Pentagon:Iraq carnage soars



You Iraq war cheerleaders should be so proud.

Look at what America has set into motion.

We invaded Iraq for no good reason... we've started a bloody civil war... we've removed the only effective regional foil against Iranian hegemony... we're fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised.

Thanks shitloads for fucking the middle east all up and flushing our good name down the toilet.
Your very welcome. Glad I could help.

I'm working on more adventures for our great nation as we speak. I will be sure to leave you out of the loop tho as you can't be trusted with anything having to do with national security. But be sure to keep tabs on my efforts through cnn and the new york times.
Your very welcome. Glad I could help.

I'm working on more adventures for our great nation as we speak. I will be sure to leave you out of the loop tho as you can't be trusted with anything having to do with national security. But be sure to keep tabs on my efforts through cnn and the new york times.

Gaff, you confessing to be a cheerleading warmonger?

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
What if I just kept tabs on your fuck ups by reading the press releases from the's that work for ya?
and you'd better hurry with your plans.... we're fixin' to take the keys away from you inept incompetent motherfuckers
What if I just kept tabs on your fuck ups by reading the press releases from the's that work for ya?

Yo do that, just get a large quanity of those stick-it tabs, stick them on your over sized head, when ya can't see anymore let us know what the tally is there mr. scorekeeper...........:cof1:
and you'd better hurry with your plans.... we're fixin' to take the keys away from you inept incompetent motherfuckers

Stop, you are scaring me now, or should I say us since you are so very good at lumping eveyone together who does'nt agreewith you.

By the way, did ya steal that comment from Howard?:D
I don't steal any comments from anyone. I am fully capable of expressing myself in my own words and always do.

so all you got is one liners, you two?

gaffer should be ashamed. the blood of thousands and thousands of people is caked on his pompom gripping fingers
I don't steal any comments from anyone. I am fully capable of expressing myself in my own words and always do.

so all you got is one liners, you two?

gaffer should be ashamed. the blood of thousands and thousands of people is caked on his pompom gripping fingers

Boohoo hoo, let's just start burning the american flag because maine declared it all wrong.....:pke:
we have been the light of the world for millions of people throughout our history.... we have, however, made mistakes. Iran is the biggest one to date.
we have been the light of the world for millions of people throughout our history.... we have, however, made mistakes. Iran is the biggest one to date.

What, you are already keeping score with that one when you are not even done tallying iraq yet?:cof1:
Iraq is already way out in front....I stopped tallying when it took the clear lead.

Look maine, so long as you make these selve serving posts, and try to conglomerate anyone who does not take your position into warmonging cheerleaders you should anticipate such responses. Now if you wanna be like the mudflap cypress and spew this stuff, and then claim we are being partisan when we don't agree, well get ready to be conglomerated yourself with the likes of him.
If the shoe does not fit you Sir Evil, do not feel inclined to wear it. I am not suggesting that you were a cheerleader for this war, but if you were, I would hope that you would be starting to see the error in your ways

You Iraq war cheerleaders should be so proud.

Look at what America has set into motion.

We invaded Iraq for no good reason... we've started a bloody civil war... we've removed the only effective regional foil against Iranian hegemony... we're fewer, poorer, less safe and more despised.

Thanks shitloads for fucking the middle east all up and flushing our good name down the toilet.

1) DIXIE, June 15, 2006: "Dayum... this news hit pinheads so hard, even the fringe moderate pinheads were devistated! Zarwawi’s death spells the end for al Qaeda in Iraq! There have been dozens of captures and arrests made since the discovery of the documents, we frikin hit the mother-load on information, and the "insurgency" is about to meet its demise! Another bad day for Pinheads! "

2) PENATGON Report, Sept. 1, 2006: Iraqi casualties soared by more than 50 percent during the roughly three-month period ending in early August, the product of spiraling sectarian clashes and a Sunni-based insurgency that remains "potent and viable," the Pentagon noted today in an comprehensive assessment of security in Iraq.

In a grim 63-page report, the Pentagon chronicled bad news on a variety of fronts. One telling indicator was the number of weekly attacks, which reached an all-time high in July.

The assessment provides bad news on a variety of fronts. It said that Al Qaeda is active despite the death of Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, because of the group's "cellular structure," that the Sunni insurgency is strong and that militias are undiminished.
If the shoe does not fit you Sir Evil, do not feel inclined to wear it. I am not suggesting that you were a cheerleader for this war, but if you were, I would hope that you would be starting to see the error in your ways

Maine - I am not a leftover of this other board that you were on, I have stated my position on the iraq thing many times already, and that being it was a need prior to the whole wmd issue. Like iran next, just ignore the UN, and the international communtiy, nobody will do nothing about it! Can't blame them there, they have picked the time to push ahead with their nuclear ambitions for sure, and it has not much to do with us being in iraq.

Now I should feel an error in my ways for being behind the iraq issue? I feel bad for sure that we have lost troops, but ask me if I really give a shit that the factions are murdering each other every day, I think it's a thing of beauty! If these people don't wanna pull it together for a better future then I have no problem with them killing each other at all.

And last but not least, if you wanna equate yourself to the like of mudflap above, and make these posts to discredit a statement dixie made than more power to you.
We weren't ignoring Iraq.... and it wasn't that we weren't doing anything about it...we were.... we were keeping his airforce on the ground...we had hobbled his government with sanctions.... and if he was ignoring the UN, it wasn't that big of a deal. If a mosquito is sitting on my shoulder, and I don't hack at it with a machete, that doesn't mean that I am ignoring it, it just means that a simple slap will do. Iraq was contained. Sanctions were working. He was not a threat to us or anybody else. Colin Powell said exactly that six months before 9/11. We have enemies on the loose that have abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam. We need to be focusing on fighting THAT war and not wasting our time our blood, our treasure, and our world credibility fucking up Iraq
We weren't ignoring Iraq.... and it wasn't that we weren't doing anything about it...we were.... we were keeping his airforce on the ground...we had hobbled his government with sanctions.... and if he was ignoring the UN, it wasn't that big of a deal. If a mosquito is sitting on my shoulder, and I don't hack at it with a machete, that doesn't mean that I am ignoring it, it just means that a simple slap will do. Iraq was contained. Sanctions were working. He was not a threat to us or anybody else. Colin Powell said exactly that six months before 9/11. We have enemies on the loose that have abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with Iraq or Saddam. We need to be focusing on fighting THAT war and not wasting our time our blood, our treasure, and our world credibility fucking up Iraq

First, sanctions were not working in no way shape or form outside of corruption. They will still buying arms while officials in the UN were getting rich with the oil for food program. Saddam only became more defiant with his games since he had players to do it with.

Ok, so he did not pose a direct threat to us is acceptable, but to say that he was not a threat to anyone else is hilarious, as well as rediculous.

We are focusing on many places, not just iraq. iraq is the big issue because it is the easiest one to pick apart. However the issues with iraq there before afghanistan, the biger issues of nk & iran only became bigger afterwards as well. to assume that there is no other face except iraq is another silly statement.
he was not buying arms of any significance...small arms maybe...nobody was selling him aircraft or tanks or missiles.

If you think that saying that Saddam was unable to effectively project power outside his own borders is a ridiculous statement, you should take that up with Bush's first secretary of state who said precisely that six months before 9/11.

We are focusing on Iraq. period. And our focusing on Iraq has made us incapable of responding forcefully anywhere else in the world...because of tied up resources and because of a lack of credibility and stature.

Look....we "warned" Kim Jong Il to not test any missiles...we talked tough and we rattled our sabres...but ON THE FOURTH OF JULY FOR CRISSAKES, that little prick fired his missiles ...that was specifically designed to be a slap on the face of America and we did not have not and are not doing anything about it except let ourselves get slapped like some girlieman.... Kim Jong Il knows that Iraq has hobbled us in more ways than one... so does Iran... so does the rest of the world.