Peter Schiff / Ron Pauls Economic Adviser

ROTFLMAO, I do not repair computers. Go finish the salesmens expense reports they need their expense checks.
correction bubba.

I am anti corps running the country.
I have one LLC myself. working on #2. oops working on #3 my farm is also an LLC.

I am not anti education at all. I just did not get a college education but I have somewhere around 3,000 clasroom hours ot continuing technical education.
btw anti educating sounds kinda stupit.

Close minded ? apparently not as closed minded as you are youngster.
I obviously yanking your chain on education.
You educated yourself for the new economy and you getting through Nam is 1000 times tougher and more noble than anything I will every do.
I obviously yanking your chain on education.
You educated yourself for the new economy and you getting through Nam is 1000 times tougher and more noble than anything I will every do.

Every now and then, this little guy warms my heart.
I obviously yanking your chain on education.
You educated yourself for the new economy and you getting through Nam is 1000 times tougher and more noble than anything I will every do.

:shock: will the old ticker take spinner being nice to me ????

Is the world ending ???
correction bubba.

I am anti corps running the country.
I have one LLC myself. working on #2. oops working on #3 my farm is also an LLC.

Then why didn't you just say that? All you said is that a good liberal is anti-corp. Everyone who knowingly benefits from them (whether Top who brings in money, or me, who will not be making big bucks but loves the affluence they afford us) sees that and pukes.
Then why didn't you just say that? All you said is that a good liberal is anti-corp. Everyone who knowingly benefits from them (whether Top who brings in money, or me, who will not be making big bucks but loves the affluence they afford us) sees that and pukes.

many extreme liberals are just palin anti corps. I have known Union types that are that way. I am not sure how they figure they would have a job if not for the corp.

btw I have also worked in Union positions but never really fit in because i did not hate my employer.
LOL without corporations there would be no unions. That logic doesn't explain unions like the NEA, but then, the NEA has never been known for its ability to reason.
What are you anti eddickayshun 3D ? Better watch out spinner will get ya.

Good teachers are worth more than a football coach. bad teachers really suck, but are usually better than none.