Perhaps home prices are still too high ?

I read usidiot's story and it brought a tear to my eye... Poor Al! Reduced to eating .49 hamburgers from McDonald's! Maybe Al should have thought about what would happen if he lost his job? Perhaps he could have spent more time showing up for work than sitting in his underwear eating cheeto's and posting to the Obama blogs? We don't know why Al lost his job, but we're supposed to feel sorry for him because he has a house he can't afford.... seems like just a few years ago, it was all of these people living in the street, who we were supposed to feel sorry for. Things certainly have improved under Bush!

Hey Socialists, we can't afford to pay for Al's house! There aren't enough 'rich people' in America to pay for all the houses of all the people who, for whatever reason, can't afford them. I'm sorry about that, I wish it weren't the case, but that is reality. Maybe Al should sell his house and move back in with his mother? He might even be able to keep his internet connection and continue to blog for Obama! I can give him some frugal advice on his eating habits... A loaf of bread and a pack of bologna is about $2, and he can eat all week... much better than .49 hamburgers! The thing is, it's really not my problem, and I don't feel compelled to pay for Al's house, I have my own to pay for!

Day after day, I read these bleeding heart tear-jerkers and stories of how terrible the economy is... but I continue to see mush-brains hanging out all day at the malls, texting each other on their blackberries and plugged into their ipods, I see them spending hours at Starbucks, typing away on their wi-fi enabled laptops or standing in line for their new I-phone. I don't see people standing in line at the soup kitchen, I see Prozac junkie moms in line at the McDonald's drive-thru with their SUV's full of spoiled brats who get everything their hearts desire. You practically can't get in Disneyworld, it is so crowded, and the Gulf Coast is building high-rise condo's at breakneck pace, because they have a waiting list of people who want to buy them. So, what the fuck? I am suddenly supposed to believe we are on the brink of the Great Depression, and fork over my hard-earned income in the form of MORE taxes, so Al doesn't have to eat .49 hamburgers? People, we haven't even begun to see "hard times" in America.
So fewer of us would pay for this than the rhetoric leads us to believe ?
which means the ones that do pay will pay far more than 10k ?
So fewer of us would pay for this than the rhetoric leads us to believe ?
which means the ones that do pay will pay far more than 10k ?
Yup, and most of them would be "rich". We should punish them for the mistakes of other rich people because, well, they're "rich".
Perhaps the real soloution is to get wages up so people can afford to buy the homes ?

those loans were a way to keep the housing and loan industry rolling during a jobless recovery with flat to declining average wages.