PETA = Coalition of Freaks god you really are retarded.

I can't even take your posts seriously. One big fvkcing joke.

Your the one who did not mention PETA in your post, if you called them evil.

I think your mentally ill as you "project" your "retardness" on others.

It is your incompetence that did not add PETA in your post that causes others to read it differently than you intended. Yet, you project your error as others stupidity for not reading it as you intended.

liberialism is a mental disorder.
I'm pretty sure what they were trying to do was equate human/animals. Women wouldn't want to sit on breast pumps providing enough milk for Ben & Jerry's. They think it will make people think about the cows.

Of course, they don't comprehend the pain the cows go through if they aren't milked, they just think of the "slavery".

That's what I thought at first, but the fact that they are pointing a real life example as model means to me that they are dead serious. Had they out of no where came up with this and sent it a company that was known for treating their cattle horribly, I could buy it. But no, I just think they are serious
PETA is also mad about how we treat pigs in the slaughter houses. Hey PETA--I know we don't treat pigs real well in the slaughter houses. How do I know? I EAT BACON!!!
Well yes so long as you have an upscale market to sell to. Most people buy cheaper ice cream, Ben and Jerry's costs a lot because they run their company more progressively.

Ben & Jerry's is priced about the same as similar quality ice creams. If you are arguing that their policies might make it difficult for a company that competes on price, you might have a point.
PETA is also mad about how we treat pigs in the slaughter houses. Hey PETA--I know we don't treat pigs real well in the slaughter houses. How do I know? I EAT BACON!!!
Bacon is one of the foods I miss the most. Everything is better with bacon.
run their company more progressivley---LMAO. (some liberial projectioist insannity at work from a quote above) Progressives do not believe in capatolism, like marxists. One and the same.

liberialism is a mental disorder, as this kool-aid drinking dupe thinks any company is run on progressive/marxist philosophies. Those companies are owned and run governments. The capatolism Ben and Jerry's depend on is a far cry from a progressive, anti capatolists ideology.

Ben and Jerrys would not exist under progressive rule.
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A good hunk of seared decaying bovine flesh is quite tasty as well.

Anyone who tries to take my cow milk away from me will wind up with a serious issue on their hands.
PETA is just being udderly ridiculous on this.

Real Americans know what PETA stands for. "People eat tasty animals".

every stand they (peta) takes is ridiculous.

Next out of insane liberial CA land? PETD (people for ethical treatment of dirt)

Like I said before--this is the first time I saw a celing of insane liberialism on this board. Nice to see even you folks have a limit to the insanity.
PETA is just being udderly ridiculous on this. had to go there.

Thats a load of bull, USC.

I can't believe you would cow down to the people on this site.

But at least you don't display the herd mentality of so many republicans.

I guess I have milked this line of bad jokes for all its worth.
Charred animal flesh, bovine, swine or venison, is one of the great delicacies in my diet.

Giving up bacon is about as likely as my giving up coffee. Not gonna happen.
A neighbor raises all the hog I eat.
I trade him beef for it.

Good neighbors there.
People I grew up with would just go out and shoot a deer anytime their freezer got low. With the protien intake--they had enough muscle to take a walk in the woods to go hunting.
Yeah I could kill deer and turkey off of my back porch. Just don't care much for venison though.

Killed 2 whistle pigs last week and no one wanted them to eat.... A couple of scoops with the back hoe and they were buried.
When I hunt wild hog, I either shoot smaller ones for the freezer or bigger ones as a favor to land owners and the environment.

Anything over about 200 to 250 lbs is not going to be very tasty.
Yeah I could kill deer and turkey off of my back porch. Just don't care much for venison though.

Killed 2 whistle pigs last week and no one wanted them to eat.... A couple of scoops with the back hoe and they were buried.

USC, when you get a chance to shoot a deer you should take it.

Most of the animal should be used as ground meat, and add sausage or some sort of fat to make it more easily used.

But take the tenderloin out. Cut it into medalions and wrap each one with a piece of thick sliced bacon. Use whatever marinade you want, and cook them in a smoker. If you grill them, use the highest setting the grill has to keep them away from the eat so you can slow cook them.

This will produce some of the tastiest meat you will ever eat.