Paulson Guarantees McCain to Dems


This is really fascinating. You have to read this in the context of Congressional Republicans telling Dick Cheney to go, well, to go Cheney himself yesterday, when he went to the Hill to attempt his usual strong-arm Darth Vadar act. Republicans are balking at this bailout. In that context, it’s fascinating to watch the Democrats, and John McCain. McCain refuses to say whether he will vote for this. Democrats, who have, for once! Figured out the coming set up –and that is that the majority of R’s vote against it, and John McCain once he knows the bill is going to pass (because he wants it to pass), votes AGAINST the bill, and then runs as Huey Long against Obama, and the Congressional R’s do the same, hurting Dems all the way down ticket and across the board – are insisting to the administration that if John McCain votes against this bailout, so do they. Now, one of them told abc news that Paulson actually told them “don’t worry McCain wont’ be a problem” appearing to guarantee a McCain yeah vote.

Hopefully, Democrats, knowing they are being set up to be left holding the bag for the right wing economics of the past 8 years, also figure out that John McCain has no honor, and has shown himself to be a sleazy liar. In other words – yea yeah yeah, let’s see the vote first. I wouldn’t trust McCain until he actually makes the vote. And of course, possibly the most fascinating part of this is, Paulson appears to be guaranteeing McCain for the Dems. Saying, don’t’ worry, McCain has gotten his orders. Now, whatever part of McCain is mythology – nearly all of it – the part about his volcanic temper is not. So how is John McCain going to react to the Bush Administration telling people – don’t worry, we own his ass?

"ABC News' George Stephanopoulos reports: If Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain doesn't vote for the Bush administration's $700 billion economic bailout plan, some Republican and Democratic congressional leaders tell ABC News the plan won't pass.
"If McCain doesn't come out for this, it's over," a Top House Republican tells ABC News.

A Democratic leadership source says that White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten has been told that Democratic votes will not be there if McCain votes no -- that there is no deal if McCain doesn't go along.

McCain, taking questions from the traveling media today for the first time in 40 days, said he doesn't yet know how he will vote on the bailout.

But when he was asked by ABC News' Ron Claiborne what he would do if the fate of the bill was in his hands, he said Senate Democrats should not use his vote as the determining factor on the success of the bill.

"This issue should be - and their vote should be determined in how we can resolve this crisis and get America going again," McCain said. "This is a huge crisis. We know, in the words of many experts and mine, this is the greatest financial crisis since World War II. So to somehow, for the Democrats to say that their vote is going to be gauged on my vote frankly doesn't do them a great deal of credit.

"Their first and only priority should be making sure this economy recovers and get back on our feet again," McCain said.

McCain has expressed concerns about Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's plan, which would amount to costing the American taxpayer two Iraq wars.

The Republican presidential candidate has suggested the original proposal lacks sufficient oversight, and he has said whatever plan emerges should protect family savings, homes, and student loans, and should eliminate obscene CEO compensation packages.

McCain said this week that any company that receives government aid should not be compensated more than $400,000 -- the highest-paid government employee.

McCain spokesman Tucker Bounds told ABC News' Jake Tapper that McCain has not made a decision one way or another.
"John McCain has been very clear that he has certain reservations about the details of the agreement that has been released at last notice," Bounds said. "There is no final agreement to review, but when there is John McCain will weigh in responsibly and appropriately."

Administration officials went to Capitol Hill Tuesday to urge Congress to pass the bailout package quickly, arguing the nation's economy is teetering on the brink of a major recession.

Some senior Democrats on Capitol Hill have voiced concern that McCain will continue to oppose the Bush administration's plan as a way to position himself as a critic of Wall Street and the Bush Administration.
If McCain doesn't vote for the legislation, other Republicans might follow suit, leaving the Democratic-led majority to fight in Congress to pass the risky bailout plan.

However a Democratic congressional leadership source tells ABC News' Jake Tapper that Paulson went so far as to assure Democratic leaders that McCain "won't be a problem" -- in other words that McCain will vote for the proposal.
I have to say, the Dems look like blithering idiots at this point. Take a stand for God's sake.
I have to say, the Dems look like blithering idiots at this point. Take a stand for God's sake.

That would be a big political mistake. If Bush cannot guarantee and deliver a McCain yes vote, along with a majority of Congressional R votes, then it'd be suicide politically for the dems to vote yes on this. The R's are trying to leave the Dems holding the bag filled with 8 years of their disastrous economics.
That would be a big political mistake. If Bush cannot guarantee and deliver a McCain yes vote, along with a majority of Congressional R votes, then it'd be suicide politically for the dems to vote yes on this. The R's are trying to leave the Dems holding the bag filled with 8 years of their disastrous economics.

You're probably right. But I don't even understand how they are thinking about goign through with it, when they don't even (allegedly) have all teh details lined out and I'm pretty sure most of congress could barely understand it if they did.
If Obama votes for this. I will absolutely not vote for him.
What if he skips the vote? I don't think he would because it would look really weak but this is going to be tough for him.

What's up man? Hey I found the ideal woman for you: Beer Girl!

Saw that awhile back and thought you'd appreciate it. :cool:
You're probably right. But I don't even understand how they are thinking about goign through with it, when they don't even (allegedly) have all teh details lined out and I'm pretty sure most of congress could barely understand it if they did.

I agree, I believe the dems and the repubs should vote against it, and come up with an alternate plan. I like the one I found on Think Progress last night. Give paulson some of what he claims he needs to avert the disaster he says is coming, and then tell him, get back to us after the election and after we see what you've done with a few billion.
Poor little Dems, it is so horrible that they are slaves to their power lust. Let's just get rid of the democratic process so they can finally do the right thing.

Not that the Repubs are any better, especially McCain.
I have to say, the Dems look like blithering idiots at this point. Take a stand for God's sake.

Funny, but I disagree... I think they have made the most valid points yet. IF there is to be a bailout, the final package better look more like the Dems suggestions and less like Bush's.
I agree, I believe the dems and the repubs should vote against it, and come up with an alternate plan. I like the one I found on Think Progress last night. Give paulson some of what he claims he needs to avert the disaster he says is coming, and then tell him, get back to us after the election and after we see what you've done with a few billion.

That sounds very similar to what Schumer was saying on CNBC yesterday.
What if he skips the vote? I don't think he would because it would look really weak but this is going to be tough for him.

What's up man? Hey I found the ideal woman for you: Beer Girl!

Saw that awhile back and thought you'd appreciate it. :cool:
Her stomach needs to be a humidor then she will be perfect!
Poor little Dems, it is so horrible that they are slaves to their power lust. Let's just get rid of the democratic process so they can finally do the right thing.

Not that the Repubs are any better, especially McCain.

Nobody is saying that. This is pretty fascinating politically, and it takes a Libertarian to be blind to that.
Funny, but I disagree... I think they have made the most valid points yet. IF there is to be a bailout, the final package better look more like the Dems suggestions and less like Bush's.

But the indecision looks bad. McCain's back and forth does as well.
They should decide immediately! No negotiations! Don't even read it!

I demand the Ecnomic Patriot Act!
Well, that means they should read it, criticize it, talk about how it gives too much power to the Executive Branch then pass it, again, and again, and again....
It's Matt Yglesias, but, maybe he got it from Schumer, I don't know the timing of who said it first.

Schumer was yesterday morning... something tells me it is not solely his idea... probably came from Dodd orginally and then spread out to other Dems... including that author on thinkprogress.

NOTE: I am just guessing that it orginally came from Dodd.... but logically that is the most likely source.
Well, that means they should read it, criticize it, talk about how it gives too much power to the Executive Branch then pass it, again, and again, and again....

No, they did not read the original patriot act Damo. Some of them even admitted it. There was no time to, or so they claimed. What is amazing is that one congressperson in Michael Moore’s movie, I forget who but I’m picturing Rangel – told him right out, newsflash son, most of the bills we vote on aren’t read – they’re damned big! I think that it late came out that many of them never read the Iraq war resolution unless I am confusing it with another bill, but an important one. I mean, it’s become fairly obvious that not reading the bills is SOP up there. Possibly their staff read them.