Physics can't deal with reality's complexity


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This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

absolutely wrong.

May the force be with you. It is an energy field and something more. An aura that at once controls and obeys. It is a nothingness that can accomplish miracles. --Obi Wan Kenobi
"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications"

The basic premise of this article is seriously flawed.

I have never heard any physicist claim that physics is the queen of "ALL that happens".

I maintain it is the queen of the physical sciences, but that is totally different than saying it explains everything.
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

What is so complex about all realities combined ignoring the same thing, genetics sustains eternal separation of active reproductions adapting to the moment here and for humans it is last surviving 5 generation gaps separating the 8 billion lifetimes present.
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

What is so complex about all realities combined ignoring the same thing, genetics sustains eternal separation of active reproductions adapting to the moment here and for humans it is last surviving 5 generation gaps separating the 8 billion lifetimes present. people are so wrapped up saving reasonable doubt they never want to understand self evident displacement historically ignored through active social consensus teaching last arriving generation to defend the actions of the previous 4 or else..

Final conflict has always been with the 5th generation bow to the previous 4 or will the previous 4 stop denying now is eternity?
This article is written by a highly respected philosopher of science, Nancy Cartwright.

"The idea of physics as queen of all that happens has powerful implications about just what the world we live in must be like. It must be a world made up entirely of the basic entities of physics—fundamental particles, curved space-time and the like — entities that have only the mathematical features that physics equations describe, features that often have no names of their own other than the names of the mathematical objects that are supposed to represent them, like the “quantum state vector” and the “metric tensor” of general relativity. The world has to be that way since these are the kinds of features that physics can rule.

But this is a strange world, nothing like the one we live and move about in. It is a world devoid of all the colour, texture and emotion, all the unending variation and richness of the world we see when we open our eyes and that we have to negotiate our way through to live our daily lives."

Just another reminder that science in general is not the "queen of all that happens" let alone physics. Science has become the new religion and it is woefully inadequate to answer all the questions.
The basic premise of this article is seriously flawed.

I have never heard any physicist claim that physics is the queen of "ALL that happens".

I maintain it is the queen of the physical sciences, but that is totally different than saying it explains everything.

Physics is physics????!? Brilliant, dude. When did you figure THAT out?
Just another reminder that science in general is not the "queen of all that happens" let alone physics. Science has become the new religion and it is woefully inadequate to answer all the questions.

Science is not a religion. It is a set of falsifiable theories. It is not 'answers'.
I have to wonder if you have a Word file of all these lame talking points that you copy/paste from. I've seen you say this exact same thing, word for word, several times now.
Because you say the same thing over and over.

I don't use Windows. I do not copy and paste, like you do.
What do you know about science? I'm curious. You don't seem to have much in the way of education so it would be interesting to know what your association is with the sciences.

Since you automatically discard anything I post, you'll just have to wait until I state it again for someone else.

Science is not an 'education', degree, license, certification, government sanction, university, research, grant, study, book, website, magazine, journal, or pamphlet. It has no voting bloc, no religion, no politics.
You have already discarded the laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.
Since you automatically discard anything I post, you'll just have to wait until I state it again for someone else.

Got it. You have no scientific background whatsoever.

You have already discarded the laws of thermodynamics and the Stefan-Boltzmann law.

You are wrong. Of course. And you cannot prove your claim here so let's just dispense with your lying. Thanks.