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With super majoritys in Congress Obama will sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs. No opossition to Supreme Court picks!
Taking the country from the Rich!!!!
With super majoritys in Congress Obama will sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs. No opossition to Supreme Court picks!
Taking the country from the Rich!!!!

At least your honest about what the Fairness Doctrine is really about.
I do not listen to talk radio. But the whole idea that a radio station is not allowed to create programming based on audience preferences but will be forced to do it based on politicians legislating bullshit is a shame.

Numerous conservative talk radio shows have strong listener bases and make a considerable amount of money for the stations that own them.

Air America has been a failure. That failure is not due to politics. It is due to the lack of listener support.

So now we legislate the competition out of existence?

What a great idea.
They don't compete fairly. They compete by lying. Rush Limbaugh should be fined a billion dollars for every lie he's ever told, and he should work in prison for the rest of his life to pay it off.
Oh, I forgot that conservative talk radio is all lies and liberal talk radio is pure truth.

Its about programming. Its about who makes money for the radio station.
all commentary should be required to have a continuous banner on the screen while commentary is going on.

Something like:

This commentary has nothing to do with the truth, and may be at best a distortion of the truth.

but just one that says this is commentary not news would suffice.
all commentary should be required to have a continuous banner on the screen while commentary is going on.

Something like:

This commentary has nothing to do with the truth, and may be at best a distortion of the truth.

but just one that says this is commentary not news would suffice.

But even the news has a slant. Claims that this media outlet is slanted conservative and that one slanted liberal are rampant.

So do we require that news services offer equal slants now too? One hour of news bent towards cons and one hour bent towards libs?
But even the news has a slant. Claims that this media outlet is slanted conservative and that one slanted liberal are rampant.

So do we require that news services offer equal slants now too? One hour of news bent towards cons and one hour bent towards libs?

How the hell would one put a continuous banner across a radio station for people to view?
So much for the party of freedom. When it comes to stomping on the Constitution in order to promote their ideology, the liberal of today is far worse than those they oppose ever dreamed of being.
But even the news has a slant. Claims that this media outlet is slanted conservative and that one slanted liberal are rampant.

So do we require that news services offer equal slants now too? One hour of news bent towards cons and one hour bent towards libs?

news does not have to have a slant. the nightly news hour has almost zero slant. The Nightly business report has a slightly right hand slant.

America wha forgotten what reporting the news is.

It is not "OHH my god ! a school bus crashed and 10 little innocent babies were killed."
it is "a school bush crashed at xx:xx pm and 10 children were killed."

reporting the news is reporting the news sans emotionalsim and sensationalism.
news does not have to have a slant. the nightly news hour has almost zero slant. The Nightly business report has a slightly right hand slant.

America wha forgotten what reporting the news is.

It is not "OHH my god ! a school bus crashed and 10 little innocent babies were killed."
it is "a school bush crashed at xx:xx pm and 10 children were killed."

reporting the news is reporting the news sans emotionalsim and sensationalism.

News was a public service at one time. Edward R. Morrow and Walter Cronkite were about informing the public.

But that was also when there were only 3 networks.

Now news is big business. And business is best when we are scared.

Look at the recent financial debacle. It was 24/7 reporting on the absolute worst cases and biggest failures. People panicked.

When the attacks of 9/11/01 happened we were all glued to our tv sets.

Thats why the bird flu epidemic was reported so thoroughly. Even though it was not an epidemic that effected us.

If we are scared we watch more news. It makes them more money.

And each news show knows who its audience is. So they pander to them as much as they can without crossing the line. Except the line is imaginary and has been pushed to the very limits.
News was a public service at one time. Edward R. Morrow and Walter Cronkite were about informing the public.

But that was also when there were only 3 networks.

Now news is big business. And business is best when we are scared.

Look at the recent financial debacle. It was 24/7 reporting on the absolute worst cases and biggest failures. People panicked.

When the attacks of 9/11/01 happened we were all glued to our tv sets.

Thats why the bird flu epidemic was reported so thoroughly. Even though it was not an epidemic that effected us.

If we are scared we watch more news. It makes them more money.

And each news show knows who its audience is. So they pander to them as much as they can without crossing the line. Except the line is imaginary and has been pushed to the very limits.

The Fairness Doctrine is not about the news its about talk radio which he why is switching the subject to the news. The Fairness Doctrine isn't about coming after ABC, NBC and CBS news divisions its about talk radio.
news does not have to have a slant. the nightly news hour has almost zero slant. The Nightly business report has a slightly right hand slant.

America wha forgotten what reporting the news is.

It is not "OHH my god ! a school bus crashed and 10 little innocent babies were killed."
it is "a school bush crashed at xx:xx pm and 10 children were killed."

reporting the news is reporting the news sans emotionalsim and sensationalism.
Many of us here, of all sections of the socio-political compass, know and understand what news reporting is supposed to be. We also know that is not what were are receiving from 99.9% of so-called news broadcasts, especially the major network national programs, nor is it what we receive from most written news sources.

But as far as I know, none of the radio (or television) talk shows make any claim to be a news outlet, nor claim to be unbiased. They exist because they cater to a specific audience, just as other shows are designed to cater to a specific audience. You don't find many 60 year-olds listening to radio aimed at high school kids. And you won't find many (if any) high school kids watching to Lawrence Welk.

The "fairness" (ie: fascist control of media) doctrine is as totalitarian as they come. But it is what I have come to expect from the democratic party and their blind followers.
The Fairness Doctrine is not about the news its about talk radio which he why is switching the subject to the news. The Fairness Doctrine isn't about coming after ABC, NBC and CBS news divisions its about talk radio.

It is about talk radio, or at least that is the way it is being pitched.

But who will determine which parts of the media are slammed by this legislation? The government? Yeah, they are certainly a trustworthy bunch.

I am not comfortable giving the government any more control than they already have.

Didn't someone report about a study that had 47% of our population agreeing that the government should be able to decide what news gets reported and what news does not??
It is about talk radio, or at least that is the way it is being pitched.

But who will determine which parts of the media are slammed by this legislation? The government? Yeah, they are certainly a trustworthy bunch.

I am not comfortable giving the government any more control than they already have.

Didn't someone report about a study that had 47% of our population agreeing that the government should be able to decide what news gets reported and what news does not??

I think the fairness doctrine is a piece of crap. It's strictly partisan b.s. as the troll indicated in his initial post.