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Make all news non profit. Problem solved.

The separation of media from government is a key part of Amendment 1. Of course, we do have PBS and NPR, which should be done away with. Now, I think C-SPAN 1&2 is fine, since its not exactly news, and the service could never survive on its own...
The separation of media from government is a key part of Amendment 1. Of course, we do have PBS and NPR, which should be done away with. Now, I think C-SPAN 1&2 is fine, since its not exactly news, and the service could never survive on its own...

Oh brother, PBS has some of the best news shows. But of course, you don't like listing to the truth! :rolleyes:
Do away with PBS ? the most unbiased source of news we have ?

Well it does compete with commerical news I suppose....
Right, we should trust the government to fund the only allowed "free speech"... :rolleyes:

Where do you come up with that crap?

I'd prefer to wade through infotainment than have speech restricted to only the official government channels.
Wow... listen to the left here "sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs." Imagine if a Republican said this... sign legislation to shut up "Air America".

This is typical... where you cant compete... use (abuse) the power of Government to force it down America's throat.

Its facism ...
And to boot... by supporting this shows why Democratic Power in all 3 branches is very dangerous... just as Republican Power in the mid 2000's... a lack of Checks and Balances is very dangerous.
Wow... listen to the left here "sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs." Imagine if a Republican said this... sign legislation to shut up "Air America".

This is typical... where you cant compete... use (abuse) the power of Government to force it down America's throat.

Its facism ...

Alright Mr K.

Nice to see you again in internet word form.

Now i don't know much about this Fairness Doctrine but i'll admit it sounds like a terrible idea. Having had the pleasure of watching some of your network news broadcasts, on our new-fangled space satellite television box, i'm more of the opinion that what you need is less government diktat and more people complaining about the shoddy journalistic standards on display.

Last night i was unfortunate enough to watch this fat-faced Hannitys chap delivering "10 reasons not to vote for Barack Obamas", which was essentially a very long party ad for the McCains. You just wouldn't get anything like that on British tv news.

Can't you just get rid of these make-up plastered charlatans shouting over their "guests" and return to the good old days of proper journalists questioning policy and exposing political lies, using facts rather than crude opinionated innuendo and half-truths filtered through some warped political sieve?
Alright Mr K.

Nice to see you again in internet word form.

Now i don't know much about this Fairness Doctrine but i'll admit it sounds like a terrible idea. Having had the pleasure of watching some of your network news broadcasts, on our new-fangled space satellite television box, i'm more of the opinion that what you need is less government diktat and more people complaining about the shoddy journalistic standards on display.

Last night i was unfortunate enough to watch this fat-faced Hannitys chap delivering "10 reasons not to vote for Barack Obamas", which was essentially a very long party ad for the McCains. You just wouldn't get anything like that on British tv news.

Can't you just get rid of these make-up plastered charlatans shouting over their "guests" and return to the good old days of proper journalists questioning policy and exposing political lies, using facts rather than crude opinionated innuendo and half-truths filtered through some warped political sieve?

Problem is Charver that the people by and large are too stupid to complain about the virtually non existant journalistic standards.
They like enquirerism.
Alright Mr K.

Nice to see you again in internet word form.

Now i don't know much about this Fairness Doctrine but i'll admit it sounds like a terrible idea. Having had the pleasure of watching some of your network news broadcasts, on our new-fangled space satellite television box, i'm more of the opinion that what you need is less government diktat and more people complaining about the shoddy journalistic standards on display.

Last night i was unfortunate enough to watch this fat-faced Hannitys chap delivering "10 reasons not to vote for Barack Obamas", which was essentially a very long party ad for the McCains. You just wouldn't get anything like that on British tv news.

Can't you just get rid of these make-up plastered charlatans shouting over their "guests" and return to the good old days of proper journalists questioning policy and exposing political lies, using facts rather than crude opinionated innuendo and half-truths filtered through some warped political sieve?

Charver... unfortunately with free speech and free markets... you get charlatans..from both sides of the isle. Its up to individuals to decipher the info and make their better judgment. We do not want government to be the filter for political messages reaching out to the public. Joe MCcarthy tried that back in the late 40's and early 50's.
Charver... unfortunately with free speech and free markets... you get charlatans..from both sides of the isle. Its up to individuals to decipher the info and make their better judgment. We do not want government to be the filter for political messages reaching out to the public. Joe MCcarthy tried that back in the late 40's and early 50's.

I'm not comfortable with governments "controlling" news but it seems to me that the massive politicisation of television news happens only in America*.

Mr Murdoch's Fox News can be contrasted with his UK news arm, SKY News, which provides, on the whole, a fair unbiased news channel comparable to the BBC news or other domestic outlets. Under no circumstances would they run a series of political attack ads for one side or the other.

What the hell happened to American journalism? It used to be quite good once, so i'm told.

*obviously we're talking about proper countries here, not those states headed up by a man in military fatigues and/or a grotesque looking moustache.
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With super majoritys in Congress Obama will sign the Fairness Doctrine to shut up RepubliKKKans like Shwan Hannity and Rush Limpballs. No opossition to Supreme Court picks!
Taking the country from the Rich!!!!

Yeah, because nothing feels quite as good as suppressing the ideas of those you disagree with. There is nothing quite as refreshing as trashing the constitution in a more direct fashion than those you've spent eight years accusing of doing the same. Because nothing is as rewarding as taking money from those who have worked hard to get where they are and giving it to people who don't.

Welcome to a Socialist America. You asked for it, you're going to get it, unfortunately, it won't effect just you. This will be interesting...
I'm not comfortable with governments "controlling" news but it seems to me that the massive politicisation of television news happens only in America*.

Mr Murdoch's Fox News can be contrasted with his UK news arm, SKY News, which provides, on the whole, a fair unbiased news channel comparable to the BBC news or other domestic outlets. Under no circumstances would they run a series of political attack ads for one side or the other.

What the hell happened to American journalism? It used to be quite good once, so i'm told.

*obviously we're talking about proper countries here, not those states headed up by a man in military fatigues and/or a grotesque looking moustache.

A nice video on that Charver.
Alright Mr K.

Nice to see you again in internet word form.

Now i don't know much about this Fairness Doctrine but i'll admit it sounds like a terrible idea. Having had the pleasure of watching some of your network news broadcasts, on our new-fangled space satellite television box, i'm more of the opinion that what you need is less government diktat and more people complaining about the shoddy journalistic standards on display.

Last night i was unfortunate enough to watch this fat-faced Hannitys chap delivering "10 reasons not to vote for Barack Obamas", which was essentially a very long party ad for the McCains. You just wouldn't get anything like that on British tv news.

Can't you just get rid of these make-up plastered charlatans shouting over their "guests" and return to the good old days of proper journalists questioning policy and exposing political lies, using facts rather than crude opinionated innuendo and half-truths filtered through some warped political sieve?
Your confusion starts by confusing Hannity with a news show. It is not, nor does it claim to be. It is a political talk show. There are several, and even more on the radio. These talk shows are 100% private. They sell advertising to cover the costs of broadcasting. As such government has ZERO business telling them what their content should be. For unexplainable reasons, liberal biased talk shows do not do as well as rabidly conservative talk shows. Nor do moderately conservative shows do well, nor do moderately liberal shows. Because far left liberals cannot seem to be competitive, they want to be able to control the content of private stations running private shows.
Your confusion starts by confusing Hannity with a news show. It is not, nor does it claim to be. It is a political talk show. There are several, and even more on the radio. These talk shows are 100% private. They sell advertising to cover the costs of broadcasting. As such government has ZERO business telling them what their content should be. For unexplainable reasons, liberal biased talk shows do not do as well as rabidly conservative talk shows. Nor do moderately conservative shows do well, nor do moderately liberal shows. Because far left liberals cannot seem to be competitive, they want to be able to control the content of private stations running private shows.

Perhaps you can see where my confusion comes from? When i tune into, say, Paramount comedy channel i expect to see people being funny and that. When i click on one of the many film channels available in this multi-media world of wonder, i expect to come across a film or two, rather than a documentary on Greek cats.

However, when viewing Fox News channel i'm apparently meant to discard my preconceptions and realise that, despite the promise on the wrapper, this is a channel which is the complete antithesis of news?


I'm not advocating anything, save journalists having some degree of self-worth, integrity and enough honesty to produce output which matches the description on the dial.
So much for the party of freedom. When it comes to stomping on the Constitution in order to promote their ideology, the liberal of today is far worse than those they oppose ever dreamed of being.

I have a better solution to right wing propaganda on the radio. Try not listening to it. Just change the channel. Same thing for Fox news. I wonder how many people listen to right wing talk radio just to hear something outrages and unwittingly help keep them going?

If a time comes where violence is precipitated due to the activities of the right wing propagandist (or any propagandist for that matter) then they can be held accountable then, just as they would for shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater.

Remember, some of the first Nazi war criminals to be hanged were the Nazi propagandist. If the wingnuts cross that line, let them be ready to pay the consequences.

Till then, let them have the air waves. Caveat Emptor!

Personally I go by the addage of Lincoln that you can fool some of the people most of the time and most of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.

I think were presently at the stage where 70% or more of the populations fully understands just how full of shit the right wing propagandist are.
I have a better solution to right wing propaganda on the radio. Try not listening to it. Just change the channel. Same thing for Fox news. I wonder how many people listen to right wing talk radio just to hear something outrages and unwittingly help keep them going?

If a time comes where violence is precipitated due to the activities of the right wing propagandist (or any propagandist for that matter) then they can be held accountable then, just as they would for shouting "Fire" in a crowded theater.

Remember, some of the first Nazi war criminals to be hanged were the Nazi propagandist. If the wingnuts cross that line, let them be ready to pay the consequences.

Till then, let them have the air waves. Caveat Emptor!

Personally I go by the addage of Lincoln that you can fool some of the people most of the time and most of the people some of the time but you can't fool all the people all the time.

I think were presently at the stage where 70% or more of the populations fully understands just how full of shit the right wing propagandist are.

I'd bet my next paycheck that a significant (perhaps not majority, but definitely significant) portion of the audience of Hannity, Limbuagh, and the like are those maximally opposed to their ideology. Ditto Fox News.

Myself, I do not watch political talk shows. It's a waste of time. Don't listen to political talk radio either. Only reason I watch news outlets with obvious bias is there isn't anything else. But I do try to watch multiple sources that cover both sides of bias.

The problem is the extremists of both sides believe their own lies. The lies of the far left may not be spread by idiots on TV and radio shows, but that does not mean they are not out there, to be repeated often and with equal conviction. Just get in a debate with the far left on issues like gun control, or freedom of religion in the public venue and watch them pull out bull shit statistics as bad as anything brought out by Limbaugh.