heart of your libertarian hate.

Tell me why the same policies are right for every state in all areas?

PS. That idea is awesome. I have never seen libertarianism strawmanned so.

People in Ohio should be able to put as much Methane gas in the air from their asses to smother the people of Pittsburgh when the winds take the ass stench there.
I could be wrong. But, I think its nowhere but downhill for Paul from now on.

NH was his swan song. That's the state where libertarian and independent-minded voters are strongest, demographically.

Now, its on to the bible belt, where keeping your neighbors teenage daughter from having an abortion. and the love of Gitmo and torture run strongest.

In Iowa Pauls did so good because of the caucus format. A bunch of Paul supporters turned up in a few precincts and managed to turn the majority their way.

In NH, the libertarian streak is strongest. It's just that it was a primary.
Your point is hard to figure out quite frankly.

If Ron Paul won the nomination there would be no chance of a prowar candidate winning but there would be a chance that a complete fool who doesn't even believe there should be a united America winning .. AND .. Paul was in fact prowar when it came to attacking Afghanistan just as he would be when the pretext is good enough for him.

Do you enjoy talking in circles?