Paulson Guarantees McCain to Dems

I don't think the plan should even be a "bail-out" per se. The CEO's, directors, managers, and stockholders in these companies should be just as bad off as if the companies had failed. The only thing the government should do is simply to keep the actual infrastructure of the companies in place.
Except that it took over five months for Sarbanes-Oxley to go from bill to law.

That's actually a very short time for a law that affected as much as it did. And we are paying for it with over $1.4 trillion in lost productivity, but at least we MIGHT not have some future corporation fucking up the finances for a few billion.
The cure is worse than the problem.
The reason everyone wants to know how McCain is voting is because they are all at least thinking in the populist vein. Right now popular opinion is running about 2/3 against so if McCain votes no he is doing so for populist reasons and will come out saying that the dems are being big government dems. What the dems NEED to do is take the populist high road and vote no right the fuck now. Don't wait, tell Paulson the plan is DOA, and pass tax legislation that gives companies incintive to give cash infusions like Buffet did for Goldman.
That's actually a very short time for a law that affected as much as it did. And we are paying for it with over $1.4 trillion in lost productivity, but at least we MIGHT not have some future corporation fucking up the finances for a few billion.
The cure is worse than the problem.

Well, if you want to debate the merits of SOX we can do that elsewhere. But your suggestion that SOX was passed quickly and without review or members of congress reading the bill is nonsense.

That is all.
I guess because they know that Obama isn’t going to run against dems on their votes.

I don’t know, I guess I am the only one who is fascinated with the actual politics of this. It’s a chess game. You have McCain refusing to say how he’s going to vote because he’s been trying to run as a populist, but he’s actually a big business guy whose campaign is being run by lobbyists. He is hoping to bait the dems into shouldering the entire political burden of passing this bill. And you have the dems, who have apparently been scared by Paulson into believing something must be done, who probably really want to vote for this because they really do believe that the economy is riding on it – but who don’t want to carry the sole political cost.

I guess I just am really interested in politics, at its rock bottom core. It’s usually a very secondary interest to my main concerns on policy, but in this case, it’s just so right out there in the open. I know that this thread is turning into a big “I’m better than you” “We’re better than them” thing. But that’s not my personal interest.
Yet it still nets McCain a "leadership" position that is being passed by for Obama. Your own party is following the lead of the top of the other side rather than simply rejecting their plan and creating a new one based on the position of their newest leader.
The reason everyone wants to know how McCain is voting is because they are all at least thinking in the populist vein. Right now popular opinion is running about 2/3 against so if McCain votes no he is doing so for populist reasons and will come out saying that the dems are being big government dems. What the dems NEED to do is take the populist high road and vote no right the fuck now. Don't wait, tell Paulson the plan is DOA, and pass tax legislation that gives companies incintive to give cash infusions like Buffet did for Goldman.

You talk as if Democrats were smart?
Yet it still nets McCain a "leadership" position that is being passed by for Obama. Your own party is following the lead of the top of the other side.

If that’s how you want to see it, you should feel good about it. We all know the only thing you care about is keeping democrats out of office.