Personal Responsibility

Oh, I'm sorry. I thought this thread was about what the various political parties BELIEVE.

So you want to knock the libertarian belief that legalizing pot is the right thing to do. And your backing is the national health care plan that the libertarians oppose?

Do you get cramps when you twist like that?

I am not trying to knock or twist anything. I simply said, we are on the brink of nationalizing health care, you and I both know it's inevitably coming, whether we like it or not. At the same time, you think it would be a good idea to legalize a narcotic and sell it to whomever wants to use it. I see a problem with that, sorry. I don't mind removing the laws against possession, but throwing it out there on the market and saying... HAVE FUN WITH IT... just doesn't seem like a good idea, when we are going to be footing the bill for the consequences.

Conservatives believe that personal responsibility is very important, paramount even, and we should reward attributes of positive PR, while discouraging negative PR. They believe there should be great benefits to acting responsibly, and dire consequences to not acting responsibly.

Based on the empirical evidence since 2000 this is pure crap.

Based on the empirical evidence since 2000, we've not been governed by conservatives. Remember, the liberal view is, government should accept personal responsibility for us. This is what prompts Duhla to misquote me and substitute her own pet issue for the one I posted. Gun Control Law is a classic example of the liberal mindset regarding personal responsibility. It gives the government all responsibility of determining who (in any) can have a gun.
It is long past that anyone who took a second to look would wonder how conservatives can live on only beating a strawman? Coulter is back with the media is liberal baloney, does anyone ever ask if what she does has any connection to reality? And Dixie is back creating the PR strawman. Every group of people is a blend of all traits, but conservatives seem only to exist to compare themselves to straw! Weird way to live life especially after their failure to take responsibility for war, hurricanes, deficits, and financial meltdown.
LoL yeah why won't the fucking Republicans take responsibility for the damn hurricanes?! Gahh!

Is it too much to ask that we hold them accountable for every freak storm of nature?

PS. To save usc some time:

[USC] Typical two-time bush voter Republicans with no personala responsbiltiy![/USC]
LoL yeah why won't the fucking Republicans take responsibility for the damn hurricanes?! Gahh!

Is it too much to ask that we hold them accountable for every freak storm of nature?

PS. To save usc some time:

[USC] Typical two-time bush voter Republicans with no personala responsbiltiy![/USC]

so you think the republicans are taking personal responsibility for their actions in support their president and his/their policiesfor the past 8 yrs?
It is long past that anyone who took a second to look would wonder how conservatives can live on only beating a strawman? Coulter is back with the media is liberal baloney, does anyone ever ask if what she does has any connection to reality? And Dixie is back creating the PR strawman. Every group of people is a blend of all traits, but conservatives seem only to exist to compare themselves to straw! Weird way to live life especially after their failure to take responsibility for war, hurricanes, deficits, and financial meltdown.

LOL! how true.
Funny how they cry and scream how Obama & liberals are going to ruin America when their own policies have brought us to where we are.